Whatever you do, don't make fun of Hitler

During a segment on Whose Line is it Anyway, the director wouldn't let Drew use Hitler in a sketch, and Drew is none too pleased. The Hitler reference carries over to other gags.

^I guess anything that would rankle the home viewers, even making fun of the one person who, of all people, deserves it the most. What gets me is how irreverent Ryan Stiles was on the show behind the scenes. I never picked up on it while watching the show but since I've gotten the DVD's, you really see that he didn't hold back on his opinions when it came to the censors. (And rightly, he shouldn't have.) I guess you can have that freedom when you're an executive producer (which Ryan was).

Big upvote.


For those kids in the audience.."Whose Line is it anyways" used to be a comedy program that featured professional comedians doing "improv"

It is no longer on TV. Enjoy Big Brother 9 and American Idol 7.


This was a great, great stab at censorship of comedy due to ridiculous 'political correctness'.

Who the hell is Hitler anyway? Valdamort? 'He who shall not be named'.

Ridiculous, the way to lessen the impact of horrendous figures is to ridicule them.

Man, next we aren't going to be able to make jokes about 9/11...

What? I can't... oh, you don't want me... oh... right.

I retract my earlier statement and replace it with 'We aren't able to makes jokes about 9/11'


>> ^spoco2:
This was a great, great stab at censorship of comedy due to ridiculous 'political correctness'.
Who the hell is Hitler anyway? Valdamort? 'He who shall not be named'.
Ridiculous, the way to lessen the impact of horrendous figures is to ridicule them.
Man, next we aren't going to be able to make jokes about 9/11...
What? I can't... oh, you don't want me... oh... right.
I retract my earlier statement and replace it with 'We aren't able to makes jokes about 9/11'

I phoned the Iraqi depression line today. When I said I was feeling suicidal, they got all excited and asked if I knew how to fly a plane.


Speaking of the Harry Potter universe, it's pretty clear Gindelwald was pulling the strings behind the third reich. Dumbledore defeated him in 1945, remember? Voldemort is myopic selfishness incarnate, whereas Grindelwald and Dumbledore had a disagreement about the means to an end (of improving humanity).

Albus Dumbledore, whose name literally means "white hat", is almost purely good, while Voldemort is pure evil that doesn't resemble any real person, and Grindelwald is grey-evil.


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