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How to poop successfully while in the orient


I had to use a squat toilet once (it was an emergency and I couldn't find anything else). It was an extremely precarious affair. Aside from what ghark mentioned about having to be careful of your pants, balance was a definite issue. And if you do lose your balance, what do you hold on to? It's a public bathroom; everything is gross.

Western toilets are a bajillion times better.


I've been living in Thailand for 4 years, but I'm definitely not a convert to the squat-style toilets. My house has a western style sit-n-s#it. The upside is that almost all western toilets here also have a handheld spray-nozzle hose attachment to serve bidet-like purposes, which I now think I'd miss back in the US. It doesn't fully replace T.P., but it is an excellent supplement in terms of cleanliness.

One more thing about the squat toilets -- imagine all of the difficulties of a squatter: pants placement, tired legs from hovering, lack of optimal handhold locations, etc. and then add on to that being in a moving train being jarred back and forth, going around corners, and lurching with every acceleration change. That experience is hands down my most... exciting visit to the "hong nam" (toilet) in 4 years of being here.


One of the public toilettes where I grew up (in Beijing) is pretty much a few planks (to squat) over a gentle slope made of concrete... I don't want to spoil your day so I'll spare the details, but most things didn't end up at the lower end if you know what I mean.

I still refuse to go into public toilettes in China 20 years on.


>> ^steroidg:

One of the public toilettes where I grew up (in Beijing) is pretty much a few planks (to squat) over a gentle slope made of concrete... I don't want to spoil your day so I'll spare the details, but most things didn't end up at the lower end if you know what I mean.
I still refuse to go into public toilettes in China 20 years on.

Yea I've spent a few months in Guangzhou, it's quite important to go to the toilet before you visit the markets - if you have to go at the markets it's exactly like you describe, just a gentle slope that runs underneath the entire line of toilets, with pretty much no water to speak of to keep everything 'moving'.

How politically correct we are.


Thing is, modern toilets also substantially increase the incidence of hemorrhoids and various other colon issues. We're evolutionary predisposed to squatting and only that creates a 'straight path' or so it were.


We do a lot of things that we aren't predisposed to in evolutionary terms, doesn't mean I want to go back to running around on all fours. I can only imagine the hilarity that ensues when trying to preform a squat-n-drop while intoxicated.


@RedSky, @00Scud00, you're both right. The appropriate way to poop is in a squatted posture, but I'm not going back to those days of squatting in the woods. Personally, I keep a stool in each one of my bathrooms to prop my feet up on. It make shitting much more enjoyable and quite a bit faster.


Ya, I wasn't going to watch this - but then I though, "What if I end up there for some reason - and I hadn't watched the video." I'd hate to live with that regret...

>> ^NinjaInHeat:

If only I had seen this a couple years ago a certain Tokyo subway experience wouldn't have been quite so traumatic, oh well.


I was certainly won over to the Squat N Drops while living in Japan for a couple of years. Not only are they better for preventing hemeroids/vericose veins/colon problems (as mentioned above), but they are also cleaner. That is, the only part of you that touches anything is your shoes, and usually in Japan those are toilet slippers anyway.

One should remember that there is a very wide toilet spectrum in Japan, too, from a hole in the floor to the full Star Ship Enterprise captain's chair (warmed seats, mister, air dryer, mp3 player, you name it...)

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