Naked people at supermarket in Denmark

Warning: contains *shocker* nudity!

A supermarket was stormed by hoards of naked shoppers on Saturday after they offered free groceries to the first hundred people willing to turn up to the store in their birthday suits. So many people turned up, that staff at the store had to let them in, in batches of twenty, to stop a potential naked stampede.

YouTube Description:

This video from the grand opening of the bordershop Priss is just one among a lot of daily news You can read for free on the newspaper Ugeavisen Tønder -- -

Especially as the supermarket is near Sæd - which is quite funny - "sæd" being the danish word for "sperm"..

"Priss grænsebutik ved Sæd Grænse" - "Priss border shop near Sæd border". (Located in Germany, just over the border, selling cheap Germany-taxed various wares and groceriesalcohol to danish shoppers..)

(And why not buy danish candy while you're at it? How about a nice load of Spunk?)


A "border shop" is a store located close to a national border. Such shops are targeted mostly at people living on the opposite side of the border from the shop, which mostly offers products that are taxed higher and/or are illegal on the customers' side of the border. You might see this with fireworks stores across state borders in the US. For Denmark/Germany, it's all about taxes on alcohol, which is why this "supermarket" is 90% alcohol isle. Nobody goes there to buy groceries beyond maybe a couple of hot dogs to help wash down their 10 crates of Tuborg. You can see that even the flat-bottom shopping carts are designed to be piled high with beer crates, not to hold on to baby food and cleaning products. >> ^dag:

What's a bordershop?


>> ^brycewi19:

And what exactly is the point of running a promotion like this?

Really? You don't see how having the opening of your store become a viral video is NOT a good thing for publicity and people knowing that the store exists? People in the areas that this place services are going to be sent the video with comments like 'check out what's near you!' and 'Did you go? I think you did... '

Nudity + free stuff = easy (and cheap) promotion.

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