Shocking Accident That You're Definitely Not Ready For

If you're not on the toilet while watching this, you might need a new pair of pants

I actually had a similar experience on the highway years ago. I was behind a couple of cars passing some 18-wheelers when long piece of metal about 4ft long fell off a flatbed truck. I saw the car in front of me swerve left. I saw a black blur coming up at me, and I swerved left too. I thought it was a piece of rubber, but it was a huge chunk of metal. It smashed through my windshield and impaled itself horizontally in my center console and across the passenger seat. A foot to the left and I'd be missing a kidney. If I didn't swerve, I probably would have been cut in half.


Pic 1
Pic 2


>> ^ponceleon:

>> ^saber2x:
i wonder why he was filming?

Seriously. I just don't understand how this was captured. There was 0 reason for him to be filming.

He possibly, ironically, witnessed something fall off the flat bed.

Either that, or he was doing one of those fake-ghost-rider videos and was going to have like, 300 people on the back.


suddenly: anti-theism

I don't see any previous comments that would have prompted your inane "response"

>> ^honkeytonk73:

We obviously must thank Jesus/God that it didn't impale the driver. Because Jesus/God certainly has a magical hand in the prevention, not instigation of accidents.


I'm sure he was just filming for the hell of it. The piece of wood was kicked up by the small trailer in front of him (it was on the median shoulder), and not off the flatbed.

With that said, I'm off to go wipe.


>> ^residue:

suddenly: anti-theism
I don't see any previous comments that would have prompted your inane "response"
>> ^honkeytonk73:
We obviously must thank Jesus/God that it didn't impale the driver. Because Jesus/God certainly has a magical hand in the prevention, not instigation of accidents.

If I had said this, would you have also been as agitated and bothered to post a response? Probably not.

"We obviously must thank Zeus that it didn't impale the driver. Because Zeus certainly has a magical hand in the prevention, not instigation of accidents."


@honkeytonk73 actually I probably would have.. I was just curious who you were responding to with that out-of-nowhere comment.. The Zeus reference actually is a nice way to illustrate my point since that also would have been both inane and phrased as a response

It just struck me as odd because it's a perfect response to someone saying "Thank God it didn't hurt anyone" but no one ever said anything to that effect.


>> ^residue:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since August 22nd, 2007" class="profilelink">honkeytonk73 actually I probably would have.. I was just curious who you were responding to with that out-of-nowhere comment.. The Zeus reference actually is a nice way to illustrate my point since that also would have been both inane and phrased as a response
It just struck me as odd because it's a perfect response to someone saying "Thank God it didn't hurt anyone" but no one ever said anything to that effect.

So posts can only be made when prompted, and under no other circumstance? Very well. I will comply.

Feel better?


>> ^residue:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since August 22nd, 2007" class="profilelink">honkeytonk73 hey man you're free to write up as many sweet responses to the voices in your head as you like but you can't be upset when people wonder who exactly it is you're responding to



>> ^honkeytonk73:

>> ^residue:
suddenly: anti-theism
I don't see any previous comments that would have prompted your inane "response"
>> ^honkeytonk73:
We obviously must thank Jesus/God that it didn't impale the driver. Because Jesus/God certainly has a magical hand in the prevention, not instigation of accidents.

If I had said this, would you have also been as agitated and bothered to post a response? Probably not.
"We obviously must thank Zeus that it didn't impale the driver. Because Zeus certainly has a magical hand in the prevention, not instigation of accidents."

woaaha, man, you got him good! you totally sniffed him out as a religious wacko!!! hahaahah...but seriously man we don't need to bring zeus into this. not cool.


Is it just me or does anybody else think that the driver of the car in front was being reckless by driving over that piece of metal. He almost killed someone, surely not that hard to spot lying by the side of the road. I always steer well clear of any debris in the road, it's just common sense.


There are ways of greatly reducing the chance of this happening to you, other than volunteering for a clean up our highways group.

This driver was WAY too close to the vehicle in front of him, especially for highway speeds. he needed to be at least 4 times that distance from him. The driver was only 1 second behind the trailer.

If he were further back, the debris would not have been so high, or at least he would have had time to move out of the way. I really hate it when people drive that close to others, it's stupid.

So if this video scares you, remember; KEEP YOUR DISTANCE!


Yeah that's true, maybe he deserved it then . I also get annoyed at people driving too close behind me. But sometimes you can't avoid it on crowded motorways. Leave too much space and some jackass will just come and fill it.
>> ^guymontage:

This driver was WAY too close to the vehicle in front of him, especially for highway speeds.


>> ^residue:

suddenly: anti-theism
I don't see any previous comments that would have prompted your inane "response"
>> ^honkeytonk73:
We obviously must thank Jesus/God that it didn't impale the driver. Because Jesus/God certainly has a magical hand in the prevention, not instigation of accidents.

Seriously. What a fucking asshole. Spreading his secular propaganda around here when clearly no one asked for it. What kind of a person would show up somewhere uninvited and preach religious truths. On top of it, this is a friggin' INTERNET FORUM. Blatantly inappropriate.

This is fucking serious business. I mean, goddamn man, you should know better. If you're going to spread the truth as you see it, do it right. Show up at a 3rd world village in Africa and tell them if they take measures to bring the HIV rate down from 25% their babies will be born without genitalia.


I need an X-ray of your intact kidney or I'm calling fake. >> ^jimnms:

I actually had a similar experience on the highway years ago. I was behind a couple of cars passing some 18-wheelers when long piece of metal about 4ft long fell off a flatbed truck. I saw the car in front of me swerve left. I saw a black blur coming up at me, and I swerved left too. I thought it was a piece of rubber, but it was a huge chunk of metal. It smashed through my windshield and impaled itself horizontally in my center console and across the passenger seat. A foot to the left and I'd be missing a kidney. If I didn't swerve, I probably would have been cut in half.
Pic 1
Pic 2


>> ^SpaceDude:

Yeah that's true, maybe he deserved it then . I also get annoyed at people driving too close behind me. But sometimes you can't avoid it on crowded motorways. Leave too much space and some jackass will just come and fill it.
>> ^guymontage:
This driver was WAY too close to the vehicle in front of him, especially for highway speeds.

If a car gets in front of you, say once every minute as you maintain your gap. The average car is about 16 feet. Assuming they are tailgating at 10 feet behind the first person,
That's (26 feet/minute)*(1 mile/5280 feet)*(60 minutes/1 hour) = .295 miles/hour you go slower to maintain your gap. You have more time to react, and relieve a lot of congestion caused by how people react while tailgating.


Okay, even sitting here, that tore a "HOLY FUCKING SHIT" out of me as it occurred...

And yet the driver remains completely silent? Guys either a mute or Chuck Norris might have to start looking over his shoulder...


>> ^SpaceDude:

Is it just me or does anybody else think that the driver of the car in front was being reckless by driving over that piece of metal. He almost killed someone, surely not that hard to spot lying by the side of the road. I always steer well clear of any debris in the road, it's just common sense.

Looked like a wooden stake to me. But no I don't think the guy towing the trailer was reckless for running over it for a couple reasons. He really had no where to go safely, if he went over he risked being up against that flat bed or hitting a car in his blind spot with a blind merging. And swerving while towing trailers is not a good habit to get into, if the trailer has anything big and heavy in it that could could find yourself dragging a leaning on it's way to tipping over trailer.

It'd be just like hitting a pothole, glass, or animal. Sometimes you just have to hit things, it's the safer thing to do versus swerving wildly through traffic trying to avoid it.

Now MAYBE the guy saw it coming and he could have slowed down, but it's also possible it blew into the roadway or someone else hit it and spun it further into the roadway...or it fell out of another vehicle.

Personal pet peeve of mine is people who are driving down the road and decide to suddenly swerve to miss potholes. It's not like they can't see the damn things coming down the road 20-30 feet out, but they act like it just opened up and is going to swallow their car if they don't swerve over forcing people to have to slow down or move over to avoid hitting them. Gets even more annoying when it's the same couple of cars that do this every day, almost like they hadn't had this same exact experience for the last 3 months.


>> ^guymontage:

There are ways of greatly reducing the chance of this happening to you, other than volunteering for a clean up our highways group.
This driver was WAY too close to the vehicle in front of him, especially for highway speeds. he needed to be at least 4 times that distance from him. The driver was only 1 second behind the trailer.
If he were further back, the debris would not have been so high, or at least he would have had time to move out of the way. I really hate it when people drive that close to others, it's stupid.

So if this video scares you, remember; KEEP YOUR DISTANCE!


and to tell people to think that the chunk of wood didn't actually hit him, he hit the chunk of wood. The chunk more-or-less went straight up.


>> ^ponceleon:

>> ^saber2x:
i wonder why he was filming?

Seriously. I just don't understand how this was captured. There was 0 reason for him to be filming.

I believe that in a lot of other countries dash cams are very popular for insurance reasons. Almost all the dashcam stuff I see is from germany, russia, etc etc. I don't think this particular video is from overseas however. Maybe the guy was escorting the trailer?

Anyone from overseas want to weigh in?


Probably 90% of highway accidents involve people who either follow more closely than the 4 second recommendation, or are drunk. The guy in this video has about a half second following distance, which makes it entirely his fault. If he had been even 3 seconds behind the trailer he would see it and slow down, the pole would have fallen back down, and he would have run over it at low speed instead of getting his car impaled.


In addition to what porksandwich noted, the trailer is likely wider than the guy's car. Depending on how often they drive with a trailer, they may not have known it was going to hit the debris.

Also, he's riding the left line to give the truck a wide berth, which I don't fault him for.>> ^SpaceDude:

Is it just me or does anybody else think that the driver of the car in front was being reckless by driving over that piece of metal. He almost killed someone, surely not that hard to spot lying by the side of the road. I always steer well clear of any debris in the road, it's just common sense.


>> ^honkeytonk73:

We obviously must thank Jesus/God that it didn't impale the driver. Because Jesus/God certainly has a magical hand in the prevention, not instigation of accidents.

I'm imagining god and jesus up in heaven trying to deal with eternal life when one of them says "Hey, watch me scare the shit out of this guy!" ...flick...


>> ^Darkhand:

>> ^ponceleon:
>> ^saber2x:
i wonder why he was filming?

Seriously. I just don't understand how this was captured. There was 0 reason for him to be filming.

I believe that in a lot of other countries dash cams are very popular for insurance reasons. Almost all the dashcam stuff I see is from germany, russia, etc etc. I don't think this particular video is from overseas however. Maybe the guy was escorting the trailer?
Anyone from overseas want to weigh in?

After reading some of the youtube comments, I believe the reason they were recording is because the driver of one of the commercial trucks in front of them was being wreckless. So they wanted to catch it on video and got more than they expected.


>> ^Darkhand:

>> ^ponceleon:
>> ^saber2x:
i wonder why he was filming?

Seriously. I just don't understand how this was captured. There was 0 reason for him to be filming.

I believe that in a lot of other countries dash cams are very popular for insurance reasons. Almost all the dashcam stuff I see is from germany, russia, etc etc. I don't think this particular video is from overseas however. Maybe the guy was escorting the trailer?
Anyone from overseas want to weigh in?

hmm if i had to guess i'd say what you've seen was police car footage leaked to the web. my very subjective POV: dash cams are not by any means popular at least in germany. never heard of someone using one.


>> ^jubuttib:

Isn't there a law that requires anyone who sees such an object on the road to stop and throw it aside?

I highly doubt it. Furthermore I wouldn't recommend it either, especially on a highway. I recall someone not so long ago being hit and killed here in Sydney doing this.


I call fake.
It starts off filming the decoy truck for no reason then on the other side of the screen out of nowhere kerblam. Also seems like it might be easy to animate - lone board for 3 frames then screen blocked out from windshield being cracked.


>> ^jubuttib:

Isn't there a law that requires anyone who sees such an object on the road to stop and throw it aside?

You know I thought I've heard something like this in the late 80s or early 90s, but I've never heard it again. I've seen police officers stop and clear fallen limbs, and maybe people whose property is right against the road clear some stuff from the roadways (obviously not highways).

But my take on it is this: They do not want you to block traffic, so unless you can get out of your vehicle, clear the obstacle and back in before you even see another car....go around it and leave it for police who have permission to pull their cars into the middle of the street blocking both sides of the road until they finish clearing it and have the lights to make their presence known. Plus most often times debris on regular roadways is from storms which means you'll be out in very poor driving conditions trying to clear the road, a time when people are unable to stop quickly and might not be able to see you very well.

Where my parents house is, people used to throw stuff out the window all the time because there's a parking/pull off lane where they could stop and be out of traffic. They'd decide it was a good place throw their trash out of their vehicle or whatever else they didn't want. My parents stopped picking that stuff up years ago because the cops are not enticed to actually go after the people littering if someone else cleans it up...the problem still exists but they don't throw stuff out in as big of quantities or near as often anymore. Same problem, different reason for it being there...but still something people can run over or have to go around to avoid.

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