The Retroencabulator - Rockwell Automations - Buy Stock NOW!


"... the lineup consisted simple of 6 hydrocoptic marzalvanes..." awesome.

(as a personal aside, I'm a researcher, and I've been to many a seminar where I thought for sure the presenter was at times doing exactly this.)


What do you mean it's a gag? I just paid $4,000 for one of these on Ebay! The guy that I bought it from promised to ship it right away! Airmail from Nigeria cost me an extra $500, but he told me that it would be totally worth it.


Semiapies, choose to believe.

Logarithmic makes the cases. It's a company name. It's like describing a "plastic Samsonite suitcase", he is referring to a "malleable Logarithmic case". We spec Logarithmic's malleable cases all the time for HS bearing containment apps.


wow, saw this my first week or so taking part in the sift-and then on grouper by accident a second ago-was trying to find it on videosift, but couldn't remember any of the words in the title!


I've been having trouble lately trying to encabulate my semipermeable resistors in the solid-state hexagonal compartmentalizers. Will the retroencabulator fix this issue, or will I need a stronger encabulatory conductive stabilizing radiometer?


My 200,000 melanin-pigmented dopaminergic neurons in the rostral and caudal nucleus linearis of the ventral tegmental area, caudal to the pons Varolii tissue at the base of the mesencephalon just told me that if I buy one of these they will get me high.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'innovation, change the world, wtf' to 'innovation, change the world, wtf, retro encabulator' - edited by newtboy

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