The Sifties (Revisited)

RottenSeed's idea of an end of year award ceremony is great. What categories should we use? We can do the top 3 for 2007 in these basic categories, but we'd like suggestions for more:

Video Related
Most Popular Videos
Most Commented Threads
Most Viewed Videos

Member Related
Most Votes Received
Most Votes Given
Quickest Gold Star
Most Comments Made
Most Profile Views

We could do the low end as well - though I think we should discuss this

Highest number of post down votes made (ahem. any guesses?)
Highest number of comment down votes made
Highest number of post down votes received
Highest number of comment down votes made

What else?
swampgirl says...

Most likely to overcome top sifter in 2008
Most Popular Sifter
Most Unpopular Sifter
Best Mixed Drink Recipe
Sifter with most Ant downvotes
Sifter with most Siftbot rejections
Most Educational Sift
Most Controversial Sift
Sift most influenced in Popularity by being Sifted (STOP ME)

Best Hound Avatar

kronosposeidon says...

I'm against the "most votes given" category, because anyone could go through the entire Sift catalog and vote like a madman (or madwoman). Don't think that someone wouldn't do that either. I'm also against highest or lowest comment up vote and down vote categories, because comment voting is done anonymously and I think a lot of people would like it to remain that way.

The other categories that you mentioned are good, dag. I also like Joedirt's:

- Weirdest Video
- Most controversial video (also mentioned by Swampgirl)

Swampgirl has a good one:

- Most educational

Dotdude is onto something with:

- Best Sift Talk post

Here are a few more ideas:

- Best video (kind of like 'Best Movie', i.e., not based on votes but quality)
- Funniest video
- Highest rated comment (most votes)
- Best comment (quality)
- Best commenter
- Funniest commenter
- Most eclectic sifter (one who's posted the greatest variety of videos)

I realize that some of these may be hard to do, but I throw them out there any way for the plebiscite to approve or reject.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

A lot of these suggestions are subjective- and would require us to set up a panel or separate voting system- sadly we have not done that. We may have to stick to things we can measure objectively.

Or I suppose we could have a thread for the subjective ones- and people could nominate and vote via comments.

8383 says...

because comment voting is done anonymously

Hover your mouse pointer over the comment vote arrows to see who cast up and down votes KP.

It's all very good having award ceremonies. But what are the prizes?

kronosposeidon says...

Well how about this, just to keep democracy alive and well:

I wasn't here last year when you all voted for the top hundred videos of 2006, but I have seen *nominate in the comments sections of sifts from that year. So how about we use these invocations in the comments sections of the videos we'd like to nominate, only valid for a pre-determined period of time for the voting period, like say from January 1st through the 8th. Give every member 15 choices per category, and then award stars to the top three in each category. BTW, you could also use the *best video vote to decide the top hundred videos of 2007 too:

*best - Best video of the year (can also be used in the comments section of the best Sift Talk post that you'd like to nominate)
*funniest - Funniest video of the year
*weirdest - Weirdest video of the year
*controversial - Most controversial video of the year
*educational - Most educational video of the year
*music - Best music video of the year

And let the remaining categories be decided by stats. I propose they be:

Most upvoted video
Most viewed video
Most upvoted comment
Most upvoted member, i.e., votes received
Most downvoted member
Most upvoted commenter
Most downvoted commenter
Most comments made
Most profile views
Most saves
Most promotes
Most embed fixes (and not just the ones you got a star for, but ALL of them)
Quickest gold star

A) Do these seem feasible, and
B) Do these seem like good categories, both for stats and for voting?

joedirt says...

ZOMG! Let's not have a million nomination invocations. If you are crazy enough to go down that road, it should be *nominate_best *nominate_funny

But I'm really against that craziness.

I agree with stats based instead of too many yearbook type categories. Most likely to be a successful video. blah blah.

But I do like best furry video.

I do have one suggestion that might get silly, but good idea for future exspansion. If you consider each channel to be a micro-community or would be upon further site growth... Each *nominate could register within one channel. And the top 5 vote getters or top one would get a Sifty for that channel, like Best campaign video comes from election08 video pool. Of course, multiple categories destroys this concept. Too bad we don't have a primary category attribute.

eric3579 says...

Video with the most votes
Video with the most comments
Video everyone took a look at(vid with the most views)
sifter with Most vote received (unfair to non charter)
sifter with Most vote per video.
sifter most likely to throw in there two cents(total comments).
sifter with the most total comment upvotes

smibbo says...

and building upon dotdude's comment - as to member related awards, you could just post the top 15 members list and be done with that.

Unless the awards are subjective/votable I don't see much point in member related awards. Although I suppose the top 15 members would like some kind of prize. *shrug*

drattus says...

For most downvoted I think this might be the winner at 28 up and 33 down, at least as far as I can remember. First posted over a year and a half ago and finally died a gruesome and deserved death just over two months ago.

drattus says...

Time of post/time of death, wasn't sure which we wanted to go with. Though in hindsight I see you kicked the body again so maybe we'd better go with first post. This could go on a while otherwise

atm it's at 28 up and 34 down, picked up another downvote.

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