Jack Nicholson Interrupts Jennifer Lawrence Interview


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I'm glad she sees the ridiculous side of it all. She reacts to Jack like we all would - just gobsmacked at seeing a famous person. This stage of her career is going to be very interesting for her - she's won the top acting award while still so young, goofy quirky and honest and just herself, so she's going to be very aware of how her life is going to change. Somehow I don't think she's the type to let it all go to her head and spoil her.


I don't think she deserved it. any young 20 year old can flip out emotionally. It's not necessarily great"acting. Lets hope she does more movies.


I'm glad she sees the ridiculous side of it all. She reacts to Jack like we all would - just gobsmacked at seeing a famous person. This stage of her career is going to be very interesting for her - she's won the top acting award while still so young, goofy quirky and honest and just herself, so she's going to be very aware of how her life is going to change. Somehow I don't think she's the type to let it all go to her head and spoil her.


She's 22 years old. I'm guessing she's a lot more choices to make before she gets "spoiled" or loses herself in the adoration. I'll be watching how closely, for example, she holds fast to her beliefs and convictions, as suggested by her selection of projects (such as Winters Bone and Silver Linings, which both dealt pretty directly with mental illness).


I'm glad she sees the ridiculous side of it all. She reacts to Jack like we all would - just gobsmacked at seeing a famous person. This stage of her career is going to be very interesting for her - she's won the top acting award while still so young, goofy quirky and honest and just herself, so she's going to be very aware of how her life is going to change. Somehow I don't think she's the type to let it all go to her head and spoil her.


I hope people don't do that because that's a lot of pressure to put a young actor under. What if she wants to do something light 'n' fluffy or a superhero movie or something? The outcry! She's under no obligation to maintain any kind of standard or ideology or hold true to anything. In any case, I still think it's unlikely that she'll go off the rails and lose herself. She seems so grounded.


I'll be watching how closely, for example, she holds fast to her beliefs and convictions


How did I imply I know her personally, exactly? I said she seems grounded. No, I don't know her, but I have watched plenty of interviews with her and seen three films that she's in, and she seems grounded.


>implying you know her personally

yeah shes cute. yeah she seems genuine. She a young actress of course. she going to flip out seeing Jack Nicholson. who wouldn't.


I support TCs statement mostly because in his statement he almost made it clear that she is completely independent and has good taste. Winters Bone was a fantastic film, it should have been more revered, she absolutely nailed it without fucking Hollywood's sick adoration. PS. I love you Jack.


She's 22 years old. I'm guessing she's a lot more choices to make before she gets "spoiled" or loses herself in the adoration. I'll be watching how closely, for example, she holds fast to her beliefs and convictions, as suggested by her selection of projects (such as Winters Bone and Silver Linings, which both dealt pretty directly with mental illness).


Thanks @shagen454... Y'know, watching this again, it seems a lot less like "creeper Nicholson" chasing a piece-a-tail, and a lot more like Jack was genuinely "helping" a young, visibly overwhelmed young (sic) woman, by injecting a bit of levity and realness into the situation. Jack's been at this a long time. He knows his face -- his very visage -- is enough to elicit powerful reactions in people... By turning on the charm in this moment, not only did he make himself memorable to Jennifer (and now to many of her fans), but maybe even did some good will.

Not that any of this was conscious, by any means... He's still a creeper, but at least he seems to know it.


She's got a real Rita Hayworth vibe goin' on...last fresh face to burn up Hollywood like her was maybe Kim Bassinger??


Ms. Lawrence actually DOES look quite similar to Amber Smith, a lady Jack dated in the early 90's.


You clearly have trouble with reading comprehension... or reading to the end of my comment where I negated the whole thing...


That's just stupid. "I'm going to use my 'visage' to provide this young lady with good memories". Yeah, that's what it was...

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