Babymetal: J-pop-metal crossover

It's like the Spice Girls joined Slipknot.

That was.... That had zero artistic value unless you count the amount of effort to engineer and arrange the perfect melding of these things.
In the end, it's just cutesie gothic lolitas prancing around to lull the crowd into ignoring that it's a prerecorded music track, and superficial construct of media.
I guess that's art in some form.
For some reason I still dig it. I guess that's the magic of a pure distillation pop-production.

EDIT: Curiosity got the better of me and I downloaded the album. It's pretty funny, and often wanders more into the realm of regular J-pop and electro-synth music, and with one song, for some reason, gangster rap.



Yellow Machinegun anyone? They don't always wear the school girl thing, but the first album I owned of theirs featured them wearing schoolgirl outfits and SCREAMING!

This ain't new or news. Lamer, poppier version of something that's been around for more than 20 years.

My wife works in fashion, designs for Urban Outfitters, PacSun, Roxy, Quicksilver, etc. etc. Your girlfriend or wife probably owns either a handbag or an article of clothing designed by her. The styles and trends that are in take us all the way back to Cramps/Misfits/Rocky Horror fashion sense, amalgamated with '90s nihilism and modern pop (often hip hop, but in the case here, J Pop) trends.

Nothing new is happening and that makes it SOOOOOO much easier to anticipate the trends and succeed in making people think something "new" is on the horizon. lol

Asmojokingly says...

Wow, another internet know it all staring down his nose at everything. How new and original...



Yellow Machinegun anyone? They don't always wear the school girl thing, but the first album I owned of theirs featured them wearing schoolgirl outfits and SCREAMING!

This ain't new or news. Lamer, poppier version of something that's been around for more than 20 years.

My wife works in fashion, designs for Urban Outfitters, PacSun, Roxy, Quicksilver, etc. etc. Your girlfriend or wife probably owns either a handbag or an article of clothing designed by her. The styles and trends that are in take us all the way back to Cramps/Misfits/Rocky Horror fashion sense, amalgamated with '90s nihilism and modern pop (often hip hop, but in the case here, J Pop) trends.

Nothing new is happening and that makes it SOOOOOO much easier to anticipate the trends and succeed in making people think something "new" is on the horizon. lol

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