Our newest Crowning has happened! Congratulations Mintbbb

Mintbbb has been Crowned! Mintbbb was one of the first sifters I met here. She finds the best of the best videos to share with us, many of which have shot up to the top 15. I'm not very good at making these talk post but wanted to Congratulate Mint on reaching amazing heights here, and thank her for being a good friend to us all. Be sure to check out her personal queue http://www.videosift.com/member/mintbbb/pqueued to find gems you might of missed the first time around.
Congrats again Mint! Sorry this isn't as dazzling as the others, but I'm clueless to how to do it...:D Maybe someone could promote this for me, I don't have enough power points

Congrats, mint
Promoting this Sift Talk post - promote requested by rasch187.
We need more queens around here. Congratulations! Make sure Netrunner bows to you every time he's in your presence. I think he's secretly a monarchist, so he'll enjoy it.
*quality work Mintbbb
Awarding Gratefulmom with one star point for this contribution to Sift Talk - declared quality by thegrimsleeper.
Congrats MintBBB on one helluva milestone - I don't know how you Crowns do it. And I especially like your British submissions.
Jesus christ Mint.
"Slow down, yer postin' too fast. Ya got to make the moment last. Just, kickin' down the regional-lockout-zones. Lookin' for sifts and feelin' groooovvyyyyyyyyyy!"
And now that you're queen, you are hereby required to tell us wtf "mintbbb" means.
Your list of posts has something for everyone.
Enjoy the crown.
Congrats, minty-pie!
Stickying this post at the top of Sift Talk - sticky requested by NetRunner.
Well done mint!
bbb - the letters of the beast!
Mint! You're too cool! Making us all look bad. Humph.
Thank you, thank you! I am happy to wear my crown
I guess I have been pretty speedy - mostly because I just spam the queue with 6 videos all the time. But hey, one has to have a hobby!

I may be the quiet one here, but I love VS and the people here! I might take a break soon, because I think I have a non-VS nervous breakdown coming up. But until then, I'll keep sifting
Since volumptuous asked: These days, every time I went somewhere that I needed to create an account, I was trying to be just 'Mint'. Yes, me and about 437 others, obviously.. I didn't want to be Mint438.. Figured 'mintbbb' would probably be free, and surprise, it was! So here I am: 'mintbbb' (wish I had at least done Mintbbb.. but oh well...)
SO, please, please, let the NEXT level ability -- whether it is 1500 videos, 2000 .. 5000, just PLEASE let us change/modify the username! I want to be just Mint, or Minty .. I'll even settle for Mint2!
Again, thank you everybody! It is an honor to wear this nifty crown, and also thanks for all the votes I have been getting!
You have great taste.
Congratulations, your royal highness!
You are the only finnish sifter I know of, so you fill out the scandinavian sift dominance quite nicely. And regarding that dominance, it is only fair that you now represent us among the royalty. Keep up the good work!
Hey, Congratulations. It's starting to look like an aristocracy around here with all the royalty lately.
A well deserved crown for all the effort and contributions to the Sift. Hear hear!
(raises glass)
Thank you Rasch for helping me with Mint's artwork..:)
Yay Minty! You are a Pillar of Sift, a backbone member if I may say so. Thanks also for all your excellent * wheels sifts. Congratulations my queen.
Congrats Mint, I have no idea how you got so many videos under your belt but good on ya, I guess being Charter helps...

Thanks for all the inspiring videos, keep it up!!!
Lol, OMG! That picture is just AWESOME! ROFL!!

Thank you guys, especially Grafefulmom and rasch! I love you all!
On this evening's news edition: Mint surpasses Formula 1 speeds in a royal crowning ceremony!
WOW! I am honestly clueless as to how you do what you do - the rate at which you're sifting content of ridiculous *quality is completely *magic!
Wait, wait, hold on a sec... NetRunner, is she a night-elf IRL????
Adding post to channels (Magic) - requested by EDD.
To the Queen!
Wow, you sure have been fast! You are a diligent sifter and have been a real presence here for a long time now.
I salute you!
minty, congrats. this is indeed monumental. if videosift ever goes public, you should be entitled to at least 25% cut in shares
Well done minty, LiveLeak owe you BIG TIME
Great effort and dedication to your purpose, that crown was destined to be yours. In fact at the rate you're going, I expect we'll be seeing the silver crown perched on a ladies head very soon!

Wicked pic Joey, me likes a lot
Flying Spaghetti Monster Save The Queen!
Dag Save The Queen!
Congratulations Mint, your sifts rock.
Congratulations Minty!
Holy majolie! That was fast! Major congrats.
Congratulations, Queen Mintyness! I look forward to having you pass me in the user rankings sometime next week....
There's much to be done in your kingdom aka channel, milady.
First you must patrol the slumbering realm under your influence, maximizing sift production to strengthen our economy.
second, you must forge an alliance in order to contend with the darkest of evil. Be wary of the malice that dwells within King farhad2000, for he is with no mercy, and with his dwindling manhood grows jealousy and spite of others success.
But no worries. With loyal allies besides you, we shall defeat the dark forces, and bring en end to obscurity.
You may be the seventh crown, but you'll always be the first to cross the royal Finnish line.
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
Congrats and thanks to my favorite barrista - caramel latte's for all!
Congrats Mint with as many b's as you would like
. Phenomenal sifts, I have enjoyed many of your submissions and I look forward to many more. 
Holy crap, that was fast! Congrats!
Wow Mint! 1000 crown Queen? You go girrrrrl!
The crowd goes wild when the new face is seen at the exclusive city centre balcony..
Thanks all
Time to *unsticky
Unstickying this post from the top of Sift Talk - unsticky requested by mintbbb.
Congrats mintbbb! Well done for someone who just joined on 3/12/09
Nice job mint!
Female NE hunter or female NE druid?
I have a NE druid! She's about that hot, though most of the time she does have to wear more armor - I do prefer to have a combat spec and just to beat the crap out of things instead of being a nice little healer
That's probably why I love rogues too.. sneaky and deadly!
so late here but Congrats
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