Channel Roll Call

Over the years that Videosift has grown up on the web it's gone from a handful of channels to (correct me if I miss counted) 65 channels. Now if you've frequented this site every waking moment of your life for the past 2+ years you realize that some sifters who were once rabid participants are now long gone.

I think it's time to call out the channel owners to see who is here and who has retired the uniform. Below is a list of current channels (in no order whatsoever), channel owners please weigh in so we know who's here.

*1sttube: Grimm, active
*cooking: djsunkid, active
*happy: Issykitty, active
-music: Open
-sports: michie, MIA
*80s: dag, active
*cult: therealblankman, active
-hiphop: benjee, MIA
-mystery: grspec, MIA
*stand up: winkler1, active
-actionpack: wildmanbill, MIA
-cute: Open
-history: rickegee, MIA
*nature: Arvana, active
*terrible: sometimes, active
*animation: thesnipe, active
*dark: dystopianfututretoday, active
-horror show: pyrex, MIA
*obscure: Farhad2000, active
*travel: silvercord, active
*art: plastiquemonkey, active
*documentaries: Fedquip, active
-howto: maudlin, MIA
*parody: dotdude, active
*videogames: Oatmeal, active
*asia: Lucky760, active
*downunder: maatc, active
-humanitarian: bl968, MIA
-philosophy: bluecliff, MIA
*vintage: swampgirl, active
*books: kronosposeidon, active
-eia: karaidl, MIA
-islam: Gwann, MIA
-politics: Open
-viral: Open
*bravo: Deano, active
*election 08: joedirt, active
*jazz: choggie, active
-religion: LadyBug, MIA
-war on terror: raven, MIA
*british: Zifnab, active
*engineering: oxdottir, active
*kids: James Roe, active
-rocknroll: MLX, ?
-wild west show: Open
*canada: Calvados, active
*fear: blankfist, active
*latenight: eric3579, active
*science: rembar, active
*woo hoo: Krupo, active
*catsanddogs: youdiejoe, active
-femme: intangiblemeg, MIA
*lies: Fjnbk, active
*sci-fi: Firefly, active
*world affairs: histnerd, active
-cinema: pigeon, ?
-gay: Open
*livemusic: deathcow, active
*sexuality: persephone, active
-wtf: Spiff, ?
-comedy: Open
*geek: gorgonheap, active
*meme: MarineGunrock, active
*shortfilms: Sarzy, active
-commercial: Looris, MIA
*grindhouse: dw117, active
-military: darksun, MIA
*spacey: lunkwill, active

gorgonheap says...

>> ^kronosposeidon:
Books here. There better be some finger sandwiches for showing up this time.

You can take that grossly misjudged sense of entitlement and shove it up your privileged... I mean, no we don't have finger sandwiches. But here's a pat on the back.

gorgonheap says...

>> ^arvana:
Nature channel is here.  I'm not really sure if this roll call is going to be useful though unless there is admin buy-in on cleaning up the unattended channels...

Fact: if you question me again I will severely punish you.
Actually I'm doing this more in hopes that an admin will reassign channels that have been abandon. we may not all be as vigilant as rembar with his science channel but I think that each channel needs someone to actively watch over it.

kronosposeidon says...

Here, let me help you with this. Some of these channels are managed, but for whatever reason their overlords are too busy to respond*. The ones I've marked "active": I've seen them around here recently, either posting videos, or commenting, or voting, or all of the above. The ones I marked "AWOL": I've seen neither hide nor hair of them in ages. The ones I marked "?": Unsure.

If I marked any of you "AWOL" and I'm wrong, now is the time to open your piehole. Same goes for those I marked "?"

*They probably also don't like you. Around the water cooler I hear some of them call you "gorgoncreep". Better you hear this from me than through the grapevine.

-1sttube: Grimm, active
-cooking: djsunkid, active
*happy: Issykitty, active
-music: doesn't have an overlord
-sports: michie, AWOL
-80s: dag, active
-cult: therealblankman, active
-hiphop: benjee, AWOL
-mystery: grspec, AWOL
-standup: winkler1, ?
-actionpack: wildmanBill, AWOL
-cute: doesn't have an overlord
-history: rickegee, ?
*nature: Arvana, active
-terrible: sometimes, active
-animation: thesnipe, ?
-dark: dystopianfuturetoday, active
-horror show: pyrex, AWOL
-obscure: Farhad2000, active
-travel: silvercord, ?
-art: plastiquemonkey, AWOL
-documentaries: Fedquip, active
-howto: maudlin, AWOL
*parody: dotdude, active
-videogames: Oatmeal, active
-asia: lucky760, active
-downunder: maatc, active
-humanitarian: bl968, AWOL
-philosophy: bluecliff, AWOL
*vintage: swampgirl, active
*books: kronosposeidon, active
-eia: karaidl, AWOL
-islam: gwaan, AWOL
-politics: doesn't have an overlord
-viral: doesn't have an overlord
-bravo: Deano, AWOL
-election08; joedirt, active
-jazz: choggie, active
-religion: LadyBug, AWOL
-waronterror: raven, AWOL
-british: Zifnab, active
-engineering: oxdottir, active
-kids: James Roe, active
-rocknroll: mlx, ?
-wildwestshow: doesn't have an overlord
-canada: calvados, active
-fear: blankfist, active
-latenight: eric3579, active
-science: rembar, active
-woohoo: Krupo, active
-catsanddogs: youdiejoe, active
-femme: intangiblemeg, ?
*lies: Fjnbk, active
*scifi: Firefly, active
-worldaffairs: histnerd, ?
-cinema: pigeon, ?
-gay: doesn't have an overlord
-livemusic: deathcow, active
-sexuality: persephone, ?
-wtf: Spiff, active
-comedy: doesn't have an overlord
*geek: gorgonheap, active
-meme: MarineGunrock, active
-shortfilms: Sarzy, active
-commercial: looris, ?
-grindhouse: dw1117, active
-military: darksun, AWOL
-spacy: lunkwill, active

kronosposeidon says...

Back to business:

If any channel has no owner or has been abandoned, then I think they should be put up for bid, with all gold stars and above being eligible. If more than one person bids on a channel, it should go to the member with the most stars.

As a matter of courtesy, I think every abandoned channel's owner should be contacted and formally asked if they wish to surrender their channels, but if no response is received in one week then it goes on the auction block. The same goes for those I marked with "?".

gorgonheap says...

I can't believe you foiled my long and tedious process of getting thumbs up from channel owners. I'd physically hurt you if you hadn't got that restraining order against me. 500 feet was a bit excessive.

swampgirl says...

Snipe is active.

Pmonkey voted on a sift of mine recently. She's a busy baby mommy

mlx said a while back she would be scarce.

Persephone recently did a siftography of someone (and she's Mrs. Dag so...)

gorgonheap says...

So far 22 out of 65 channel owners are MIA or questionable as to their activity. 7 channels have no owners. Now the question is what, if anything, should we do with the unattended channels?

joedirt says...

How is happy different from cute, or meme different from viral? Or eia different from wtf. Or shortfilms and cinema. Or horrorshow and fear. Some of these are more like a playlist.

At some point we need master categories and sub-categories.

Such as main category=religion subcategory=islam (all *islam are automatically enrolled as religion)
Same for politics with subcategories worldaffairs and election08

gorgonheap says...

>> ^joedirt:
How is happy different from cute, or meme different from viral? Or eia different from wtf. Or shortfilms and cinema. Or horrorshow and fear. Some of these are more like a playlist.

At some point we need master categories and sub-categories.
Such as main category=religion subcategory=islam (all islam are automatically enrolled as religion)
Same for politics with subcategories worldaffairs and election08

You bring up a good point, I think there are far too many channels. And if anyones submitted a video as of late really your only using a couple of channel. And, no offense intended, but with shorfilms, grindhouse, cinema, and the like it just all seems very redundant.

I think there is enough freespace in regards to inactive channel owners and open channels that we could do some clean up work on all the channels on the site.

swampgirl says...

There is an issue of domain names. When I was managing Catsanddogs, I asked Dag and James if we could change the name to "Pets". It was explained to me then that the url associated with all the sifts in that channel was fixed. Maybe a redirect would be too much for all that content?

oxdottir says...

engineering is already marked as active, but I just found this post, and I am indeed here and active. I expected to be on the way to china, but my trip has been canceled because of the earthquake. I had submitted a blog post that said, don't expect any submissions from me for 2 weeks, but I forgot to hit the final confirmation. Then I got up in the morning and my trip was canceled, and I guess it was prophetic.

gwiz665 says...

What does channel ownership entail? Because I've got my grubby little eye on * religion, because I want to make a * reason channel at some point as well... would be a nice yin/yang thing.

dotdude says...

I looked at the FAQ and didn't see much about duties of a channel manager. Here are some possible suggested duties of a channel manager:

• Make sure videos belong on that channel
• Keep an eye on threads pertaining to that channel and make sure they are topic related
• Try to be supportive of videos assigned to that channel
• Encourage interaction among those sifters who frequent that channel

arvana says...

^ You can also redesign the look of your channel pages (if you're comfortable with CSS). And you get a box on your channel's sidebar that you can do whatever you want with.

About the domain name vs channel issue, it really shouldn't matter.  A mod rewrite can redirect all pages from an old subdomain to a new one, with no loss of pagerank.

joedirt says...

80s: dag, active
asia: Lucky760, active
bravo (italian): Deano, MIA
british: Zifnab, active
canada: Calvados, active
downunder: maatc, active
kids: James Roe, active
geek: gorgonheap, active

1sttube: Grimm, active
vintage: swampgirl, active
animation: thesnipe, active
--> woo hoo: Krupo, active
latenight: eric3579, active

commercial: Looris, MIA
viral: Open
--> meme: MarineGunrock, active

comedy: Open
--> stand up: winkler1, active
--> parody: dotdude, active

music: Open
--> hiphop: benjee, MIA
--> jazz: choggie, active
--> rocknroll: MLX, ?
--> livemusic: deathcow, active

cinema: pigeon, ?
--> shortfilms: Sarzy, active
--> grindhouse: dw117, active

actionpack: wildmanbill, MIA
dark: dystopianfututretoday, active
horror show: pyrex, MIA
mystery: grspec, MIA
wild west show: Open
scifi: Firefly, active

documentaries: Fedquip, active

sports: michie, MIA

videogames: Oatmeal, active

art: plastiquemonkey, active
books: kronosposeidon, active
science: rembar, active
engineering: oxdottir, active
nature: Arvana, active
catsanddogs: youdiejoe, active
cooking: djsunkid, active
history: rickegee, MIA
military: darksun, MIA
spacey: lunkwill, active
travel: silvercord, ?
howto: maudlin, MIA

politics: Open
--> election 08: joedirt, active
--> war on terror: raven, MIA
--> world affairs: histnerd, active

religion: LadyBug, MIA
--> cult: therealblankman, active
--> islam: Gwann, MIA

humanitarian: bl968, MIA
philosophy: bluecliff, MIA

sexuality: persephone, active
--> femme: intangiblemeg, MIA
--> gay: Open

cute: Open
--> happy: Issykitty, active
obscure: Farhad2000, active
terrible: sometimes, active
eia: karaidl, MIA
fear: blankfist, active
lies: Fjnbk, active
wtf: Spiff, ?

joedirt says...

Again, I will say this, do we need "meme" and "viral" why not expand the definition a little, or make a playlist. Same for "happy" and "cute". Also, some don't really fit and/or aren't that useful like obscure (which is essentially a playlist, since I wouldn't know what to put into that channel ever).

twiddles says...

I would have to disagree with some of those categorizations. Seems more likely that Politics and War-on-Terror are sub-categories of World Affairs. Happy is not always Cute, but Cute is almost always Happy. And I believe that Parody is not always Comedy.

Could use a Geography / Region / County category for: Asia, British, Canada and Downunder

lucky760 says...

Asia - AWOL.

Yes, must've been tough to give the go-ahead to your barber's scissors, arvana. You now look like a cross between Kurt Russell and Matt Damon.

Great idea. Those will be added to the FAQ.

>> ^joedirt:
Again, I will say this, do we need "meme" and "viral" why not expand the definition a little, or make a playlist. Same for "happy" and "cute". Also, some don't really fit and/or aren't that useful like obscure (which is essentially a playlist, since I wouldn't know what to put into that channel ever).

Meme and viral: Viral is strictly for viral advertisements.

Happy and cute: There are many situations where they are exclusive of one another. Cute stuff might make you happy, but there's a ton of vids that make you feel happy but cannot be called cute.

bleedingsnowman says...

Again, I will say this, do we need "meme" and "viral" why not expand the definition a little, or make a playlist. Same for "happy" and "cute". Also, some don't really fit and/or aren't that useful like obscure (which is essentially a playlist, since I wouldn't know what to put into that channel ever).

This coming from the guy with the "Election '08" channel. When's that going to be obsolete again?

Eklek says...

(updated July 4 2008)

After some thinking I created this (2b further tweaked) categorization based on joedirt's post. Most channels could fall into one (sub)category yet some were more vague in their description or channel name, which creates categorization problems which need to be attended. Here we go:


80s: dag, active
future: jwray, active
vintage: swampgirl, active


asia: Lucky760, active
british: Zifnab, active
canada: Calvados, active
downunder: maatc, active


philosophy: bluecliff, MIA
science: rembar, active

religion: jimnms, active
--> islam: Gwaan, MIA
cult: therealblankman, active

(natural world)
nature: Arvana, active
engineering: oxdottir, active
geek: gorgonheap, active
military: darksun, MIA
spacy: lunkwill, active

(social world)
history: rickegee, MIA
humanitarian: bl968, MIA
politics: Open
--> election 08: joedirt, active
--> war on terror: raven, MIA
--> world affairs: histnerd, active


catsanddogs: youdiejoe, active
drugs: rottenseed, active
geek: gorgonheap, active
kids: James Roe, active
sexuality: persephone, active
--> femme: intangiblemeg, MIA
--> gay: Open
travel: silvercord, ?

Arts and Entertainment

art: plastiquemonkey, active
animation: thesnipe, active
--> woo hoo: Krupo, active
bravo (italian): Deano, MIA
cinema: pigeon, ?
cooking: djsunkid, active
music: Open
--> hiphop: benjee, MIA
--> jazz/blues/soul: choggie, active
--> rocknroll: MLX, ?
--> livemusic: deathcow, active
shortfilms: Sarzy, active
sports: michie, MIA
videogames: Oatmeal, active

(a&e genres)
actionpack: wildmanbill, MIA
comedy: Open
--> stand up: winkler1, active
--> parody: dotdude, active
drugs: rottenseed, active
grindhouse: dw117, active
horror show: pyrex, MIA
mystery: grspec, MIA
scifi: Firefly, active
spacy: lunkwill, active
wild west show: Open


1sttube: Grimm, active
books: kronosposeidon, active
bravo (italian): Deano, MIA
commercial: Looris, MIA
documentaries: Fedquip, active
howto: maudlin, MIA
latenight: eric3579, active
meme: MarineGunrock, active
shortfilms: Sarzy, active
viral: Open


cute: Open
dark: dystopianfututretoday, active
eia (stupid): karaidl, MIA
fear: blankfist, active
happy: Issykitty, active
lies: Fjnbk, active
obscure (underground): Farhad2000, active
terrible: sometimes, active
wtf: Spiff, ?

Mentioned twice:
-bravo (italian): Deano, MIA
-drugs: rottenseed, active
-geek: gorgonheap, active
-spacy: lunkwill, active

lucky760 says...

>> ^kronosposeidon:
quality topic. Hopefully something will be done soon about the unsupervised channels (AHEM, admins).

To what do you elude, Mr. Poseidon? Have you a proposition you reckon's worth voicing?

I think the only option is to turn control over to members who want them, which I'm personally all for, but I haven't heard about any requests as of yet.

Deano says...

I'm certainly not MIA but I life and work means I can't spend the hours on VS that I used to. I still dip in and leave a comment but I'm unlikely to submit new videos.
I haven't been actively managing Bravo but perhaps I can be disciplined and put an hour per week to cleaning it up etc. At this point in time I don't wish to give up Bravo.

gorgonheap says...

Thanks Deano, I've noted you on the list as active. 21 channels have inactive members with 7 channels open. The 7 open are up for game, contact Lucky if you want a one of them. I think notes should be sent to the missing 21. If nothing is heard from them in the next week or two I think those channels should be put up for new ownership.

doogle says...

I will like to call another one of these in about a week, 6 months after this one.

Every 6 months is a good time to do these to get 2x/year. Maybe every 4 months so that it's 3x/year instead.

Ornthoron says...

Time for a *promote.

Personally I would be interested in taking responsibility for either the jazz, music, art or religion channel.

But I agree with joedirt that the selection of channels is a little too random. As it is now it works not much different from ordinary tags. The concept of subchannels sounds unnecessarily complicated in my view, but we could maybe swap out some of the less relevant ones with some from this list (no offense to the owners of the so-called less relevant channels). I would like to see some more editorial decisions on this, possibly a big roundup and redistribution.

Sagemind says...

In my opinion Fear and HorrorShow are completely different.

Horror Show: Scary/Creepy Horror movie type stuff.

Fear: Things we should all fear that is real. Politics, terrorism, the bad-doing of people in every day life, etc.

I don't know if I made that clear but If anything it should be Fear that goes away. It can merge with many other things: cult, Dark, Drugs, Military, Politics.
The meaning is just too broad...

Good luck figuring this out though, I can't wait to be powerful enough. I just don't get enough time on the sift

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