Obama Thanks A Marine


Question for anybody who has done honor guard duty: Is this a massive breach of protocol? What is a marine "supposed" to do in such a situation?

I know Obama being commander-in-chief probably changes, or at least confounds, all the rules, but that marine looks very shocked.


Yeah, because President George W. Bush NEVER thanked the troops or visited with the troops overseas or any of that folderol. Dennis Kookcinich, the Keeber Elf of Communism, flat-out refused to visit the troops in Iraq, though he did visit the terrorist cesspool of Syria.

Thanks for being a friendly reminder, Bill-O, of how little this nation deserves Obamunism.


>> ^dgandhi:
Question for anybody who has done honor guard duty: Is this a massive breach of protocol? What is a marine "supposed" to do in such a situation?
I know Obama being commander-in-chief probably changes, or at least confounds, all the rules, but that marine looks very shocked.

I'd say as Commander and Chief if he asked the guy to do a handstand it'd be okay =)

Heaven forfend, a leader who respects his troops and acknowledges them as actual people rather than prospective death toll numbers. *shock horror*


It's simple: Yes, the Marine is allowed to shake his hand. Obama is the Commander-In-Chief, his superior. If any superior officer wants to shake your hand after they return your salute then you certainly can. I don't see the problem.

And that etiquette has never applied to the President, Nordlich. Though the President is the Commander-In-Chief and his superior, he is not in the military. We pride ourselves on having civilians at the head of the government, and civilians don't have to follow military protocol if they don't want to. Though Obama is not an officer (and only officers get saluted in the U.S. military), he is treated as such by the military. Nonetheless, the President doesn't have to return his salute, but they normally do it as a courtesy.


>> ^dgandhi:
Question for anybody who has done honor guard duty: Is this a massive breach of protocol? What is a marine "supposed" to do in such a situation?
I know Obama being commander-in-chief probably changes, or at least confounds, all the rules, but that marine looks very shocked.

Its not uncommon for politicians or high brass to want to chat with catafalque members, but it doesn't happen a lot, thus the surprise on the guards face.

Ive also had one of my guard's pass out in the middle of a remembrance day ceremony, he was dragged off, another picked up his rifle and resumed his place.

Its just military drill, to intentionally break form without a good reason is about the only time you would get a slap on the wrist, otherwise its no big deal. If the pres wants to shake your hand, you shake his hand.


The marine didn't do anything wrong, nor did Obama.

I'm not sure why this is news though. Obama shook his hand, I'm happy for him... is there nothing else going on in the news?

A couple days ago CNN interrupted a news story about the stimulus package debate for a "breaking story". Basically there were some reporters on Airforce 1 asking Obama what he thought about flying on it. He said it was nice, and he said the marine helicopter was a smooth ride... that's it... that was the whole "breaking news" story. I've seen them doing the same thing because they saw Obama walking down some stairs. Seriously?

I like Obama for the most part, but some of these news organizations drop everything the moment they see him take a breath in public.


>> ^NordlichReiter:
The highest officer in the US just saluted you, you return the salute and stand at attention.
Since when does that etiquette not apply to the president?

Sorry no, that's not correct and just not how it works. A superiour officer (in this case President) never salutes their juniors... 'respect' goes upwards.

If you watch the clip again, the marine was saluting as Mr Obama was approaching.


Does the marine say "thank you sir" or "thank you mr president".. looks to be returning a pleasantry... like obama says "thank you for your service"... trying to read his lips... heh heh he totally thinks he's about to be in trouble!


>> ^NetRunner:
>> ^thinker247:
Did two people just downvote one person shaking the hand of another person?

Yep, you can feel the warmth, can't you?
Shame is, it's apparently urine.

My impression of NetRunner: "Did someone just say something good about Obama? Where's his penis? Slurp, slurp."

Though, I guess you could replace NetRunner with blankfist if you replaced Obama with Ron Paul.


All right libs, you don't deserve this explanation, but here it is:

I can understand opposing policies you don't agree with, even the harsher ones that kept America safe; it's the juvenile and disgraceful way liberals conducted themselves during the Bush years and continue to do so now that no conservative should abide.

Don't believe me? There's a disgraceful leftist comment about Bush in this very sift. See if you can find it.

What could a conservative/non-liberal be mad about? How about eight years of trashing Bush, sniping his family, criticizing his appointees, second guessing his every motive, blaming him for the high price of gasoline and a hurricane, assigning to the man one of the most implausible and stupid conspiracy theories ever created and equating life under Bush with nazism, ALL under the aegis of a totally-in-denial mainstream media that worked for free on behalf of Democrats the entire election cycle. (I'll be merciful and leave out how Democrats set the stage for the housing collapse with government "fairness" meddling, leading to the demise of Fan/Fred and triggering the first round of bailouts).

All Obama has done is win an election, sneak in more socialized medicine, use American tax dollars to allow foreign brown babies to be killed in the womb, offer to unleash all the gitmo terrorists back to Mid-East battlefields (and America) and pass another bailout bill to pay off his political debts, a bailout awfully similar to the one that made Bush's presidency a failure despite victory in Iraq.

Obama's real character has yet to emerge...he and his merry band of socialists are not selling anything that hasn't been tried and failed. You're going to have to learn this the hard way, I'm afraid.

As for this "spontaneous" video, you think Obama doesn't know his fan club cameras are rolling? The subtext here is that it's now OK for liberals to love the military because a Democrat is Commander-in-Chief.

Part-time patriotism is neither appreciated nor wanted.


That surely was a long-winded way of saying, "I downvote apples because of oranges."

>> ^quantumushroom:
All right libs, you don't deserve this explanation, but here it is:
I can understand opposing policies you don't agree with, even the harsher ones that kept America safe; it's the juvenile and disgraceful way liberals conducted themselves during the Bush years and continue to do so now that no conservative should abide.
Don't believe me? There's a disgraceful leftist comment about Bush in this very sift. See if you can find it.
What could a conservative/non-liberal be mad about? How about eight years of trashing Bush, sniping his family, criticizing his appointees, second guessing his every motive, blaming him for the high price of gasoline and a hurricane, assigning to the man one of the most implausible and stupid conspiracy theories ever created and equating life under Bush with nazism, ALL under the aegis of a totally-in-denial mainstream media that worked for free on behalf of Democrats the entire election cycle. (I'll be merciful and leave out how Democrats set the stage for the housing collapse with government "fairness" meddling, leading to the demise of Fan/Fred and triggering the first round of bailouts).
All Obama has done is win an election, sneak in more socialized medicine, use American tax dollars to allow foreign brown babies to be killed in the womb, offer to unleash all the gitmo terrorists back to Mid-East battlefields (and America) and pass another bailout bill to pay off his political debts, a bailout awfully similar to the one that made Bush's presidency a failure despite victory in Iraq.
Obama's real character has yet to emerge...he and his merry band of socialists are not selling anything that hasn't been tried and failed. You're going to have to learn this the hard way, I'm afraid.
As for this "spontaneous" video, you think Obama doesn't know his fan club cameras are rolling? The subtext here is that it's now OK for liberals to love the military because a Democrat is Commander-in-Chief.
Part-time patriotism is neither appreciated nor wanted.


Just a very trivial point, but there is a rare case where a superior may actually salute a junior (even an officer saluting an enlisted man). It occurs when the man/woman in question has earned the medal of honor.

Civilians never "have" to salute of course.


i find this video and entire thread confusing and enraging! i dont understand! would a president not normally shake the marines hand? and why the fuck not?

also, my brother as in the army during the 04 election and far far far from being a bush supporter, BUT kerry saluted something and he got really offended by it and wouldnt vote for him either. so is it not ok to salute as a civilan? and if not, is it still not ok to salute if you USED to be in the military? i think my brother was just being a bitch though and votes 3rd party all the time anyway.


Of course there's nothing wrong with shaking a Marine's hand and the Marine responding. But you know what? There's nothing 'cool' or special about it either. President's don't regularly stop to shake the hands of the honor guards because if they did they'd be doing it ALL FREAKING DAY. Every time the President gets of a chopper, a boat, a plane, or out of his car he'd be stopping to shake the hands of his honor guard. So they don't do it often - DUH. Do you stop to shake the hand of every Wal-Mart greeter? Every cashier? Every grocery store stocker? Every janitor?

So the manchild Barry gets zero props for this stunt. Maybe he was being nice. More likely he was just doing a deliberate photo op. Either way to pretend like he's somehow 'cool' or 'real' or anything for doing it is stupidity. Just like his fake apology for the Daschle fiasco. You want to be an Obama zombie and wet yourself with pleasure over these pathetic attempts at 'genuineness'? Go ahead. All it does is prove you're a tool.


Haha poor QM and BillO, even tho the last one is just a flamebaiting faux. You both know the truth here dont you, or do I have to spell it out:

Bush: Arrogant, pompus, spoiled dipshit of a failure, Trying to increase his own and the govenrments influence at every oppotunity despite his party's mantra , incapable of seeing his many flaws, and takes care to weasel himself and his peers of any responsibility.

Obama: Pretty much seems like a fantastic guy, an inspirational leader that makes good decisions, limits his own powers, stands by his mistakes and takes responsibility for his actions. He has demonstrated all this in 3 weeks.

Sure Obama may fuck up completely still, but this is how it stands at the moment.


Oh Crap! Oh Crap! OH Crap! OH CRAP! What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?

You know his buddies at the base are never going to let him forget about the expression he made.


>> ^BicycleRepairMan:
Haha poor QM and BillO, even tho the last one is just a flamebaiting faux. You both know the truth here dont you, or do I have to spell it out:
Bush: Arrogant, pompus, spoiled dipshit of a failure, Trying to increase his own and the govenrments influence at every oppotunity despite his party's mantra , incapable of seeing his many flaws, and takes care to weasel himself and his peers of any responsibility.
Obama: Pretty much seems like a fantastic guy, an inspirational leader that makes good decisions, limits his own powers, stands by his mistakes and takes responsibility for his actions. He has demonstrated all this in 3 weeks.
Sure Obama may fuck up completely still, but this is how it stands at the moment.

I agree that he is inspirational to many, and I even agree that his public persona is very positive.

I think the problem some people have is with his decisions, and that comes down to whether or not you agree with him on a given issue. There are many economists (for example) that would argue that Obama's fiscal goals and policies are destructive rather than beneficial, while others think he is on the right track.

Perhaps the part that angers people like QM is that there seems to be many people who agree with Obama's policies simply because he is a very powerful and iconic public figure. In essence, they agree with Obama because they feel he is a good guy, rather than agreeing with him because his policies match theirs. In a similar sense, QM believes that people disagreed with Bush solely because they didn't like him as a person.

While I agree with his sentiments in part, I also think that the type of person who would both value Obama's personality and agree with his policies on principle would, at the same time, dislike both Bush's attitude and many of his policies. Whether or not Obama makes "good decisions" is a matter of opinion.

Anyway, that is my attempt to translate QM speak into something a little more digestible for those who only see the angry Obama-bashing side. Only QM can tell you whether or not this is close to the mark.

(BillO, on the other hand, is unlikely serious in his remarks)


In essence, they agree with Obama because they feel he is a good guy, rather than agreeing with him because his policies match theirs. In a similar sense, QM believes that people disagreed with Bush solely because they didn't like him as a person.

Some of us are amazed that people are so desperate to smoke Obama's used toilet paper DESPITE the overwhelming evidence that he's a cheating, lying, unlikable, business as usual Chicago thug pol. Over the past few days alone he has shown an apalling lack of grace. Opposing agendas are labeled with propogandistic slurs. He insults other points of view. He gets angry with media when they ask him 'real' questions. He wails doom and gloom and uses scare tactics. He breaks his promises. He hides substantive errors in judgement with glib dismissals. Some other pol acting like this bozo would be pilloried (and rightly so).

I can only deduce two reasons for this incredible lack of intellectual honesty regarding Obama...

ONE: Unlike Bush, the media ignores his blunders, hides his gaffes, and gives him kid glove treatment instead of hard journalism. With the media abandoning its credibility in an effort to carry his water, it leaves the the unthinking, ignorant, and intellectually lazy masses believing he's a 'great guy' in spite of plentiful evidence to the contrary.

TWO: A bunch of people sucked into the Obama hype machine are now mentally and socially invested in the man. They praised him because he could 'talk good'. It was shallow, but they are on the record for it and so they want him to be good for no other reason than he is 'thier guy'. Call it buyer's remorse, or desperation, or whatever. The end result is that Obama could go out tomorrow and club baby seals to death with his bare hands and they'd still apologize for him. They just can't bring themselves to admit that they were wrong.

These are the Obama zombies. Such persons will clink glasses of Flavor-aid as they use the audacity of hope to leap onto the Hale-Bopp comet and fly through Heaven's Gate.


Ok, for fun, I decided to go through this rambling to find actual examples of such behavior. Care to fill this in Winstonfield_Pennypacker?

1.apalling lack of grace
2.insults other points of view
This is from when he joked and insulted Nancy Reagans childish superstitions?

3.Opposing agendas labeled with propogandistic slurs
Hmm, I believe thats called being rhetorical, or did you have a specific example in mind?

4.gets angry with media when they ask him 'real' questions.
Is this when he said, "Look, I just came down to say hi" to the press corp in the white house, and then held the actual press conference later?

5.wails doom and gloom and uses scare tactics.
Was this when he assured everyone that there were WMD's in Iraq, and connections to al-qaeda? Wait.. wasnt that some other guy?

6.Breaks a promise.
Wait, you got one here, the lobbyist he hired. Right. I'm busted I guess, a politician who breaks a promise. What has the world come to?

7.He hides substantive errors in judgement with glib dismissals.
Again, I think you mixed him up with that white, older guy from Texas.


Shut. The. Fuck. Up.

I don't set out to control your emotions, nor do I want to. Please continue to learn.


With the Scamulus, we've just watched Obama and Friends, with the collusion of 3 traitor Repubicans, pull off the greatest generational theft in the history of the world.

Never before have so many government crooks simultaneously proven they have no F**KING idea what they're doing (economy) yet know EXACTLY what they're doing (downgrading America from free nation to socialist outhouse).

Perhaps the part that angers people like QM is that there seems to be many people who agree with Obama's policies simply because he is a very powerful and iconic public figure. In essence, they agree with Obama because they feel he is a good guy, rather than agreeing with him because his policies match theirs. In a similar sense, QM believes that people disagreed with Bush solely because they didn't like him as a person.

Obama is "a very powerful and iconic public figure" because that's the way he's portrayed by--forgive the vulgarity--fawning, suck-d**ck, liberally-biased media. He's had an easy time of it, but anyone paying attention knows that America's enemies are not impressed. Neither are investors.

Likewise, Bush, a flawed human being, was hated by the left for what he stood for before ever assuming office. What I never hear any liberal admit, is that every year Bush fully-funded all ineffectual liberal government programs, to the point Obama may have needed the Scamulus just to prove he could still outspend even a half-conservative.

Any even partially-objective observers, if they're being honest, cannot say that both men have received equal time and treatment by the media.

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