A Flood collapses road in a few minutes


Seeing the initial suction that underway was generating, it's easy to understand why so many people drown in floods. Over here in North Queensland, we have large stormwater run offs for cyclone season, and more than a few people who go "play" in the run off end up dead because they misjudge the force of water...

Cool to watch, but it would suck to be in it...


>> ^ant:
Was there a pipe underground that showed up at the end?

That was the tunnel area where normal drainage would occur. It jumped to the surface after the run off water unburied it. It was either clogged or couldn't keep up with the amount of water needed to go from one side to the other. Once the water level came up to the top of that, it was only a mater of time before that road was undermine.



Some people have no clue how to record a road getting destroyed. It's like he's never done it before. Amateur!

I wouldn't call this a "flood." I'd call it a clogged drain pipe.


>> ^UmberGryphon:
>> ^jwray:
Epic fail for the engineers who designed this road.

There was a tree stuck in the culvert. They designed it to handle many things, but uprooted freaking trees didn't make their list.

So... they failed to plan ahead? Whenever you see a plugged drainage system, what is stuck in it, cows?


Judging from the amount of water building up to the right of the road and how much was still left after the road started to collapse, I wonder if the culvert was just damaged to begin with. It looked like it was partially bent closed when it rose out of the ditch, although that might have been damage because of the "dam" of dead wood that was seen at the beginning of the footage.

Wonder how much money that would take to fix?


The lack of voice over during the video is greatly appreciated. It really helps put things in perspective just watching Mother Nature do as she pleases as if mankind never existed.

Before the vid started I was expecting to be distracted with audible discussion and approaching cars nearly crashing into the asphalt crevasse.

Very nice.


>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
>> ^ant:
Was there a pipe underground that showed up at the end?

That was the tunnel area where normal drainage would occur. It jumped to the surface after the run off water unburied it. It was either clogged or couldn't keep up with the amount of water needed to go from one side to the other. Once the water level came up to the top of that, it was only a mater of time before that road was undermine.

>> ^jwray:
Epic fail for the engineers who designed this road.

Or the drainage pipe.

I like how the pipe that was supposed to drain away the water crept up towards the end like an angry metal monster. *engineering failure!

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