Sloth Crosses Road

A sloth crosses a road (with a little help).

What's with all these videos lately of animals mimicking my late-night weekend activities?

Seriously, the first minute of that video was me trying to get back to my car last Saturday at 2am.


>> ^Payback:

What's with all these videos lately of animals mimicking my late-night weekend activities?
Seriously, the first minute of that video was me trying to get back to my car last Saturday at 2am.

I think you meant to post that comment here


Oh man! One of the creepiest things I've ever experienced was a sloth walking across the ground toward me in Panama. It just looks....evil, somehow. Hard to explain, it's just "wrong" in a kind of scary looking way.


I'm not a creationist or anything, but how the fuck do sloths still exist?
They seem to go against every notion of "survival of the fittest"...
Even before roads and automobiles, they must have been pretty much the easiest thing to kill.

Maybe they taste absolutely horrible.


My cat moves like this..i thought he was on drugs but now I know..he's a sloth spy..trying to understand our real time ways from his slo-time perspective..or maybe the reality he moves in is bigger than ours so everything takes longer..


Moving slow conserves energy. Sloths mostly hang out in trees eating leaves so they have some protection in their natural habitat. Survival of the fittest means able to survive and pass along your genes to the next generation. The fact that sloths are so well suited to a particular environment and lifestyle should tell you a lot about evolution and survival of the fittest. Fittest can mean just about anything. It all depends on the environmental and cultural situation that a species finds itself in.

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