Top Gear crew nearly get lynched in Alabama


Watched this on tv last night and nearly wet myself. Just to clarify, the following things were written on their cars as they drove into Alabama....

Country & Western is rubbish
Hillary for President
Man-Love Rules Ok
I'm Bi
Nascar Sucks


Well, thats just sad, but I guess we're not much better here, some bush-fan near where I live put a bumper-sticker reading "George W. Bush: Saves your butt whether you like it or not" The next morning someone had broken off his rear-wipers, the next day someone had broken the doorhandles. Finally the following day, the car was stolen. (Story)


That explains how stupid some people are. If they had any "smarts" the rednecks in Alabama would have known that if they were really gay that they wouldn't have put writing on their cars that say hey IM GAY AND I HATE NASCAR! Heh if they did this in Texas, people would have had a good heehaw and that would have been it.

To quote lewis black "What is it, a bunch of queers show up screaming were here and we're queer! ... I brought swatches, i brought swatches!" - Red White and Screwed.

Im glad that i was born in Texas and not that place.

I think that what was supposed to be comedy, was turned into a totally bogus nightmare.

Lewis black needs to do another HBO special!


while that was funny i can't help but feel like it's perpetuating the stereotypes that create that attitude. a film crew coming into a town to basically pick on their beliefs would piss off most people. it was only funny because it was picking on people with mediocre values from our standpoint. imagine if the writing had been racist epitaphs and they were going into mostly black towns... we'd be appalled.


"your in a hick town"...slightly chilling at the casual use of the threat.

you could go anywhere in the world and jibe a community so that it rears its ugly head. however, sadly this clip only adds to the skewed view of americas charicature.



I had more than a few friends who were good-ol-boys in highschool, and I'll tell you right now that part of the attraction is being obviously different from city or suburb kids. You get yourself a huge truck and some boots because that's what your older brother/neighbor got and thats precisely what some guy from the city won't have... and yeah maybe they're not accepting of homosexuality, but at this point that can serve as another embrassable difference between them and city kids.

the 'nascar sucks' was probably the worst, followed by 'hillary for president'. They're sensitive about nascar, and about how shitty bush has been.


i would like to see them do that with some 'different' sayings and head into the bronx, brooklyn ... heck even trenton or philly now (with all the gang activity) and see what happens. i have a feeling there wouldn't be any stone throwing!


First of all, the whole scene is a lot of overdramatized nonsense. "They could've killed us!" Yeah uh, no, I don't think so. Law and order doesn't suddenly disappear just because you've driven south.

Regardless, at least someone made the point:

"imagine if the writing had been racist epitaphs and they were going into mostly black towns... we'd be appalled."


sidepipe ... it's a slang for someone from one of the new england states (such as myself).

per wikipedia:

The term Yankee refers to those Americans from New England whose ancestors arrived from Great Britain before 1700; by extension it is applied to any resident of the Northeast (New England, Mid-Atlantic, and upper Great Lakes states), to any Northerner during and after the American Civil War, or to other citizens of the United States. In certain Commonwealth countries - notably UK, Australia and New Zealand - "Yank" refers to any American and is sometimes mistakenly applied to Canadians. Internationally, "Yank" is today roughly analogous to "Brit" (someone from the UK), "Aussie" (someone from Australia) or "Kiwi" (someone from New Zealand).


It's funny that people are saying you'd have to write racist stuff to get a similar rise out of urban locales.

Is it really that wrong for any sane person to react with anger to racism (which is real hate) versus the overblown reaction these guys got for what isn't technically a harmful/hateful phrase (if anything, endorsing love in all its forms).


i doubt it is fake some how... when even the camera crew were targeted and actually running and getting stones thrown at them... the fact that instead of their usual brilliant editing, they resorted to using a camera phone. pretty interesting.

good tv anyway.


If I drove around somewhere in the UK with 'Football is for Fairies', 'the UK is America's Bitch', and 'British Music is Shite' on the sides of my car, looking for areas where people were generally less formally educated, ... if I'm trying to start a fight, I shouldn't be surprised if one breaks out.

I'm saying the instigators (TopGear) were being dicks, and purposely directing their aim squarely at a segment of American society that is prototypically very closed-minded, and easy to make fun of because of it. They still know when they're the butt of a joke, though.


Growing up and living in the South I'm betting this is true. Even in some parts of my own state (and city) we have to put up with people like this (hicks). I somehow managed to get me sum smarts and not turn out to be a bible thumping hick. I consider myself a little redneck. To us, a redneck is just a person who grew up in the country, likes to drink beer, shoot guns, go muddin, etc., but a hick is an uneducated, inbred waste of oxygen.


Thank you LB, for the definition. A more colloquial answer might include anyone who comes to the South from Up North. They come for the warm weather and the wonderful regional food. They come because we know how to slow down and relax, to appreciate a beautiful day. They come to hear our music. They come because people will smile and say Hey just walking down the street.

And then most of us bring a housewarming casserole and welcome them with open arms.


Considering Britain (and most of Europe) is famous for beating the tar out of the fans of the opposing football (Soccer for USA folks) team, and driving a car puting down a town's favorite football team would probably get a similar reaction out of a Brit, let alone other people from the "civilized" world, means saying "Nascar Sucks" is no different than "dissing" a Brit's favorite football team in an equally blatant manner. While I enjoy the show, I take offense to any people being ridiculed for their culture by another culture with just as stupid people in it. The pot calling the kettle black, in my opinion.

We all have our nutcases and things we hold sacred. I'm from Southern California and I could fill a book about the nutjobs here. However, they're my nutjobs and my culture. Consider this Top Gear, those rednecks' stupid ancestors kicked your limy (is 'Limy' any less offensive?) redcoat butts, twice! Not bad for a bunch of in-bred, bible-thumping, Nascar loving, country listening hicks. Incidentally though, the Yanks soon after cleaned their clock too.

Food for thought next time you think making fun of anyone's culture is cool, no matter which side you stand on, left or right, liberal or conservative. Bigotry either way.


How did the acts of stupidity suddenly get turned into a cultural turf war?

The fact is at the end of the day for me, any form of threatening violence because of different ideology/belief is stupid.

I see alot of people slightly ticked off about this, but the fact remains to me that in the entirety of the segment from the show, Top Gear actually does acknowledge the good sides of the US, so I thought it was fairly balanced. Especially their closing statements about the state of New Orleans.


"imagine if the writing had been racist epitaphs and they were going into mostly black towns... we'd be appalled."

This is about the most retarded comment I have ever seen. There is nothing morally apprehensive about stating ones opinion for a "sport". Racial epitaphs are appalling because racism is immoral.


On the contrary, it's simply moronic not to realize that the point he was making was about inciting people purposely. Others went on to point out that the same provocation could be carried out anywhere, including the UK. For some reason, these hosts felt a need to stir up some extra anti-American sentiment in that episode.


Yes, we've got quite a few rednecks and hicks here and yes, if provoked (or persuaded) there are few of those individuals that will get pissed off and do something stupid. Show me someplace that doesn't.

If you couldn't tell, I was born, raised and still live in Alabama, but I got the joke. We're an easy target. LOL


It's not fake. James "country music is rubbish" May wrote a response on the show's blog.

I'm not so sure the people were responding to the epithets as to the elitist Brits who are obviously only there to poke fun. Doesn't excuse their actions in the slightest, but frankly, this was a dickhead move from the start.

Of course, I still laughed.


Fair enough.

However when I watched this video I just felt sad that people (be they US or UK or from Kat-Man-Doo) didn't realize that they were actually taking the piss, if I saw someone doing the same I would just know they are just taking the piss. Because no one is that suicidal.

Isn't this why we have comedians like Dave Chapelle that break down walls by pointing out some inherently racist things to society to entertain and enlighten in some ways?

People need to calm down a bit.


They actually came back with a truck full of angry hicks. That was what surprised me. They can just be called upon, just like that? What about their job? Don't they have anything else to do other than wait for the 'round-up' with rocks on their hands????

Being insulted by simple words was one thing. And sure, if someone painted 'suck me, legacy0100', then I'll be pissed too. But the quickness of their response and to round up a possie that fast was what got me laughing.


I think the word "elitist" has pretty much been rendered useless by the right - after all, these are people who claim monopolies on things like values, patriotism, and religion.

Being smart and tolerant isn't "elitist", it's something to aspire to. Taking pride in your own stupidity explains those Alabamans, not to mention George W. Bush and Paris Hilton.

This country's got so progressively stupid, we elevate people who are even dumber than we are to public figures to make ourselves feel better.


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Scary... I don't have much to say, I read through all the comments.

Anyone in any part of the world should have the right to observe their own beliefs and likes and dislikes. Anyone else in the world should be able to display their dislike in a non-disrupting way.

I have a great love for a lot of things, but if someone pulled up to my door in a situation that would invoke my anger (Mid 80's BMW 7 series with "Warcraft is for losers" and "I <3 Conservapedia" on the side) I wouldn't start throwing rocks.
If a rock we're to hit one of the Staff from the show and they we're to be seriously injured, or possibly killed (I know, it's very unlikely), the hicks would be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

I'm no lawyer but if I recall correctly, a rock deliberately thrown at a person, should it kill, would be classified as Second Degree Murder.


God damn fucking "swear word for the people in the video". They make the world a worse place just for being in it. Why the fuck should they take offense for someone else's opinion. Well durr, they are "the previous swear word" why the hell would they know. I wish there was a community where you wouldn't be aware of their existence. God damn it I hate those people. Yeah, and while I'm at it I hate those damn Muslims who don't allow you to display pictures of Muhammad. I don't give a shit what you believe, I'm going to do whatever the fuck I want. Well, I'm ranting, have a nice hickless day.


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Yeah Bush was a piece of shit and a war criminal but during the Oblamer Administration all you heard about was threats of violence and rape to women all over the internet including to Hollywood stars as well as a 15 year old girl being attacked by a teacher for a Romney shirt, and vandalism to and old couples homes and now you libtards have proven you're mostly a bunch of badasses to little 5 year old children. that wanted the Muslim Brotherhood supporter out of office too. So say what you will the Obamanation and the Bushfire both belong in Gitmo and you can all kiss it.

Either way this episode pissed me off, the producers had no right having them do this crap. I saw it just a couple weeks ago and (I know it's an old episode) but I sent a pretty blatant E-Mail about how messed up that was. That crap right there should not have happened, it was not fair to the image of our country nor was it fair to put them out there on basically what was a suicide mission. Jeremy is the one that created Top Gear and got it back on air and I think it's about time they allow him to have more say in how it gets run.


theo47 says..

Smart and tolerant include, vandalizing peoples homes because they want Obama out of office? Teachers attacking students because their not Democratic? People making threats of rape to women and their children because they want to get some one in office who don't tax the shit out of honest small and middle class businesses who really want to get people working again? Oh yeah I guess it is, because you all follow the man who's best friends are the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda. And their idea of tolerance is like all Libtards, If you want it a cerian way you'll tolerate those who also want it and if some one wants some thing else you'll tolerate the rape and murder that happens to them for disagreeing.

I bet you Libtards are real pissed now that our own Military that Obama claims to be his Military are standing up saying they didn't join to work on the side of Al-Qae4da.

You Liberals constantly make claims that are so fucking bogus then you watch a video like this and say how it's all the right but during the whole administration you people have been rioting, murdering, vandalizing, talking way more hate then anyone you have blamed for it, shit now you want to run to the Obamaman because you don't like who's playing Batman, you're idea of tolerance is such bullshit you make the real world want to puke. Fuck a liberal, you're all worthless and as far as I'm concerned and really as far as the Bill of Rights and Constitution is concerned you're all traitorous Communist, Marxist, and socialist garbage. There is nothing to be tolerant about you pieces of shit. Oh and in real life I guess you stupid Nazis never have watched Top Gear because I see you're defending their safety using this episode to blame the right (which by the way The real right finds the people on this video as inbread wastes of life as well, almost as much as they find you) and Top Gear UK is always talking about the Democrats and the Liberals getting in they way of every ones lives, just as you do here as well.

If you're a Liberal fuck you and have a nice day you intolerant communist fucking nut cases.


Look dude, first of all yer making comments on a thread addressing a user theo47, who hasn't been active in quite some time(about 6 years ago) and on this site and that means, no one read the rant you just spewed-

Next and most meaningful, yer definitely gonna get kicked-off the site or ignored and probably won't wanna be here anyhow after the ass-rendering you'll get from some of the more give-a-fuck users. Like me, I could give a fuck about anything you think or, might give an incredible amount of fuck....

BUT-When you come-off spouting your opinions littered with insults to (I'll agree, liberals are confused cretins for the most part, full of head all-up-in-ass) folks who will only deride you based on your delivery and verbiage well, you must be one of those gluttons for punishment.

Incidentally, I was another user in another life and hammered that cat theo47 (whom I otherwise dug) so hard for his atheist dick-riding spiels that he up and bailed-Couldn't stand that guy, talked way to much shit about god vs. not-god

-Cheers and a heads-up oh and, after reading your rant my critique is that you have been dosed with the programming that best suits your world view...which, like all of ours, is frighteningly limited and entirely too fucking deranged.


theo47 says..

Smart and tolerant include, vandalizing peoples homes because they want Obama out of office? Teachers attacking students because their not Democratic? People making threats of rape to women and their children because they want to get some one in office who don't tax the shit out of honest small and middle class businesses who really want to get people working again? Oh yeah I guess it is, because you all follow the man who's best friends are the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda. And their idea of tolerance is like all Libtards, If you want it a cerian way you'll tolerate those who also want it and if some one wants some thing else you'll tolerate the rape and murder that happens to them for disagreeing.

I bet you Libtards are real pissed now that our own Military that Obama claims to be his Military are standing up saying they didn't join to work on the side of Al-Qae4da.

You Liberals constantly make claims that are so fucking bogus then you watch a video like this and say how it's all the right but during the whole administration you people have been rioting, murdering, vandalizing, talking way more hate then anyone you have blamed for it, shit now you want to run to the Obamaman because you don't like who's playing Batman, you're idea of tolerance is such bullshit you make the real world want to puke. Fuck a liberal, you're all worthless and as far as I'm concerned and really as far as the Bill of Rights and Constitution is concerned you're all traitorous Communist, Marxist, and socialist garbage. There is nothing to be tolerant about you pieces of shit. Oh and in real life I guess you stupid Nazis never have watched Top Gear because I see you're defending their safety using this episode to blame the right (which by the way The real right finds the people on this video as inbread wastes of life as well, almost as much as they find you) and Top Gear UK is always talking about the Democrats and the Liberals getting in they way of every ones lives, just as you do here as well.

If you're a Liberal fuck you and have a nice day you intolerant communist fucking nut cases.

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