VideoSift User Survey
I mentioned in a previous post that VideoSift is well over 2 million views for the month. Although I think we have a pretty good handle on who our members are, the vast majority of VideoSift users are not members. They like to watch - and that's OK. However, we would like to know a little bit about who uses VideoSift - So we've created a small 6 question survey.
We've put SiftBot in charge of running it. I'm sure he'll do a great job.
We promise not to be annoying with it. It should only show up for you once a day, and once it's completed, it shouldn't show up again.
Of course once we have collected the results, we'll share them here.
Update: The browser intrusion stuff at the beginning is not real, people. We've had some concern expressed via email. It's just a bit of fun - really, SiftBot won't take over your computer ... or will he?
Lucky Update: Instead of once a day, the survey will appear a maximum of once every few hours until completed. This is just to give browsers who've overlooked it the chance to participate without having to wait a whole day and scanning every page load for it. Thanks to everyone who's answered thus far. (I overheard SiftBot explained how impressed he is by his meat garden.)
We've put SiftBot in charge of running it. I'm sure he'll do a great job.
We promise not to be annoying with it. It should only show up for you once a day, and once it's completed, it shouldn't show up again.
Of course once we have collected the results, we'll share them here.
Update: The browser intrusion stuff at the beginning is not real, people. We've had some concern expressed via email. It's just a bit of fun - really, SiftBot won't take over your computer ... or will he?
Lucky Update: Instead of once a day, the survey will appear a maximum of once every few hours until completed. This is just to give browsers who've overlooked it the chance to participate without having to wait a whole day and scanning every page load for it. Thanks to everyone who's answered thus far. (I overheard SiftBot explained how impressed he is by his meat garden.)
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Also - semi-related to this, have a look out for "VideoSift Delurking Day" Coming soon ...
There were two questions I didn't feel I could answer. The political leanings one in which I'm well into the third and possibly fourth dimension, and the one net activity where the obvious answer, porn, was not available.
I have to agree with gorillaman about the net activity question. The answer I gave is obviously second to Filth.
I think it should be mentioned that the survey is completely anonymous. So, for anyone fearing we are somehow going to learn too much about you, fear not; we are not keeping track in any manner of who answers what or who does not answer at all.
Yeah, you may want to say "other" on political (not everyone lives in a two-party state!), or at least say "leave blank any question you cannot/don't want to answer" if you want to at least get partial results.

Siftbot's little manifestation was amusing, though. I think it'll nicely freak some people out, but perhaps they deserve it...
hey, I didna' get one, so ....Ask me to my face, bitch!!!!
"Yeah, you may want to say "other" on political (not everyone lives in a two-party state!), or at least say "leave blank any question you cannot/don't want to answer" if you want to at least get partial results."
oh someone wants to know my politics.......
sorries....ask again, and again if you like, youre bound and get the same answer...
Oh, and the interview thing is popping up form multiple times - you want to check to see what that's about maybe?
are you changing ips krupo?
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I'm sorry about the poltics one. This was a tricky issue. I guess we wanted to figure out if you leaned more "liberal" or "conservative" politically, but in countries outside the US, those are party names too!

So if your were forced to become a US citizen, and someone had a gun to your head in the ballot box and told you you had to vote Republican or Democrat, which would you pick? If you would prefer that the gunner pulled the trigger, please leave it blank.
I know it seems like we are being US-centric, but really it was an attempt to be more "generic" as more Australians, Brits and Canadians would have a better general idea what the US Democrats or Republicans stood for than would Americans have an idea of what Liberals, Conservatives, Labor etc stood for.
FTR I am a Green.
Democrat OR Republican. McD OR BK. Pepsi OR Coke.
Would it KILL siftbot to include "Independent" and "Don't Care"
Also why do those occupation surveys always leave off the single largest profession, Engineering?
I liked the little Exploit stuff at teh beginning, it made me look twice. Yeah, I agree the One activity question is lame. You left off email, IM, googling/reading webpage, online news, downloading mp3s and movies, etc.
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OK, we've added an "other" to politics. Sorry if you've already completed the survey.
I'm an American and a I'm a progressive, not a democrat, or a republican. Rabble Rabble.
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That's why the question wasn't "What are you?" but "Which way do you lean?" I don't want to label anyone.
You could have said, left, right or middle (liberal)
So...where is this survey? I can't seem to find it, is it emailed?
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It probably loaded and you didn't notice it Firefly - it won't come up again for you for a while - this is just to keep it from being annoying. It loads in the sidebar of the main site, at the top.
Are there any Progressive Republicans, James? I will need to look for that rare bird here in DC.
Progressive is just a tag for those too young and poor to participate in the Democratic primaries. "Independent" is like 'agnostic' - too fearful to admit atheism and just too bored to go to church.
I must have missed the survey like Firefly. I am a Socialist (Fourierist).
iunno bout you NickyP but over here in aus Liberal = conservative or right sided. Maybe it should be something along the lines of Do you support the goverment that is still in power since 9/11 or do you demand some fookn variety in your slave masters?
ren, I know what you mean. It's all grey now. In the UK the liberal democrates are liberal, but will never budge labour or the conseratives out. I support green, who will never be in power.
I believe Dag called me a communist once.
Haven't seen it.
Haven't seen it either :-(
I'm a liberal in Britain, Labour in Australia and Democrat in the US - go figure!
ROFL, I saw it and freaked out and closed my browser.... now I can't find it, oh well.
I vote Green
If you are ashamed of disclosing your political affiliation I assume your on the Right Wing.
Well, now I've taken it twice--the survey came up when I was on my home computer yesterday, and again this morning at work. I guess Siftbot doesn't look at user names, but ip addresses?
Update: OK Siftbot has just launched the survey again...! I think he IS taking over my computer!
Siftbot knows you work at the Department of Defense... Siftbot seeks to be self aware
That's right, firefly. In order not to tie surveys to particular users (and so lurkers can also participate), your address is noted and not your account and just so we have some way to know not to bother you again.
He he, I liked Sift Bots sense of humour - he's got a touch of Bender about him/her/it.
Fyi, just changed it so members will be remembered when they complete the survey, so you won't be prompted when you jump from machine to machine any more (as long as you're logged in).
rickegee, while you are right that there is probably no such thing as a progressive republican I dislike being identified as a democrat because I see the nascent progressive movement as a transitory beast.
In reality DC politicians are scared of the netroots and their demands that government actually be transparent and accountable. Currently democratic elected officials are playing lip service to those elements of the party, but eventually they will seek to marginalize them.
When this finally occurs I expect the various progressive branches of the democratic party, EFF, moveon, DKos, Blue State Project, TPM, Crooks and Liars, MYDD to form their own political coalition. To some extent you can already see this with "net roots" endorsed candidates. They are trying to change things from within the democratic party, but I doubt that they will be all that successful.
oooh, also statistically speaking the readership of mydd and dailykos tends to be about 45 and relatively wealthy... but yeah stereotypes like that do help paint such communities as ill informed and idealistic (read: foolish).
Woo- I finally saw it! Singularity reference FTW! I for one welcome our new siftbot overlords.
There must be something wrong with your system, I have seen the survey about 4 times yesterday.
mmh i am in the same machine as yesterday, when i filed the survey, but it appeared again now
FYI Am getting the survey everyday now.
meat garden ... :-)
I don't live in the US, so I said "other" to the leaning scale (I've never seriously considered which of those two party-animals I'd prefer). But I'm curious, what the eff is the EFF? It was the only thing in the survey that I didn't at least recognize.
Someone played a little too much Alpha Centauri back in the day.
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