Motorcycles in the future will not tip over. Lit Motors


Self promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Thursday, June 19th, 2014 1:51pm PDT - promote requested by original submitter deathcow.


Skeptical until I see why it's un-tippable.

Also, if it gets t-boned by a car, I'm betting that graphic is a little less than accurate, as it's not the tipping that's the problem, it's the whole crunch factor.


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In the future motorbikes won't tip over. Cameras in the future will be just as shaky as they are today. Except when well-done-up models step out of un-tippable motorbikes.


In the future motorcycles won't tip over but no one will ride them because the whole point of motorcycles is to look like a bad ass as you go through your midlife crisis, crashing is part of the cool factor.


Oh come now. If a car collided with it as in that animation, tipping over wouldn't be the issue; it'd be flipping over.

I hope it comes with its own jaws of life. That thing won't survive a real wreck. At least on a non-enclosed motorcycle you could be thrown clear.

It has all of the danger of an automobile coupled with all of the danger of a motorcycle minus any of the safety aspects of both.


I immediately thought of this...


Oh come now. If a car collided with it as in that animation, tipping over wouldn't be the issue; it'd be flipping over.

I hope it comes with its own jaws of life. That thing won't survive a real wreck. At least on a non-enclosed motorcycle you could be thrown clear.

It has all of the danger of an automobile coupled with all of the danger of a motorcycle minus any of the safety aspects of both.


Is bikers just like, falling over a big problem or something? What problem is this invention solving exactly? I mean, I guess if it has airbags and a seat belt then it might protect you from moderate collisions and fender benders.

So yah. It doesn't look as nippy as a proper bike, it restricts the bikers vision and it makes you look like a dork. I also couldn't help but notice that they don't show it going around a corner. Or turning at all actually.

Maybe they should just do away with the gyro, add a third wheel an....
Oh, nvm then.


It's not for bikers. It's for car drivers who want the economy and conveniences of a motorcycle.

The lack of video's showing it turning has been puzzling, since in others I've watched they claim that it'll make corners sharp enough that it'll be leaning so far over that you could be dragging your hand on the ground if you had the window open.


Is bikers just like, falling over a big problem or something? What problem is this invention solving exactly? I mean, I guess if it has airbags and a seat belt then it might protect you from moderate collisions and fender benders.

So yah. It doesn't look as nippy as a proper bike, it restricts the bikers vision and it makes you look like a dork. I also couldn't help but notice that they don't show it going around a corner. Or turning at all actually.

Maybe they should just do away with the gyro, add a third wheel an....
Oh, nvm then.


That's a good point actually, if the wind was strong enough, the bike would be tilted right over to counterbalance it, but without the inertia of cornering, so you'd have your body pressed against the side of the bike.


Sure, but will it handle a good stiff wind? My father used to drive a Free-Way and one day he got blown clean off the road.
In case you're curious

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