Melbourne Siftup Nov 2011 Wrap-up

The inaugural Melbourne Videosift Siftup wrap up report

It was a balmy spring day in Melbourne, with blue skies and warm air when @dag and @persephone rolled up to Meyer's Place only to find it wasn't quite open yet. On my arrival a couple of minutes later we moved to the very close by Lane's Edge bar for a drinks and to watch for others who may also stare blankly at the not yet open Meyer's Place.

One such (actually the only) was @oritteropo, and assuming that was our lot for the initial portion of our outing, we adjourned to the always lovely beer garden within Lane's Edge, with the blue skies above.

After some nice snacks, much talking, and a beverage or two more consumed we decided, since the day was still young, to show dag and persephone around the city in the most expedient possible way, which was by the free City Circle tram.

While circling the city we got word that @kymbos was now in town and proceeded to organise to meet up... original location was dashed after @kymbos was refused entry to the Carlton due to his, frankly obscene, footware. So we were directed to meet him at the Rooftop Bar on Swanston. Quite a few flights of steps later we arrived at a lovely locale for a balmy evening and consumed more beverages while even more conversation flowed.

Once it was decided that food should probably be consumed, we moved onto Gaylord Indian restaurant where oritteropo had to call it a night, but the rest of us enjoyed some great Indian food combined with live sitar music.

After that we ambled back to Flinders Street station and dag and persephone headed off to their hotel while kymbos and I braved the late night Melbourne trains to return home.

It was a great afternoon/evening and everyone was awesome. Dag and persephone are as warm and nice as you could possibly imagine, oritteropo knows far more than any one person should about what goes on at the sift... and kymbos was a great guide to bars and eateries.

Thanks to all who attended, was a great time.

Video of the night, please excuse the poor quality (cruddy camera), and bad camera work (cruddy cameraman).

Dag edit:Here's a picture from Gaylord's Indian:

And Persephone and Spoco2 on the Melbourne tram:

dag says...

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Things I learned about Melbourne:
-- if you're an American don't pull the bell on the tram. But if you do - say g'day and exit immediately.
-- the best pubs are on the roof up six floors of stairs - and no fair taking the lift
-- best place for the Pulp Fiction soundtrack played on sitar.
-- smartest, nicest most fun people South of the equator - and equal to the North ;-)

spoco2 says...

He was a particularly angry tram driver. So nice of him to be on a tourist tram so that he got to interact with the maximum number of visitors to our fair city.

alien_concept says...

I love this! So amazing when you see the sifters you really enjoy and I can quite safely say that all three of you are respected in my eyes. I am soooo jealous, I would have loved to have been there. You and your wife are great dag, I'm sure it'd be wonderful to meet you. No chance of getting over to the UK I'm sure, which is sad!

dag says...

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We just flew back from Melbourne and now I've caught my breath. What a great trip and Sift Up it was. Melbourne is a gorgeous city - the trams, old architecture lots of amazing things to see - and the caliber of its citizens, (at least the Sifters) is second to none.

@spoco2 - I've added a couple of pictures to your post. Gaylord's was fantastic - I wish I hadn't filled up on pints of beer beforehand. We've got to do it again at least once a year, maybe we need to fly in some overseas Sifters too.

dag says...

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Also made the video embed. The video is better than I would have done Spoco - especially in the low light. And a great music choice. Next year we fly in @youdiejoe for the full Hollywood treatment. Maybe I'll look less like John Belushi's fat brother.

spoco2 says...

>> ^Issykitty:

Obscene footwear??? What what what? PICTURES PLEASE.

Oh, and this will remain an unexplained mystery... only to be known by those there on the night, and never to be spoken of... except maybe on deathbeds.

kymbos says...

It was great fun - thanks for organising, spoco and wonderful meeting everyone in person.

But seriously, people can be so judgemental of a man in stilettos, even in 2011. Sigh.

spoco2 says...

Thanks @dag for the additions and fixes to the post. It was a great night, and it would be awesome to do it again. I'm sure with Videosift's vast profits you could fly in all top sifters for a yearly sift up... I mean you're rolling in it aren't you? Isn't that what you said?

dag says...

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Absolutely, as soon as my application with the IMF to float "The Powerpoint" as a currency on the open exchange gets approved, we'll have lots of money for those kinds of things. Assuming $1 = 1PP. I can make millions of PP. That's how currency works, right? >> ^spoco2:

Thanks @dag for the additions and fixes to the post. It was a great night, and it would be awesome to do it again. I'm sure with Videosift's vast profits you could fly in all top sifters for a yearly sift up... I mean you're rolling in it aren't you? Isn't that what you said?

lucky760 says...

That looks like it was a wonderful time. Thanks for all the details and enjoyable photos/video. The virtual experience is just short of being there, I'm sure.

It seems three new Level 1 Meatspace badges have been earned and @dag's up to a whopping Level 3.

Have you earned a Meatspace badge yet? Get working on it!

spoco2 says...

>> ^kymbos:

It was great fun - thanks for organising, spoco and wonderful meeting everyone in person.
But seriously, people can be so judgemental of a man in stilettos, even in 2011. Sigh.

It wasn't the stilettos I took offence to, it was the combination of flesh coloured stockings and open toed shoes that got to me... That is just a fashion no go sir... no go. Although I'll give you points for the diamantes, they were fabulous.

oritteropo says...

I didn't think so, I thought it just looked like you were talking. I think I'll keep my day-job and not become the official sift photographer then >> ^dag:

Wow, in that second one - I look like a belligerent drunk. Drunk sure, but belligerent? That's not how I remember it.
>> ^oritteropo:
I was far too slow! My two blurry photos are here, and I'm afraid they add little:

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