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Choggie Teaches Us How to Cook Jambalaya - Really.

Surprisingly (or maybe not), Choggie actually sounds exactly as I've always imagined.

I only saw one bong and one glass of whiskey.

You know what's hilarious, a YT video of the inside of your house is probable cause for a search warrant.


a message from choggie to y'all:

"To repeatedly
deny an opportunity to indulge ego and fear,
even if that benefit be simple understanding of the source of one's own frustration and anger,
is perhaps an indication of an unhealthy spirit, a corrupted program, or a fundamental fubar.....

Peace and Understanding
read 3 times perhaps, you will absorb the meaning"


He was the only one of you characters I ever really liked. Then again, I don't come here to argue about shit or get smart. I come here to watch stupid videos.

Edit: but videos smarter than the Youtubes.


hmm... i dont know, everything he says makes perfect sense to me, i dont see the big deal about the speech/typing pattern. but i was married into some coon-ass peoples.

i see red lighter, bottle of essential oils, bong, small sack of weed, what appears to be a big red vibrator, bottle of booze, glass of whiskey.


>> ^joedirt:
I only saw one bong and one glass of whiskey.
You know what's hilarious, a YT video of the inside of your house is probable cause for a search warrant.

Sure, Joe.

Spread that signature joi de vivre that you're known so well for.


EDIT: I dislike the taste of Jambalaya almost as much as I dislike the thought of Choggie endlessly harassing me with rude, profanity laden private profile messages - Really. double downvote.


oh boo hoo, someone has an opinion different from yours (Swampgirl) about choggie. he earned that opinion from me, just like he earned being banned from the site.


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