Obama is a Fascist!!...Why?

Because he is!

Umm. But bush was fascist like... Not hitler, but he said himself he would prefer a dictatorship.

In one fell swoop the Patriot Act stole more freedoms from Americans than any administration had previously done. The Bush administration unrepentantly approached all national and international activities unilaterally without debate or diplomacy.

The difference is: People protested Bush because he DID remove freedoms.

There hasn't been one single clamp down on freedom's since Obama was elected. Not agreeing with the policies is not the same thing.


^Actually, on this issue I will agree with Quantumushroom.

Christopher Hitchens once mentioned that at some point it became 'cool' to hate Bush. While I don't agree entirely (there were some good fuckin reasons to hate the guy) everyone should be up in arms about the fact that people are uneducated about their strong opinions (especially political) not simply the fact that this man's opinion happens to be anti-Obama.

I know it can be frustrating to avoid personal attacks but the better arguments always bubble up to the top.

PS - Dont think I didn't notice the petaQ comment QM.


..he said himself he would prefer a dictatorship.

No, he said, as a joke, that "a dictatorship would be a heck of a lot easier" What he meant, although he put it clumsily (as usual) was that he had to allow the democratic process to run it's course. Its pretty obvious, and true, that if you want something done in politics, there is no more efficient way than being a dictator that can simply order it done.

Calling either Bush or Obama "fascist" is an insult to the millions of victims of real fascism.

That being said, it is fair to say that the Bush administration had no shame in giving themselves more power, and chipping away at the freedom of citizens, which can be seen as a scary possible first step towards fascism.

So far, Obama has been reversing that trend, by forcing himself and his staff to more openness, less secrecy and thus limiting his own power. That is the very opposite of what a fascist would do.

These morons calling Obama or his followers fascists or communists etc are just idiots. Plain and simple. You could just as well say "Obama is a grizzly bear" and it would make as much sense. If you are opposed to his policies or what he does, then fine, attack that then. But dont just throw around these meaningless scary-labels from the Reagan era, without even trying to explain HOW these labels are supposed to fit him.


You people just don't get it

• Bush lying the country into an illegal occupation of a sovereign nation = Hero
• Obama rolling tax-rates back to Reagan era = Fascist

Jeez guys, watch Fox a little more please!


>> ^quantumushroom:
Why is the Obama lackey with the microphone so upset? Was she upset when leftard activists were equating Bush with Hitler? Prolly not.
So glad these mainstream media petaQs are all but finished.

Probably because repeating a phrase over and over again doesn't actually answer the question. Seriously, that guy was like me talking to my 4 year old.


Can I just say that everyone I tea bagged today thought I was making some sort of political statement. Very annoying. Totally ruined the sweet pleasure that comes with teabagging.


>> ^BicycleRepairMan:
..he said himself he would prefer a dictatorship.
No, he said, as a joke, that "a dictatorship would be a heck of a lot easier" What he meant, although he put it clumsily (as usual) was that he had to allow the democratic process to run it's course. Its pretty obvious, and true, that if you want something done in politics, there is no more efficient way than being a dictator that can simply order it done.
Calling either Bush or Obama "fascist" is an insult to the millions of victims of real fascism.
That being said, it is fair to say that the Bush administration had no shame in giving themselves more power, and chipping away at the freedom of citizens, which can be seen as a scary possible first step towards fascism.
So far, Obama has been reversing that trend, by forcing himself and his staff to more openness, less secrecy and thus limiting his own power. That is the very opposite of what a fascist would do.
These morons calling Obama or his followers fascists or communists etc are just idiots. Plain and simple. You could just as well say "Obama is a grizzly bear" and it would make as much sense. If you are opposed to his policies or what he does, then fine, attack that then. But dont just throw around these meaningless scary-labels from the Reagan era, without even trying to explain HOW these labels are supposed to fit him.

Obama's a grizzly bear!

It'd be pretty nuts to find out that the President of the United States was actually a grizzly bear in disguise. Ohhhhh what fun that would be...


From wikipedia:
Fascism is a radical and authoritarian nationalist ideology.[1][2][3][4] Fascists advocate the creation of a single-party state.[5] Fascists believe that nations and races are in perpetual conflict whereby only the strong can survive by being healthy, vital, and by asserting themselves in combat against the weak.[6] Fascist governments forbid and suppress criticism and opposition to the government and the fascist movement.[7] In the economic sphere, fascists reject the individualism and self-interest of laissez-faire capitalism, as well as socialism and communism.[8] Many fascist leaders have claimed to support a "Third Way" in economic policy, which is neither capitalism nor communism.[9]

Please. Someone take a shot at somehow linking any of these things to Obama. quantumushroom? Care to try?

And about Bush hating. It became cool after the war in Iraq was seeming like a terrible idea. You never had a conversation like "Why do you hate bush?" "Because!!". Everyone had a reason.

Obama just got elected and hasn't done a damn thing yet. The only bad things he's done have been continuations of policies from Bush. If you're complaining about Obama and never complained about Bush, it's proof that you're a partisan tool with no thoughts of your own.


i dont like the guy, therefore he's a fascist. that's their view. that exactly how nuanced it is.

if they could articulate some reason to believe he's actually a fascist, they would - even if it was REALLY RETARDED. they dont even have a retarded reason. they just dont like him, so he's a "insert name of the week".


"...it's proof that you're a partisan tool with no thoughts of your own."

No one here needs any more proof of that. Quit feeding the troll, please.

Also, I wish the programming gods here could find a way for our "ignores" to carry through when the ignoreds' ignored comments are quoted in someone elses comment. It is simply too difficult to avert my gaze quickly enough to prevent some small smattering of lemming-spawned shit-wittedness from inducing a small portion of the evenings repast of Del Taco and Broken Halo IPA back up. It burns.


I cannot say how Obama should be a fascist, but it's pretty easy to say that about Bush:
Patriot Act
removal of Habeas Corpus for certain people
war crimes

These are all bad things and Bush did 'em all.


I love how the Republicans suddenly decided that the recession, runaway government and the infraction on civil liberties started on January 20th 2009.

Where the fuck have you been for the last 8 fucking years?


^ Singing the national anthem and saluting while watching Fox and Friends every morning before going off to their job to find out they were getting denied a raise each year, and having their healthcare benefits cut.


"...before going off to their job to find out they were getting denied a raise each year, and having their healthcare benefits cut."

At least it wasn't a return to pre-Bush level taxes for the rich! I'd rather have my eyes gauged out with an ice pick!


>> ^chilaxe:
At least it wasn't a return to pre-Bush level taxes for the rich! I'd rather have my eyes gauged out with an ice pick!

You forgot the healthcare angle:

"I'd rather have no health care than socialized health care! Better dead or bankrupt than red!"


You'll get a blank stare and vapid "I dunno" if you ask an Obama supporter why they voted for him.

Obama is a slick product of marketing...designed for drones to see what they want to see in his glassy teleprompter eyes while his creeping brand of evil statism works under the radar or in plain view of Pravda-grade media, loyal to his agenda and the state, not journalism or freedom.

The half of the country that takes more than they give can't understand why anyone would be pissed off about picking up the tab for their ignorance and parasitic indolence. They'll learn this lesson like they do every other: the hard way.

BTW when will your God Obama be dismantling the Patriot Act and disbanding the Dept. Of Homeland?

That's what I thought.


>> ^smooman:
is it me, or is it laughably obnoxious when wikipedia is referenced in a serious discussion?

I do realize it's net-cool to diss wikipedia, although I don't know why. A large percentage of the information on Wikipedia is accurate.

But then, admitting that would take away from one's net-coolery, I guess.


That guy sounded like Sean Hannity! You just say something, and say it again, and then say it some more, and then some more again it say, then it again say more some, and and and point your fingers, or,


the special Sean Hannity point-both-fingers-up-and-hold-them-beside-your-face-thing as you say the same shit again and again and again.

I wonder how many of these teabaggers who were calling Obama a socialist back in October when Palin was using the term are now calling him a fascist because someone blew the dog whistle and started saying "fascist"?


On MSNBC, hosts Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow have been tittering over the similarity of the name "tea parties" to an obscure homosexual sexual practice known as "tea bagging." Night after night, they sneer at Republicans for being so stupid as to call their rallies "tea bagging."

Every host on Air America and every unbathed, basement-dwelling loser on the left wing blogosphere has spent the last week making jokes about tea bagging, a practice they show a surprising degree of familiarity with.

"Khan, I'm LAUGHING at your SUPERIOR intellect!"


>> ^smooman:
is it me, or is it laughably obnoxious when wikipedia is referenced in a serious discussion?

You should read the studies that have been done on Wikipedia. For example, there was a study done around 2005 by the science journal Nature that found it to be of the same order of accuracy (or inaccuracy) as Encyclopedia Britannica, which I believe is considered the most prestigious encyclopedia.

Articles in mainstream news sources, like Newsweek, on academic areas in which I have specialized knowledge commonly have groan-worthy inaccuracies or POV-pushing, or they make statements that aren't up-to-date, so I think we have an essentialist's tendency to overestimate the difference in accuracy between conventional sources and Wikipedia.

Also, at 3 million articles, Wikipedia has 30x the number of articles (e.g. 1) as Britannica, so unless you only care about a fraction of humankind's knowledge, or you have endless time to read textbooks in hundreds of academic fields, Wikipedia is the only game in town.


>> ^quantumushroom:
You'll get a blank stare and vapid "I dunno" if you ask an Obama supporter why they voted for him.
Obama is a slick product of marketing...designed for drones to see what they want to see in his glassy teleprompter eyes while his creeping brand of evil statism works under the radar or in plain view of Pravda-grade media, loyal to his agenda and the state, not journalism or freedom.
The half of the country that takes more than they give can't understand why anyone would be pissed off about picking up the tab for their ignorance and parasitic indolence. They'll learn this lesson like they do every other: the hard way.
BTW when will your God Obama be dismantling the Patriot Act and disbanding the Dept. Of Homeland?
That's what I thought.

They're ALL a slick product of marketing.

I was going to write a reply, but then I realized I don't know how to interpret the last part. I figured you could mean one of two things:

1. You hate the Patriot Act and the Dept. of Homeland Security and are pointing out that Obama sucks in many of the same ways as Bush. Maybe you feel like Obama hasn't been repealing enough of Bush's policies?

2. You love the Patriot Act and the Dept. of Homeland Security, but you know 'liberals' hate it. Maybe you're laughing at the 'liberals' because Obama turned out to be a very centrist or right-leaning democrat. Or maybe you're pointing out the fact that both parties are pretty much the same thing. This would seem to negate all the screams of 'Communist!', 'Socialist!', "Fascist!".

Please let me know what you meant by that. I'm interested.


BTW when will your God Obama be dismantling the Patriot Act and disbanding the Dept. Of Homeland?

I'm guessing as soon as he's fixed the economy and done all the other things he never promised to do?

I'd want him to do both, and to trial the Cheney/Rove/Bush regime for treason and warcrime, I'd want him to legalize pot too. But again, he never promised to do any of that stuff, and he probably never will.

Your argument is the perfect example of the strawman fallacy, where you set up an easy target that your opponent never came at you with (a strawman) and then knock it down with overwhelming force. It may look impressive, but its not. The thing is, I'm not sure if you're trying to fool everyone else with this empty babble, or if these sentences makes sense in your own head somewhere. Either way its pretty pathetic.


CNN: "It's an offensive message!" "Do you know how offensive that is?"

Ok, seriously... where the hell was this lady when everyone was calling Bush a fascist for the last 8 years? Look at the best hits of that wunderidiot Olbermann some time.

Oh, she was keeping quiet because it's okay to hate on Bush, but not Obama?

Got it.



We've had a form of economic fascism for a long time. Militarized, favoring the creation of a strong centralized state with a corporatist, government directed economic policy. Unfortunately, this guy is just an attention whore who is throwing words around without knowing what they mean. It's perfect fodder for the Obamanites to make themselves feel better, who have turned a blind eye to bailouts, the monopolization of money, debt-based money, the future effects of today's unprecedented reinflation, price fixed interest rates, welfare ponzi schemes that are going to explode, deficit spending on consumption twice as much as Bush... but hey, he changed the tax code a little bit.


ok i dont dislike wiki. I love it. It's a phenomenal source of information. I just find personal humor in referencing it. Imagine doing a masters thesis or any ol college level paper where your entire bibliography was wikipedia


^For university level papers, wikipedia is definitely frowned upon as a "real" source, you can however use their references for everything, which is excellent. Wikipedia is good as an already sorted google, you can find papers, books, sources about almost any subject.

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