Bill Burr Doesn't Believe The Steve Jobs Hype - CONAN

(youtube) Bill thinks the late Apple founder was a credit-stealing non-inventor.

He IS a modern Edison.

Edison was an asshole, he rounded up animals and publicly electrocuted them to show that the competing alternating current that Tesla was promoting was dangerous compared to direct-current that he was promoting. Among other douchy things he did.


It is all quite true (I watched this on the Team Coco Site, not region blocked there).

People are a bit too damn in awe of the man. He lead a company into creating pretty amazing products, he lead a company into using some highly fricken annoying and misleading but amazingly effective marketing.

He lead the company to do those things. He didn't make those things himself, but charting the company's success/failure/success while under his leadership, not under it, then under it again, shows how much of a HUGE impact he alone made.

So, yeah, as much as I don't much like iProducts, and I think that Jobs was a supreme dick to his co-workers, and seemed to never give to charity, like, ever.... he was pretty fucking good at his job.


*dark *comedy

Steve Jobs knew how to get the most out of people. He knew how to inspire people. He knew how to manage and utilize people for maximum benefit. He knew when to steal an idea and how to make it work. He was not an inventor; he was a cunning and ruthless business leader and people love and hate him for it.

Anyone who says Steve Jobs was "just" anything is a fool. You may hate what he did, but he was damn good at it.


What a shitty crowd. If thats the kinda waste of air that watches Conan I don't want to even bother with it. Worshipping fucking Steve Jobs. This is why when the Apple killing Chinese workers story came out, it was swept away faster than anything. You just know that Steve before he finally died was battering poor Chinese workers with iPads for fun, "Make it Heavier! I can't dent peoples skulls with this flimsy crap!"


>> ^xxovercastxx:

dark comedy
Steve Jobs knew how to get the most out of people. He knew how to inspire people. He knew how to manage and utilize people for maximum benefit. He knew when to steal an idea and how to make it work. He was not an inventor; he was a cunning and ruthless business leader and people love and hate him for it.
Anyone who says Steve Jobs was "just" anything is a fool. You may hate what he did, but he was damn good at it.

Yep he sure knew how to exploit Chinese Workers for big bucks! Good for him!


>> ^xxovercastxx:

dark comedy
Steve Jobs knew how to get the most out of people. He knew how to inspire people. He knew how to manage and utilize people for maximum benefit. He knew when to steal an idea and how to make it work. He was not an inventor; he was a cunning and ruthless business leader and people love and hate him for it.
Anyone who says Steve Jobs was "just" anything is a fool. You may hate what he did, but he was damn good at it.

What is that supposed to mean exactly? When I hear that he was really good at what he did I'm not sure just what it is that I'm supposed to be getting from that statement, am I supposed to respect him for that? Charles Manson was really good at getting other people to commit murder for him, should he get my respect too? After hearing more about Edison I think that it's a pretty good comparison, they both hired a lot of smart people to work for them and then they both took all the credit for themselves, although it's probably partially our own fault as well, as a society we do love putting people on pedestals.


Well, to be fair he was really exploiting the american consumer for big bucks. The chinese workers got paid the same if they were making iGadgets or xBoxes. It's the consumers that got raped.>> ^Yogi:

>> ^xxovercastxx:
dark comedy
Steve Jobs knew how to get the most out of people. He knew how to inspire people. He knew how to manage and utilize people for maximum benefit. He knew when to steal an idea and how to make it work. He was not an inventor; he was a cunning and ruthless business leader and people love and hate him for it.
Anyone who says Steve Jobs was "just" anything is a fool. You may hate what he did, but he was damn good at it.

Yep he sure knew how to exploit Chinese Workers for big bucks! Good for him!


>> ^messenger:

Jobs was a businessman and a marketer. He wasn't all that good with computers, relatively. Steve Wozniak was the scientific genius, but had no interest in business or the limelight.

He's also scientifically obese. I love nerds but for the sake of your health take a walk or something.


Would you like some milk with your oatmeal?
>> ^LiquidDrift:

He IS a modern Edison.
Edison was an asshole, he rounded up animals and publicly electrocuted them to show that the competing alternating current that Tesla was promoting was dangerous compared to direct-current that he was promoting. Among other douchy things he did.


the quality of your product and the marketing and hype that goes with it are two very different things.

people WANT to believe steve jobs was a genius. Apple profited by people thinking jobs was a genius. and this profit advanced the interests of the company. Jobs' image served an important purpose.


yes, everthing is a collaboration. everything is a remix
and capitalism still favors the asshole.


>> ^nach0s:

I listen to Bill's podcast, and I know he has at least one iMac. I think he has an iPhone too. I like that he tries to embrace it, but can't help but be cynical at the same time.

I hope that you're not trying to listen to it on Apple's new Podcasts app for iOS 6, because it's a complete nightmare.


>> ^00Scud00:

>> ^xxovercastxx:
dark comedy
Steve Jobs knew how to get the most out of people. He knew how to inspire people. He knew how to manage and utilize people for maximum benefit. He knew when to steal an idea and how to make it work. He was not an inventor; he was a cunning and ruthless business leader and people love and hate him for it.
Anyone who says Steve Jobs was "just" anything is a fool. You may hate what he did, but he was damn good at it.

What is that supposed to mean exactly? When I hear that he was really good at what he did I'm not sure just what it is that I'm supposed to be getting from that statement, am I supposed to respect him for that? Charles Manson was really good at getting other people to commit murder for him, should he get my respect too? After hearing more about Edison I think that it's a pretty good comparison, they both hired a lot of smart people to work for them and then they both took all the credit for themselves, although it's probably partially our own fault as well, as a society we do love putting people on pedestals.

My only point is that all the arguments that amount to him being in the right place at the right time, as if he had nothing to do with his or Apple's success and just stumbled into a pile of talent and went along for the ride, are nonsense.

Watch something like Triumph of the Nerds and you'll see those supposedly exploited Apple employees praising him for bringing out their best. Was he a pompous gasbag? Yes. Did he have a way of inspiring and driving people to new heights? You bet your fucking ass, he did.

You don't have to respect him but to pretend that being a leader like Jobs isn't a skill... well, if it's not, why aren't you surrounded by geniuses who make you rich?


I think it may be partial nonsense, luck always plays a role in everything, that said I do believe he was a skilled leader and a shrewd businessman, but some people act as if Christ just died again.
It's funny how someone could be an abject failure and also be a pompous gasbag and at the end people will remember you as a pompous gasbag, but if you're successful it's as if people will forget all the gasbaggery and you just become someone who was successful. For me, personally, I don't care if they made dollar or a bajillion dollars during their lives, at the end they were still a pompous gasbag.

>> ^xxovercastxx:

>> ^00Scud00:
What is that supposed to mean exactly? When I hear that he was really good at what he did I'm not sure just what it is that I'm supposed to be getting from that statement, am I supposed to respect him for that? Charles Manson was really good at getting other people to commit murder for him, should he get my respect too? After hearing more about Edison I think that it's a pretty good comparison, they both hired a lot of smart people to work for them and then they both took all the credit for themselves, although it's probably partially our own fault as well, as a society we do love putting people on pedestals.

My only point is that all the arguments that amount to him being in the right place at the right time, as if he had nothing to do with his or Apple's success and just stumbled into a pile of talent and went along for the ride, are nonsense.
Watch something like Triumph of the Nerds and you'll see those supposedly exploited Apple employees praising him for bringing out their best. Was he a pompous gasbag? Yes. Did he have a way of inspiring and driving people to new heights? You bet your fucking ass, he did.
You don't have to respect him but to pretend that being a leader like Jobs isn't a skill... well, if it's not, why aren't you surrounded by geniuses who make you rich?

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