Portal 2: E3 teaser trailer

Portal is back baby!!

Self promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Tuesday, June 15th, 2010 2:38pm PDT - promote requested by original submitter Hybrid.


You really should give it a go. It's a beautiful, polished puzzle game with a charming humour and personality to it. It's ace!>> ^Croccydile:

Am I the last gamer on Earth to not know what the deal is with this game? The limit of my knowledge involves overplayed jokes about some cake or something.


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

Yes. Even us lowly Mac users get to hang with the cool Portal kids now.>> ^Croccydile:

Am I the last gamer on Earth to not know what the deal is with this game? The limit of my knowledge involves overplayed jokes about some cake or something.


For the people not following E3... Despite Gabe Newell's comments about the PS3 in the past, Portal 2 is coming to Sony's console complete with Steamworks integration. Gabe reckons it'll be the best console version for that reason... but he would say that - he was standing on Sony's stage at the time.

(Embed swapped with the official HD Valve one)


You sir, have made it to the big leagues.
>> ^dag:

Yes. Even us lowly Mac users get to hang with the cool Portal kids now.>> ^Croccydile:
Am I the last gamer on Earth to not know what the deal is with this game? The limit of my knowledge involves overplayed jokes about some cake or something.


I figured that mentioning I am Portal clueless would be rather naive, but it stems from the fact that I am just a lousy puzzle game player. The best accomplishment I can list in the genre is not sucking at Tetris and... thats about it.

I'm not knocking Portal. Hell, its sitting down next to my 360 as part of the Orange Box and wholly unused. I simply have a knack towards other stuff like racing games or RPGs.


Damn, that looks good. I read that the small team of 10+ interns that put the first together has been blown up to 50+, but with the same creative team at the top. Oh how I hope they don't kill the charm by making it bigger than it needs to be.


>> ^Croccydile:

I figured that mentioning I am Portal clueless would be rather naive, but it stems from the fact that I am just a lousy puzzle game player. The best accomplishment I can list in the genre is not sucking at Tetris and... thats about it.
I'm not knocking Portal. Hell, its sitting down next to my 360 as part of the Orange Box and wholly unused. I simply have a knack towards other stuff like racing games or RPGs.

No, seriously. SERIOUSLY. Go play portal. There's no point in not playing it, you're starving yourself of one of the best gaming experiences ever, and i'm pretty sure no one would argue too much about that comment.


>> ^gwiz665:

"I think we can put our differences behind us.. for science... you monster."
Aww, she is pissed!

In all fairness, someone did break her heart.

And killed her.

And tore her to pieces.

And then threw every piece into a fire.


I can see that, but I mean as a co-op partner like it was in the first one... I mean if Glados was able to withstand being thrown into a fire, I would imagine that the weighted companion could have survived too...

>> ^ponceleon:

>> ^mas8705:

It is in the video. at 22 seconds stuck in the rubble towards the upper right.


To those who are skeptical of Portal 1 because of the way all of those who have played it drone on about cake and lies and GLaDOS, I can understand how it seems like a cult, but really, go play it.

It's like the pod people of the body snatchers... it doesn't hurt and afterwards you'll be a monster like the rest of us!


The new gameplay mechanics demo'd by Valve:


>> ^Croccydile:

I figured that mentioning I am Portal clueless would be rather naive, but it stems from the fact that I am just a lousy puzzle game player. The best accomplishment I can list in the genre is not sucking at Tetris and... thats about it.
I'm not knocking Portal. Hell, its sitting down next to my 360 as part of the Orange Box and wholly unused. I simply have a knack towards other stuff like racing games or RPGs.

It's not so difficult that you're likely to be frustrated. It's also one of the funniest games I've ever played. The comedy alone is worth the play-through.


>> ^dag:

Yes. Even us lowly Mac users get to hang with the cool Portal kids now.>> ^Croccydile:
Am I the last gamer on Earth to not know what the deal is with this game? The limit of my knowledge involves overplayed jokes about some cake or something.

If you have a one-button mouse, do you have to hold option when you click to activate the blue portal?


I cannot imagine ever using a one button mouse. I mean I cant stand using a 3 button mouse even, I need at least 5 or I feel handicapped.

This teaser is quite awesome but the demonstration of the new mechanics is even better. They have some fantastic ideas and I think that, like the Left For Dead series, the first is awesome, but the second will trump it in every way possible.

... you monster.


>> ^mas8705:


Please note that you must convey the Aperture Science Weighted Descendant Cube to the end of this test. Good luck.

As part of a required test protocol, we must inform you that the Aperture Science Weighted Descendant Cube cannot speak, and that you incinerated its mother.

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