Burdturgler Takes Forever, But Finally Reaches 100-Star!

Netrunner's illegitimate sockpuppet (and KP's latest love interest) finally reached his 100 star, after five minutes of sifting, and we couldn't be prouder if Mr. Hankey himself had come down from God's butt and christened himself Peanut King of the Sift.
So visit Mr. Turgler's queue and enjoy his many wondrous shits, I mean sifts.
Congratulations are in order, as I'm sure you will be the first to hand blankfist some of your own a$$grav33.
Good job, Turd Ferguson!
Fast, BT. Congratulations.
Howdy Ho!
Thanks! The star on the tree is awesome!
I'm in the power point poor house so IOU one *.quality
Wooooot! Congrats!! =)
Good turds always flow up.
Whoa! Seems like it only took you turdy minutes for that! Congrats!
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Congrats Burdy - May your turgle always sparkle.
congrats, very ambitious sifting. if these were Mad Men, you'd be Pete Campbell
Congrats BT!
'Cause I'm a burd turgle
And the burd turgles go to heaven
I'm a burd turgle
And the burd turgles can fly
Burd turgles can fly
congrats buuuuurdy!
Wow, you're turgling burds at an unprecedented rate. Pretty soon you'll have turgled yourself a diamond. Congrats!
Congrats, Lil' NetRunner.
Congratulations man, I always knew you could do it.
Sweet crap on a cracker, didn't we just congratulate you for going gold a week or two ago? Congratulations all the same, that's some hot sift.
To be or not to be, that's the unexisting question:
Here's to B.!:) Many siftulations&luvcruft!
Well done Burd!
I don't know why you think he's my sockpuppet, when everyone already knows he's in Netrunner's family business. However he HAS asked me to stick my hand up his ass. I'm still thinking about it.
Good job. What a meteoric rise. You'll be a crownie in no time, and then you can post all sorts of poo videos in your comment avatar. And that's what power is all about.
I was just trying to steal your watch.

>> ^kronosposeidon:
...However he HAS asked me to stick my hand up his ass....
Congrats, burd. How is the second hand market for burds/turds anyway?
Congrats, turd. We really enjoy having you around in these here parts. I would give you a bucket of A$$ GR@V33 to celebrate, but I'm afraid you've already burgled enough.
And, I second the notion that he's NetRunner's sockpuppet, not KP's.
Maybe I'm trying to steal your watch.
>> ^burdturgler:
I was just trying to steal your watch.
>> ^kronosposeidon:
...However he HAS asked me to stick my hand up his ass....
Gratz. You'll have next to nothing to sift after the election though, except cat videos.
hmmm let me try now

and thanks again for the kind words everyone, makes me feel all warm and squishy
Awarding thinker247 with one star point for this contribution to Sift Talk - declared quality by burdturgler.
Have you heard the wurd, about the Burd?
Congrturdlations! Life on the Sift starts at 100.
congrats burdturgler, only 149 star points to go til you reach the bronze diamond
>> ^kronosposeidon:

I don't know why you think he's my sockpuppet, when everyone already knows he's in Netrunner's family business. However he HAS asked me to stick my hand up his ass. I'm still thinking about it.
Good job. What a meteoric rise. You'll be a crownie in no time, and then you can post all sorts of poo videos in your comment avatar. And that's what power is all about.
I even wondered if he was a clever bait and switch sock puppet of Choggie's.... that he threw everyone off the trail with coming out on all the obvious sock puppet accounts.
I don't think that now
Blasphemy! Good on ya burdturgles, very much deserved. And luckily you've got plenty of non election vids in your stash, you're gonna reach 250 in no time. Keep doing what you're doing and being you, you're a much welcomed asset 
Wow, you accumulated quite a pile of sifts there.

Burd-y! Turd-y! Burd-y! Turd-y! Burd-y! Turd-y!
Damn that was fast. Good stuff. Took me forever. You're doing super well.
Congratulations! Yeah, I am pretty sure you other party is somewhere here from last time!
Well done, shit stealer. You really got here amazingly fast.
Out of the way, I showed up late! Congratulations!
Congratulations indeed...again...and in advance for you eneviatable diamond next week sometime.
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