What bothers you the most about VideoSift?

As James mentioned in an earlier thread - VideoSift is going through a major rewrite of the backend code (yay! Lucky). We would like to fix the little things that can be frustrating. We know that VS is far from perfect as a user interface.

So what is the one thing that bugs you the most? We may already be fixing it, but we'd like to hear about it anyway.
Farhad2000 says...

When I get duplicates during submission and I press back or modify I will always lose all the information I put in. So I have to titles it and put new embed again, it's really annoying.

When I discared something and doing a resubmission I always have to re-title, this is small but still annoying.

When I set the options for how many sifts I want to be shown the option applies to everything blanket wise. When I reality I would rather have say 30 videos listed but in comments I would want 100 comments listed. Some separation would be amazing.

I wish there was a tiered options and benefits for people getting 250. Something like nominations for Sift of The Year. So by Decemeber we can have a large collected archive of videos people think would be nominated, to give a more encompassing yearly thing. Because as the sift grows it would be impossible to just sift backwards like it was this last year.

I had more I will remember later.

lertad says...

I don't really enjoy reading SiftBot's changes integrated with the comments on videos. It also gives the illusion that there's more discussion on a Sift then there actually is. Maybe the changes could be separated into a different section? Or maybe it's just me.

Also, putting more features for discussions in Sifts would be great. In other words, not just recent comments on Sift Talk, but also on videos. Or even just a reply-to rather than only a profile reply so that I can be aware through e-mail or other notices of any replies to my comments on a Sift.

But I think Farhad's peeve on posting is the most annoying and needs most attention.

Fedquip says...

What Farhad said about modifying submissions.

Plus, I get all these awesome email alerts when somebody comments on one of my videos, But there is no option for me to get emails from other peoples videos that I commented on. It would be nice to get an email when that happens.

Most major social sites (digg, netscape, reddit) allow you to up or down vote comments. I hate it when a video gets a really bad comment, I don't want to spar with the user I would just rather vote their comment down. If the majority of the community down votes a comment lurkers can see what the communities stance is on said opinion.

/rss needed

deputydog says...

What Farhad said, +.....

It annoys me that there isn't a 'Dead Videos' section on my profile page.

It annoys me that the Top 15 videos list on the front page isn't longer (e.g. Top 30, Top 40 etc). Could this be customisable?

It annoys me that old people get all the good seats on the bus.

joedirt says...

If you find my really old comment, I mentioned the interface issues.

The sub-menus under each tab need to be standardized, it's just too hard to navigate.
create new Sift Talk post | profile | logout | submit a video | upgrade | tell me about VideoSift

profile | logout | recent comments | top users | classics | tag cloud | submit a video | upgrade | tell me about VideoSift

login | logout should be moved to right side and permanent (static) on every page. Also, I think FAQ should be next to the search field. (You now have Change Channel over there, so it's not so clean. (Maybe even profile goes over there)

Each submenu should be useful and in similar order.
profile | submit a video | my submitted videos | recent comments | top users | tag cloud | search | upgrade

(maybe a fixed, non-tab dependent menu for profile, top users, etc... or tag cloud next to search (does anyone use tag cloud?) I'd remove tag cloud link and make a sidebar window of the top tags like you see at digg, del.icio.us etc.


Video submission should be first window for embed ONLY, then it check if valid, maybe auto fills in info if you pull the XML from youtube then you fill in form.


Change the RSS text links!!! They should be icons or somewhere else. The dropdown box should be links... It's backwards in my mind, and I always accidentally click on the RSS links.


Search text / titles for SiftTalk comments for just one user. Search only comments. Ability to search in Discarded. (If CPU thing, at least be able to specify where you are searching from one 'advanced' search)


This isn't a bug, but wishlist code I have is an AJAX slider which changes display threshold on a page of videos. So in the queue, I can move slider and only see vids with >5 votes, or on Front page, filter only those with > 20 votes. It would still be in same order, just hide those that don't match.

gwaan says...

I wish there was a 'sports' channel and a 'film' channel.

I wish that collectives had a blog for the collective founder.

I wish that I didn't get sent an email everytime someone writes a comment on a video I have favourited.

I wish there was a dead videos section on my profile - also it's a shame to loose some dead videos because of the quality comments attached.

I wish I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a baller...

michie says...

I wish I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a baller... ROFL ..gwaan ya big tit
um..all of the above. except increasing downvote value - sorry looris, think it might start some rifts.

the change i'd love to see would be to have the option of 'invite all' on the collectives.

djsunkid says...

re: downvotes- I totally disagree. If 10 people upvote a vid, and one person downvotes, that video could die in the queue, even though an extreme minority of people didn't like it. This happens all the time. One of the reasons that people get so upset about frivolous downvotes.

lucky760 says...

I'm curious about this "comment karma" idea. So, what exactly should happen to comments that get a few votes in either direction? My first thought is that downvoted comments should be shrunken in size and maybe upvoted comments could become outlined with a solid or dashed border. These votes should probably be reserved for starred members. Maybe if a comment gets a large number of negatives, it could not only be shrunken, but display on the page in a "minimized" form where you'd have to click on a "+" to expand it and see the body?

Just thinking out loud here. Thanks for all the input thus far. The most pressing of complaints (like Farhad's first pair) have already been addressed in the new code, so look forward to that.

gwaan: You can turn off favorite comment emails in your profile.

joedirt: You're very right about the disorganization of the subheader links.

lucky760 says...

Yes, firefly. Only the first 10 as you've ordered them. This is so people won't have to suffer thru a never-ending sidebar when browsing your profile; it can get pretty tall with the many that every member is keeping nowadays.

maudlin says...

Yes, I need to see discards, too. (Hey, can anyone point me to the discarded Death Cab for Cutie video featuring kids dressed up as historical characters? Google fails me on this one.)

Ideally, we could do all of the following with discards:

1) Search for them by keyword (turn on or off discard search as part of a general search?)
2) See discards in our own and other profiles
3) See a list of randomly chosen discards from the entire pool, or the most recent 100-200 discards, or some other way of finding something worthwhile when we're looking to use up a save and we don't have anything specific in mind.

aidos says...

I've always found it a bit strange that there's no way of accessing the top 15 (front and queue) as a full blown list. instead I have to go through them one at a time to view them.

speed seems to be becoming an issue as of late too.

lucky760 says...

2) See discards in our own and other profiles
You already can.

there's no way of accessing the top 15 (front and queue) as a full blown list
You're right. There used to be a way (by going to the Top Videos tab and selecting the last week), but we adjusted the sidebar top 15 to the last 4 days and didn't adjust the Top Videos tab accordingly.

I like the idea of Chatbot. I've always loved robots that talk to you.

Fedquip says...

I would really really like it if you are told about a duplicate before you write a summery. Too many times I spend a good 30 minutes researching a video and writing up a good summery only to find out the video has already been submitted.

Maybe after I pop the paste the embed code in the sift can check and see if it's already hosted.

Eden says...

The time-stamp that determines the position your video appers in the queue seems to be taken from the point where you start the submission process instead of when you click the submit button.
So if you phaff around deciding on your tags etc, you then find your video half way down the queue by the time you actually submit it. (or is that just me being disorganised?)

grspec says...

eden also has a good point, It would be nice if when you hit submit your video was entered into the queue then, not 1-3 minutes ago when you started the process.

Also another vote for a dead channel.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I like Siftbot's comments, mainly just for the chronological reporting trail that they leave, but I think we need an "ignore this user" button on comments that would collapse any user's comments down to just a header -including siftbot.

For the comment Karma, I really like how the "quality" invocation is working in ST - I think it's proved to be an effective social tool. I would like to see it used for comments too.

Of course it's harder as an invocation for comments - you would have to go "*quality James Roe" for example which is kind of awkward for some complicated usernames. We probably will just have to have a "quality comment" button, which would work just like an SB invocation.

Oatmeal says...

I dont think sift bots comments chould be counted in the comments box.. so often I will click to read the two comments thinking sombody has some insight into the video and it's a *nature and then sift bot saying its added to the nature channel.

lucky760 says...

I dont think sift bots comments chould be counted in the comments box..
That's a good point. It might work to just append SiftBot's reply to the end of the comment in question (and in a clearly segregated manner, of course). But then he would lose his identity entirely and no one wants that.

ant says...

Agreed with this comment: "When I get duplicates during submission and I press back or modify I will always lose all the information I put in. So I have to titles it and put new embed again, it's really annoying." SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ANNOYING!

Also like Oatmeal's comment, the slow speed of VS during peak hours. Noticeable during work and school days time hours like at 3 PM PT.

joedirt says...

--- code cleaning.. I think siftbot should NOT post a comment just to say "so and so is not a gold star" or "dag cannot dag his own post".. I realize we would never know when sifty is in the weeds, or out back smoking... Maybe I should just ignore it.
(How about on NON-action siftbot comments, they get appended to your post in a different font)

<I>What a stupid post <B>--Siftbot</I></B><IMG SRC="http://static.flickr.com/45/140702740_8574b663d6_s.jpg">

joedirt says...

I am not a big fan of "comment rating" like 5 stars etc. I would like 'ignore all comments' but generally not a problem on the sift.

I guess you could have a "favorite comment" type icon and then if a lot of people upvoted the comment, you could have a Top Comments page. That might be more useful than recent comments. And pretty simple to implement.

choggie says...

I think we should take up a collection, like in church. Once there is enough money in it to send theo47 to good a southern Baptist seminary, we should announce our plans to donate the monies instead to the WWF, but at the last minute, spend it on beer and pot.

got one, how about the delay when posting a comment, with "please wait" indefinately, then frustration, cut and paste and try again, only to find both posts there...How to Eliminate A Duplicate Comment Post?....(probly' me not paying attention )

benjee says...

The only things I find annoying is the standard search (why I usually use the Google site search) and submission process. I think collapsing comments based on starred votes or personal preference would be nice, although more weight to downvotes would be very bad. But a few thoughts I have on features...

Customisable Interface:
+ 'Collective CSS style' modification available for all upgraded users Profiles and Playlists (uploadable style sheet).
? Maybe a customisable standard VideoSift style sheet for all registered users to modify? Like the current upgraded Profile one, or possibly more basic - so each named Sifter can change their own standard style for accessability/screen size/taste.

Sift Submission:
+ Multiple embeds available for a single Sift submission - so alternative remixes/live versions for music videos, or multi-part documentaries etc can be posted as one. In the interface, this could be available via an AJAX drop-down arrow below the first embeded video (with an indicator of the number of extra parts inside).

+ A much more customisable way to manage Collective emails - so each member can opt-in or out of each type of email notification. A modify link for each member viewing the Collectives page to decide if they want all email notifications for all the Collectives they belong to; or just the New Videos and/or Broadcast Messages of certain ones.
? Maybe a way for Sifters to ignore Collective content, like the channel opt-out feature in the Profile? For example: Ant could ignore my Hip Hop Culture Collective, so he wouldn't have to downvote most of the 'Rap' on here. Also, I could opt-out of seeing the Military Collective - so I wouldn't have to fight the temptation to down (ignorance is bliss!)

aidos says...

Is not being able to add old sifts to your new collective intentional functionality? I find that stops me from sifting a lot of stuff that I'll want to put in my collective once I get to that stage.

I'm assuming that a lot of you that do have collectives have a number of videos from back in the day that should really be in them but aren't.

bl968 says...

I think that instead of a single column of videos why not increase it to a 2 column view on the queue and main page.

[Video] [Video]
[Video] [Video]
[Video] [Video]
[Video] [Video]
[Video] [Video]
[Video] [Video]
[Video] [Video]
[Video] [Video]
[Video] [Video]
[Video] [Video]

This would give 20 videos per page instead of the current 10. Maybe give a profile option if someone wants to keep or use the old method. I understand this could be a big load for youtube when people browse pages but it would make the sift much more usable, and reduce some of the scrolling...

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