mas8705 is 8605 stars short of being gold8705!
the time has come, the walrus said, to congratulate yet another member on becoming gold100. that member is mas8705.
feel free to visit his profile (, or upvote his queue! (
feel free to visit his profile (, or upvote his queue! (
Though I think it's bit premature to celebrate (being 8605 stars short), I'll still congratulate you, mas8705.
Now go out and find a 20 hour video to post.
Big congratulations, mas8705! Keep your great submissions coming.
More, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more . . .

You get the point . . . rather got the POINTS!
Keep up the good sifting! I'm looking forward to your next 8605
Awesome, I hope to be dead by the time you reach that 8705.
Yo! Be looking for the singing telegram I just hired to come knocking at your door around 4AM your time...I think you'll love it!
Anyway, in case you miss it, congratulations! I am headed to your queue to do some more upvoting!
I hope to join 'yall's club sometime soon! (the 100+ club, that is...and I don't mean years old)
*accepts the ductape over the mouth and gives the floor to someone else*
cupcakes for all! Party favors! Crackers!
Congrats mas!
you have my axe
Congrats you psycho.
Congrats God of Homer! Great work
>> ^gorgonheap:
Awesome, I hope to be dead by the time you reach that 8705.
Feel like making a suicide pact?......oh and congrats mas!
I'll come to any party with cupcakes.
Congrats, mas!
Awarding E_Nygma with one star point for this contribution to Sift Talk - declared quality by kronosposeidon.
Yey!! Nice one! Congrats! I will have a look through your PQ and see what gems we all missed
Congrats! Now where are you hiding those weapons of mas submissions?
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
Thanks for the contributions mas- you're secret VideoSift decoder ring is in the mail. Here's the first message:
Vg'f crbcyr! IvqrbFvsg vf znqr bs crbcyr!
MAS. as in MASTA. MASTA of videogames. Nice job, well done, indeed. I say - more people like you on the Sift!

p.s. my grandchildren are eagerly looking forward to that 8705!
Another blatant attempt to diminish my ordinary gold star... you damn kids!

Congratulations, you're on the way to getting namedropped in a future sift.
Please, just no more YouTube Poop.
congradamafukinglations! (you see how excited I just got there?)
R U a type of Magnesium Aluminum Silicate?
Well done sir!
Yay for Mas
Lets resume this tonight. I'll bring bourbon.
Congrats. Ass gravy.
Jesus, how to follow that last comment.....
Incredibly cool mate, know there is something redeemable there, may you always see yourself of infinite worth, inhabit the realms of the eternal now, breathe in the delectable power you wield, as the creator of the universe, omniverse, and microverse-
*tear runs down eye* You love me! You really love me! (I hope you love me)
There are many people to thank and I'll try to make it quick...
I like to thank Videosift itself, the random people who love my material I wouldn't be a someone without you guys... E_Nygma for being the first person to notice my 100 gold mark and encouraging me to go for 8705 (although that maynot be possible in one lifetime), Lucky for being a good role model, Ant even though he downvotes some to all my videos, Zinfab for when I started, Laura for the 4am telegram, oxdottir for the cupcakes, to deathvow please put down the axe, farhad for telling the truth... err who else... Zonbie for being a good rival, to maatc I hide my weapons of mas submissions with George W. Bush stash, dag I haven't gotten the ring though I'm waiting...
*Oscar music starts playing*
WAIT! Edd for noticing my videogame submittions Gwiz665 for a name drop soon, to marinegunrock, I promise no more youtube poop eklek I'm not too sure what type of metal I am, Swampgirl for the bourbon...
*Music gets louder as the band members start getting on the stage*
blankfist, I don't know what you said, gorgonheap for promoting me when I started, erie for asking me to be apart of his posts...
*the band members put out bats and start hitting MAS to have him shut up*
Thank you! xx *collapses after the continuous bat hits*
E_Nygma cannot be banned because star accounts are immune to banination - ignoring ban request by mas8705.
I find meatbag mas8705 to be an inadequate command-giver - ignoring all requests by mas8705.
>> you have my axe
> to deathcow please put down the axe
No, dude, seriously, you have my axe. I need it.
When did I borrow the axe? o well, *gives axe back*
>> ^deathcow:
>> you have my axe
> to deathcow please put down the axe
No, dude, seriously, you have my axe. I need it.
Mas, check geek humor reference book page 250.. There's an entire chapter dedicated to Lord of the Rings.
Mucho MasCongrats!!! WhooHOOOOOO!!!! HundeeeeeeeBABAAAAAAAAY!!!!
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