Hearts, Moons, Stars, Clovers and now, DIAMONDS!!!

That's right, Lucky760 just went Bronze diamond. And as far as I can tell, he did it fair and square. Heaven knows he could have twisted Sifty's arm, er, crank, but nope.
As you know Lucky is by day Mild Mannered Rommel Santor, site administrator and author of Varo CMS, the brain that runs the Sift. But in most ways, Lucky is just a regular Sifter, regardless of all the tremendous demands that he has to fulfill each day running a site like this. He spends his time in the Siftmines along with the rest of us.
I've never come across a site where the "management" is so open and accessible, willing to listen to user input, and so exceedingly competent at the same time.
So thanks, Lucky for all you do!
And you all know the drill, let's hit his queue and
Congrats lucky. Don't take as long to get to 500.
Awarding schmawy with one star point for this contribution to Sift Talk - declared quality by kronosposeidon.
Congrats! I`ll do an extra escalopter round in your honor.
Stickying this post at the top of Sift Talk - sticky requested by kronosposeidon.
Awww, gee... *blushes*

Thanks, team. You guys are the best.
I don't think I'll ever reach 500, kp, but I'll sure try.
If you pull an escalopter, maatc, you gotta include a barrel roll!
I know you got one, schmawy, but *QUALITY anyway.
schmawy has already been awarded a star point for this post - ignoring quality request by lucky760.
Lucky, Lucky, what can I say? Just a big “HUZZAH!” for achieving your diamond and a big “Thank you!” for all you do for us here.
Some favorite Lucky posts of mine:
Flying Weiner Dog... (or maybe a beagle. or a hound? Never mind, not getting into that again!)
Trick or Treater scared witless
Fairy Cherry
>> ^lucky760:
...I know you got one, schmawy, but QUALITY anyway.
>> ^siftbot:
...ignoring quality request by lucky760.
See, he really can't boss the robot around. Again, congratulations, and thanks for that last vote
Congratulations! I wonder what magic the diamonds do? Maybe it will turn into a dragon that will eat those pesky kids who are always after your charms.
You've got a new lucky charm in your repertoire now. It looks good on you lucky. Thanks for everything you do around here and still responding to the 'little' people

I call H4XX0r! He used his divine mod powers to inveigle that diamond from Sifty (or a sensual WD-40 massage...) Congrats, Lucky!
Well, for being the guy who built the damn site, it's about goddamn time! Sheesh! Major congrats! A$$ Gravv33! And thanks for the kick ass site.
You've lost your pot of gold, but found a bag of diamonds, congratulations, and thanks for literally making the sift what it is!
Lucky, we really appreciate all the hard work you have put in to make VS. the best damn video site on the web. Oh, and a big congrats on the newly acquired diamond.
He hardly has the time to sift with all my whining for help all time
Congrats Lucky 
Thanks for putting up with kronos...next time you should use your authority to ban him when he gives you virtual lip.
what? too soon?
Here's to all your leprechaun magic and the drive of an Energizer bunny.
Sift! Sift! Hoo-ray!
After VS staff members Dag and James Roe got their diamond, it's now Lucky's turn
Way to go Lucky! Not only do you post great vids, but without you, VideoSift would have already fallen apart, I'm sure. Thanks for your hard work.
Congrats lucky! Though more importantly I should say thank you lucky for designing such a wonderful framework for a video-sharing community. From one computer geek to another, this thing truly is a masterpiece of elegant design.
^ I like what he said, and I agree. Elegant site, thanks to you! I appreciate all your ready help, and I wish much success on you, but not so much that you aren't around here anymore...
Yes... good job. About that gold: let's talk about it under this box that's held up at one end by a forked stick with a string attached to it, which I happen to be holding while I am talking about this right now.
Ya don't post a whole lot of videos (and understandably so), but when you do, their GRRRREAT!
Oh... wrong cereal...
Anywho - congratulations!
wtg, lucky - nice charge there on the final stretch.
Yay Lucky!!! Congrats to you, good man!

You're always after Siftbot's lucky charms!
Grats and thank ye Lucky!
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
With Lucky - the luck radiates outward to us. Congrats to my Sift comrade.
I always wondered what the avatar was from! someone sifted something featuring lucky charms!

Is it a nice cereal? or is it a bowel of condensed sugar and clever marketing?
I digress! Lucky has always been a friendly face on the sift for me, and so I say congrats and what does lucky charms taste of?
I will find out!
in the mean time - congratulations!
Here's to your next 250
Schmawy, you messed up. It goes, "Hearts, stars, horseshoes, clovers, and blue moons. Pots of gold and rainbows, and the red balloons." Sheesh.
Anyway, congratulations Lucky.
Nice, congrats! =)
>> ^Zonbie:
IIs it a nice cereal? or is it a bowel of condensed sugar and clever marketing?
what does lucky charms taste of?
I will find out!
I don't imagine Lucky's bowels taste too good. As for Charms, well.... you'd have to ask Lucky about that one.
Congratulations and even longer words. You make us feel so young.
I hereby am petitioning General Mills to now include Bronze Diamonds in those tasty marshmallow shapes... Who's with me??

Congrats Lucky, without you, we wouldn't be here. Hey, does that mean it's rigged?
>> ^Zonbie:
but until then it's heaven.
I always wondered what the avatar was from! someone sifted something featuring lucky charms!
Is it a nice cereal? or is it a bowel of condensed sugar and clever marketing?
Wow, I actually never imagined anyone hadn't heard of Lucky Charms. Here's the first Lucky Charms commercial ever from the 1960s and one from the 1980s with the jingle I'm guessing most would be familiar with but is noticeably absent from later commercials: Frosted Lucky Charms... They're magically delicious.
As embarrassing as it is for me to admit, I've never eaten any bowels. As far as the cereal goes, it's one of the best, and I think most people either eat all the whole grain yucky ones to save the marshmallows for last or vice versa. Of course once you are no longer into sweet cereals you won't enjoy it any more
Thanks to all you great folks for all the warm wishes. It makes me all fuzzy inside.
Frosted Lucky Chitlins
">> ^lucky760:
As embarrassing as it is for me to admit, I've never eaten any bowels."
Bronze Diamond eh? And here I was thinking you were going to sport the rainbow. Congrats lucky, and thanks for you hard work and dedication.
yey congrats dear
Oh, you'll hit 500 and there'll be a raucous celebration of some sort. Congrats!
Unstickying this post from the top of Sift Talk - unsticky requested by kronosposeidon.
Lucky, do you hang out with Boston Celtics?
I despise them for their theft of our championship title.
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