Why Email Was Invented

Crazy dogs!

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I totally disagree. The music is awesome.

As I watched this, I found myself thinking, "Yeah, it's a good thing for these people use email now so that their dogs can't do that."


>> ^messenger:
It's hilarious, but the music was so wrong, not wrong like a kazoo at a funeral, just wrong.


>> ^messenger:
It's hilarious, but the music was so wrong, not wrong like a kazoo at a funeral, just wrong.

I totally agree.

moreover, that's probably the reason because it's blocked in some countries (???).


What the hell? Who in this day and age doesn't have a frickin mailbox??? A slot in the door? What is this? 1896?

Also, I would have those fucking untrained, obnoxious, hideous beasts euthanized. >:[


>> ^pipp3355:
There's a really simple solution to that - just screw a box on front of the letter box with a nice little dog/cat proof door and lock on it.

lock, huh? my cat is pretty swift, but i don't think lockpicking is high on her list of skill sets.


I haven't owned hunting dogs (retriever, pointer, or flush dog) before, but I have had friends that did. They trained their retrievers not to chew up pheasants by putting feathers around some chicken wire rolled into a tube.

Dog bites down hard, gets wire in the gums = dog learns to retrieve such things with a very gentle grip. Maybe these folks need to slip some chicken wire into an envelope and mail it to themselves.

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