Sin city 2: A dame to kill for

first trailer for Sin City 2: A dame to kill for

Self promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Thursday, March 6th, 2014 3:50pm PST - promote requested by original submitter lv_hunter.


Why did you not just UPvote it and shut the fuck up ? I thought that was your mantra ? upvote/stfu.


I'm sitting in a puddle of my own pee..I have not been so excited like this for a sequel of a movie in a very very long time.


Oh well shit, when you put it that way. I do not know what I was thinking. Might of been the fact the other persons succinct two characters portrayed the same sentiment you put out in 126.

Picture is worth a thousand words, fuck, maybe we should all communicate with pictures or ascII art.



"That's not how any of this works!"


Jokes aside, I can't say I'm excited for it. Doesn't look as "ground breaking" as the first, and frankly, I can only stomach the first one once or twice. Plus, the whole "a dame to kill for" is so cliche and kinda gets on my nerves if they're only fighting over a girl.


I'm sitting in a puddle of my own pee..I have not been so excited like this for a sequel of a movie in a very very long time.

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