"... I like to think of myself as a virtuous troll."

YouTube: The controversial senior editor of Brietbart News and author of the upcoming book, "Dangerous," joins Bill Maher to discuss free speech and his reputation as an internet troll.

i see a ton of my right leaning friends post milo..milo...milo..
as if he is some bastion of brilliant conservative thinking.

the man is a professional troll.
his ability to make those on the extreme left absolutely LOSE their shit is practically an artform.

milo is smart,very smart and when he argues free speech,and the philosophical inconsistencies that bubble up from the ultra left,he is brilliant.you have to give him that,but at the end of the day...

milo is simply an entertainer,and to give him any higher of a status other than entertainer is simply being dishonest.

he pokes the hornets nest,and does so with flair,wit and an almost scalpel like accuracy.

but he is by no means an intellectual powerhouse.

and the fact that so many of my friends kneel at the altar of milo is a tad disconcerting.


Man, fuck Maher after that. Calling trans women using the bathroom "weirdos peeing", backing Milo's attack and misgendering of that trans student, and Maher lavishing in the praise of his hatred of Islam from a white nationalist troll.

Maher just planted a massive flag in the "smarmy bigot of the left"ground.

Wilmore was great, at least.


I refuse to give a professional troll the gift of my ear or time. He's repeatedly stated that the world needs more hate, and he is here to give it to us and profit from it. Why would anyone give this kind of disgusting bottom feeder the honor of their attention, he absolutely does not deserve it. I just hit fast forward and skipped the interview.
Fuck this professional provocateur, he's a waste of skin.


I thought it was great, now I know what Milo is like in real life. It's fascinating to see. Like Coulter, about 5 second reactionary barbs is all that Milo has... and that works brilliantly for news shows and twitter where nothing more is expected. Get them on a show where they can talk unscripted like real people for more than 20 seconds however, and you realize there's nothing else there. I'm glad Realtime exists, because it's one of the only shows where that can happen.


I cant find any substance in any of Milo. Capable troll, but the confrontation is not an argument, just an exchange of insults.

I find him so unpleasant to watch and listen to, that it makes him fascinating somehow. He is Bruno in a way, a contorted persona meant to catch peoples attention.


MILO Confronts the Panel on Overtime [NSFW] Larry Wilcox for the WIN!


If winning requires debating any and every troll then I think I'll take a few losses thanks.

I disagree that laughter is some magical truth test, at least not in all cases, but if were then... has Trump ever made anybody laugh? I mean, apart from at that disabled journalist (wow. very truth) and the farce that is his presidency.


I have only seen clips of this Milo guy and I can't watch more than abou 30 seconds. He really needs to be ignored and not brought on anywhere.

I agree with Bill on many things, but I think that it was a mistake to bring him on the show, much less engage with him.


they're opposites communicating, finding common grounds, agreeing and disagreeing. communication is never bad; we communicate to understand each other better.


Unfortunately HP's answer to #3 is pretty weak.
"3. Transgender people are not “disproportionately involved” in sex crimes

At least not in the way Yiannopoulos claims. In fact, in the past 35 years, only one case of an alleged trans person attacking someone in a restroom has been reported anywhere in the entire world. "

So, the takeaway from this is that in 35 years there's been one recorded attack in a bathroom, but nothing on any other kind of sex crime. So I find this answer to be kind of dodgy.

That being said of course Milo's own statement is actually pretty vague when you think about it, by merely saying that trans people were "involved" in a disproportionate number of sex crimes, this says nothing about whether they were involved as perpetrators or victims. Milo knows that most of the people he's trolling of course will assume he means that they perpetrate crimes, say what you will, he knows his trolling.

Also, I did a brief search but couldn't find any actual statistics, which I was really hoping would be in the Huffpo article.


Uh dude, that's Larry WILMORE. Larry Wilcox was in CHiPs!

And just in case anyone buys his bullshit, Fuckopoulos is lying through his teeth.


In that video, Milo helpfully defines pedophilia, AND YOU STILL GOT IT WRONG. Stop lying, please.

Now to what he was actually talking about: criminal law has to have a stark, black and white line to define an age of consent. I don't see what's wrong with arguing that line is imperfect and some younger people are capable of giving it. I wouldn't go so far as saying that would justify breaking the law. But morally, there is no difference between screwing a minor a day before they turn 18 and the day after. In reality it might very well be completely legal in the next state over.

He is an idiot for even touching this third-rail topic and his jokes about the Father are tone-deaf but maybe that has to do with his British upbringing.


Oh hey, Milo defends pedophilia. Wonderful guy to have on your show. Worst bit starts at 2:30.


That's not how this works. Liberals and conservatives are supposed to be polar opposites. A liberal should never agree with a conservative on anything. The more divided and intolerant we are of differing opinions, the better this country will be. Freedom of speech means you have the freedom to share my political views or else you're just a Nazi scumbag.


they're opposites communicating, finding common grounds, agreeing and disagreeing. communication is never bad; we communicate to understand each other better.


I prefer listening to Milo's entertaining jibes compared to the tantrums and virtue signalling of the left. If you watch one Milo video, watch the full UMass presentation with Crowder and Hoff-Summers.

ps. Ignoring the right did wonders at the last election. ; )


Not in this case. Because Milo is a hysterical attention seeking whore, by communicating with him you only help him, but hurt yourself.

No harm in trying, but i would not.

If what your opponent in discussion lies and makes nonsensical statements and insults you, why bother?

We can agree about freedom of speech but that's about it.


they're opposites communicating, finding common grounds, agreeing and disagreeing. communication is never bad; we communicate to understand each other better.


What I heard was him saying the adult that had sex with him when he was a 14 year old boy did nothing wrong. Did I misunderstand him?


In that video, Milo helpfully defines pedophilia, AND YOU STILL GOT IT WRONG. Stop lying, please.


Still not understanding what a pedophile is. God, this is frustrating.

I'll even give you the timestamp in the video 4:04
I did miss the spot where he mentioned he was 14 years old, could you point that out?


What I heard was him saying the adult that had sex with him when he was a 14 year old boy did nothing wrong. Did I misunderstand him?


No. One listen was one too many of that insanity. I was just curious how he would defend it, but not enough to listen to him again, particularly with 4 wannabe mancow in the mornings talking over each other.

He defended it by saying he was sexually mature enough at 14 for sex with adults, and someone else said they weren't ready at 14 to be fucked hard in the ass by a 32 (I think, could be the wrong age, but not by much) transvestite, implying that is Milo's story.
If you're arguing semantics that people who like sex with children aren't pedophiles, the American lexicon disagrees.


Still not understanding what a pedophile is. God, this is frustrating.

I'll even give you the timestamp in the video 4:04
I did miss the spot where he mentioned he was 14 years old, could you point that out?


Most Americans literally can't use the word literally right to save their lives. That doesn't change the actual meaning of the word. Same with pedophilia. Males are biologically programmed to be attracted to girls who have reached puberty, it is not a psychological disorder to be aroused by a 14 yr old in a bikini. It is for a 10 year old. If that impulse is acted upon, one is an antisocial pervert, the other is mentally defective.


I've known many 14 year olds, male and female, that had not reached full puberty, I was one. Some had not even started it. I admit, he did say he thought the law had set the 'line' at the right place, but went on to say that many 14 year olds and even younger were fully prepared for sex with adults and at least implied that it would not be immoral to have sex with them, just illegal. He didn't say how one would determine which were ready and which weren't that I heard....I guess trial and error.

Language is alive, and the meanings of words change, like it or not. When the common usage is so common that the actual definition is almost never what's meant when using the word, it's time to amend the definition. That's different from one generation who misuses language constantly out of laziness in their thought processes...most educated people at least know what literally means, even if they accidentally misuse the word more and more often.
Common usage today of "pedophile" is not limited to pre-pubescent, it includes mid-pubescent...in fact Merriam Webster's primary definition uses the word "children" as does the medical definition lower on their page.
The top googled legal definition is listed as...
Pedophile Definition: A medical condition causing a sexual preference for young children. ... A person afflicted with a serious mental disorder, a mental abnormality known as pedophilia, a sexual perversion in which children are preferred as sexual partner.

I think any of those definitions would/should include many if not all 14 year olds in most people's minds.

...but I don't mean to say that you aren't technically correct, the best kind of correct. ;-)


Most Americans literally can't use the word literally right to save their lives. That doesn't change the actual meaning of the word. Same with pedophilia. Males are biologically programmed to be attracted to girls who have reached puberty, it is not a psychological disorder to be aroused by a 14 yr old in a bikini. It is for a 10 year old. If that impulse is acted upon, one is an antisocial pervert, the other is mentally defective.


How's this?
Milo fired/resigned from Breitbart for his pro-Pedophilia statements...specifically when he said it was not abuse when he had sex at 13 with adults, not for his defining the word. I don't believe for a second that this was his decision alone. If, as he claims, this is only about haters bringing him down, why did they wait, and why is he giving them what they want of his own accord? He's not, he was disgustingly wrong, he knows it, he apologized for the first time in his life because of HIS interpretation of his own words, and goes on to pretend it didn't happen and is just a witch hunt.

Bye Felicia

EDIT: Now disinvited from a conservative speaking engagement at CPAC....right wing censorship, they hate free speech and should have any funding they receive striped. ;-)


Still not understanding what a pedophile is. God, this is frustrating.

I'll even give you the timestamp in the video 4:04
I did miss the spot where he mentioned he was 14 years old, could you point that out?


So he's apologizing for 1 or 2 statements and saying the rest is all just misundertood/ out of context? A bit less than I was expecting. He was smart to remind us it isn't our place to tell him how to deal with his own abuse though. I thought the clip was much more "here's my views on the subject" than him trying to be funny and offensive, but I guess that's all subjective. Just like getting banned from Twitter, I expect this will only increase his reach in the future. And being technically correct is my main aim, so thank you.

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