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Quick and Simple Life Hacks in the Kitchen

handmethekeysyou says...

Wish I had heard #1 last week! I forgot the corkscrew on a picnic. Never occurred to me that I could have opened our pinot with the power drill, screws, and hammer I packed next to the sandwiches.

Gyroscopic self-leveling pool table on A cruise ship - WOW!

The Bourne Legacy trailer

handmethekeysyou says...

Writer : Ok, I finished the last revisions on the 4th Bourne movie. Took 8 months, but I think it came out great.

Producer : Damon won't sign on. Take Bourne out. Get me a draft next Tuesday.

Writer : ...

Fox News Guest Accidentally Describes Fox News

The most expensive car wash in the world?

Cat doesnt need you to tell it how to drink

Space Cat away!!!

handmethekeysyou says...

This was actually done with a luma key, not a chroma key.

Luma key removes anything above (or, rarely, below) a certain brightness. Chroma key removes a color range.

The interference in the white on the cat + presence of shadows on the floor + lack of color splash around the edges are give aways.

Siri, Where can I hide a dead body?

QI - The Chinese, the Teacup and Glass

The Share Experiment - To share or not to share?

handmethekeysyou says...

We just need more sandwiches for the rich kid. Then there would be many dishes to wash, and thus the crusts could trickle down to the other kid.>> ^Peroxide:

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
The kid with the richer parents should get the sandwich. The lazy one should get no entitlements. After the better child finishes, the crumbs should be given as (tax deductible) charity to the lesser child. Anything less would be socialism.

You forgot that the lazy child without the sandwich should politely ask if he/she can do the dishes and in return receive a crust from the sandwich. However, the dishes have already been done by the other hungry kids and the crust is gone. Too bad there just aren't enough dishes to do for everyone! Oh well.

In Soviet Russia Concert Drives To You

Jimmy Carr's Most Offensive Joke

handmethekeysyou says...

If so, they've spent millions on VFX getting the parallax right.

Though it does seem odd that they can afford guests like that but no Steadicams.>> ^deathcow:

Do they sell a camera mount with "optimal person wobble" , or perhaps in the editing room the wobble is applied as a mutating frame crop.

Firefly on-set shenanigans

Jone Samuelsen scores amazing 60-yard header goal

handmethekeysyou says...

Tender was jogging back to his goal. Gotta sprint bud.

That said, he starts back to his net @ :13 and the ball crosses the line @ :26. Not sure about this particular pitch, but estimate 100m length. Would need to be very fast indeed to make it back in time since he was right up at the opposing goal.

TED: What We Learned From 5 Million Books

handmethekeysyou says...

And 10 years ago someone would have told you that it would be a useless endeavor to seek a way of detecting geographical censorship without direct, in depth knowledge of the authors & geo-political/cultural climates.

Don't hate this for what it can't do today. Embrace it for what it can do now that we couldn't imagine possible yesterday.>> ^gorillaman:

>> ^HenningKO:
>> ^criticalthud:
i'm guessing that you can't query the core concepts of books (?)- so often the really important stuff.
as in, how do you get to the ideas, not just the words that convey them?

You choose the words very carefully and do multiple searches!

This is both exactly correct and totally useless. You would have to choose the words so carefully and do so many searches that at that point you might as well be reading all five million books.

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