Just walked out halfway through Angels & Demons

Now I'm drinking Guinness in the nearby faux English shopping mall pub - trying to wash the taste of shit movie out of my mouth.

The cinematography and scenery around Rome was nice, but I wish I could have watched with the sound turned off.

The script that they crafted for this film must have been aiming for that elusive severely mentally retarded market.

I know Hollywood is dumb, but is it getting dumber? I feel like it is. Is Idiocracy really happening?
kronosposeidon says...

^What he said. I'm surprised you even went to see it in the first place.

Speaking of movies I recently saw both Star Trek and Terminator Salvation. The former was good, while the latter was...LOUD! It is the loudest damn movie I've ever been too. I mean it was rock concert loud. The seats were literally shaking from the sound at times. There was a scene where flares were lit. Now I know flares are noisy, but these flares were louder than goddamn dynamite.

Does Hollywood really think that deafening the audience will impress them? Jesus. As far as the movie itself goes, I was a little disappointed. I was hoping to see John Connor fuck up all the terminators that crossed his sight line, but it never happened.

Farhad2000 says...

This is why I only watch obscure art house films from Bulgaria shot on expired film stock using pin hole tin cans.

Cinema is dead.

Seriously bar seeing Watchmen and ridiculing it I have no interest in any new releases so far. Sure those upcoming Sci-fi flicks look interesting but the best Sci-fi films seem to have been made already.

I mean I can't even count the amount of times I watched 2001 and Bladerunner.

gwiz665 says...

I can only imagine that it's basically like the first one: Tom Hanks running around with a near-mullet solving ancient puzzles that for no reason explain a current plot. But with more gravitas and exposition shots.

Not for me, thank you.

Star Trek on the other hand was freaking great!

Crake says...

I think I'll be watching it for the gadgets & locations & explosions (probably not in the cinema though), and to see a Hollywoodified CERN.
I actually read the book on a train trip from Rome to Geneva, so I couldn't help but visit CERN, and suffice it to say, Dan Brown went a little bit overboard on the Q division stuff there.

blankfist says...

You walked out, dag?! But you missed the best part at the end when (SPOILER ALERT) Ewan McGregor parachutes back to earth unconscious and violently takes out a group of pedestrians with his limp appendages. I kid you not, that is in the movie, and it is hilariously out of place. The movie wasn't terrible, but then again I didn't go in with high expectations.

@KP, that probably had more to do with the volume set by the projectionist. Although, when a movie is perceived as "loud" it could just be that the mix has proper highs and lows without it being compressed -- don't think compression with a codec, but compressing the high and low ranges into middle ranges so explosions and dialogue can coexist in the same shot without the explosion overtaking the dialogue like it would in reality.

The Incredible Hulk sound mix also has a wide spread between lows and highs, which I'm a fan of. But, yeah, Terminator was a huge let down. So was Wolverine. Being an avid comic reader of Wolvie back in the day, I think they missed a number of opportunities with revealing his bone claws, but whatever...

So far, Star Trek is the big summer movie to see. Sad.

Doc_M says...

I read it, liked it, until about the last few chapters where the story basically self-destructed. I was so disappointed I think I'm done with that author altogether, books AND movies.

vairetube says...

The book (A&D) is actually quite good and creative... these movies fail because they are sabotaged by people who hate how powerful the message is... which is odd, because it's Tom Hanks... how is he gonna let that happen, unless it's his doing...

DaVinci Code movie = fail, the book wasnt as good either.

A&D could have made up for hanks' hair in the last one... but it deviates too much.

laura says...

"The highest grossing movie of all time was called 'Ass', and that's all it was. For 90 minutes. It won 8 Oscars that year, including best screenplay."

budzos says...

The new Terminator movie is mixed loud as fuck and there must be directions from the studio for theatres to set volume at 11. Terminator: Salvation is the loudest movie I've ever seen, and for a few years there I was seeing avg. 2 movies per week at the cinema.

I received a copy of DaVinci Code as a gift a couple years back, and couldn't even make it through the second chapter. The writing style is so... so... fucking SHITE that I felt embarassed to be reading it.

Here is the first paragraph in the book:

Renowned curator Jacques Saunière staggered through the vaulted archway of the museum's Grand Gallery. He lunged for the nearest painting he could see, a Caravaggio. Grabbing the gilded frame, the seventy-six-year-old man heaved the masterpiece toward himself until it tore from the wall and Saunière collapsed backward in a heap beneath the canvas.

I can't even keep track of who is the subject in that paragraph. Are "the 73 year-old man" and "Sauniere" the same person? Because the third sentence makes that somewhat unclear. Not good to be unclear three sentences into a novel.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

^Ron Howard did Apollo 13. I enjoyed that - and it even had Tom Hanks.

I won't be seeing the new Terminator movie - in protest for them canceling the Sarah Conner Chronicles. Lena Headey was sending me subliminal messages through Hulu - declaring her secret, undying love for me.

demon_ix says...

There are books that can and should be made into films. This was not one of them, and neither was The Da-Vinci Code.

I'm still waiting for someone to get off his ass and get going with the Ender's Game movie...

enoch says...

orson scott card=brilliant!
wait..oh this isnt a "make an enders game movie" thread?
my bad..
i suffered through da vinci code,not gonna waste time with A&D.
terminator was fine,and loud,as a matinee..dont expect much though,it will just dissappoint.

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