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Why Tipping Should Be Banned

Colbert interviews Anita Sarkeesian

The Onion Looks Back At "Saving Private Ryan"

Stephen Colbert, Michelle Obama and the French President

Oppressed Majority

bluecliff says...

ofcs the cowards who put this up on youtube disabled comments and up/downvoting
this video is disgusting, filled with cliches, and portrays men like they're animals

so f*ck you, you can try to guilt-trip someone else

Siskel and Ebert defend Star Wars

bluecliff says...

As someone who loves Star Wars I don't think the critic was snooty at all. Ebert and Siskel are 2nd rate, populist dudes (which doesn't mean I don't like them - I just recognize what they ARE)...

Star Wars is good. It's just that it really does belong to a dehumanized era, which IS (also) childish...

but we late humans are both of those things... and Star Wars is one of the best dehumanized/childish art options around...

REAL Lesbians React to Lesbian Porn

bluecliff says...

"no lesbian would be cruel to another lesbian"

yeah, right...

women are cruel to women even more than men are
and lesbian domestic violence is almost higher than that of heterosexuals

bs propaganda to make minorities seem "cute"
while they are just the same assholes like the rest of us


these women don't look REAL at all
they look like hipster corporate products, and sound like that too

Brilliant Coffee House Prank

bluecliff says...

in most hunter gatherer groups you didn't have to be on guard while sipping a FUCKING MOCHA LATTE

RedSky said:

The plodding reaction of some of these chums makes me wonder how their ancestors survived as hunter-gatherers.

If Famous Websites were Real People

bluecliff says...

I was completely disappointed. Google should have been a large fat man, with most of the sites on a leash, like Jaba with Leia. There should be drool coming from his mouth
Youtube should have been a schizophrenic, insane person, dressed in hip-hop cloths, speaking gibberish spanglish.
Also, there is no weeping, nor gnashing of teeth...

Bar Refaeli's Sex Tape Kickstarter

Avengers Assemble

Stephen Fry On His Role In The Hobbit

ponceleon (Member Profile)

bluecliff says...

what kind of a 3d rate asshole would debunk the loch ness monster with a 2nd rate video that screams "i vote for for a 4th rate zombie, becauseI'm an uneducated piece of sh*t"???

damn you americans

X CIA asset explains the true events leading up to 9/11

bluecliff says...

i think they should have pressed her to describe the CIA milleu, how and why she became what she was, etc.

Most of if not all of the problems with conspiracy is the fact that the background of the dealings described therein seem, to put it mildly, outlandish

If there's this guy called (for instance) Michael, who likes to cut off peoples balls and shove them into their mouths (as in some sort of torture scenario, and we know that torture happens) or if he can even calmly watch a man who is being waterboarded, THEN

we are dealing with something akin to a "subculture" that needs to be adequately described before we can make sense of the actions of people like "spooks" torturers, assets, etc....

In the end, does it strike me likely that something like this COULD have happened: sure it does. I actually think is more probable than the "official" scenario, but I still don't know

X CIA asset explains the true events leading up to 9/11

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