Gwiz Wrestles His Diamond Away from Brock Samson

Most of you may know Gwiz as the level headed guy who runs the Talks channel around here. He likes Elliot Smith, Cat Stevens, and dirty women (in that order). I know him as one of the few people I can count on to not be idle in the siftlounge :-D And today friends Gwiz has earned himself a Diamond for his 500 star points. That's a big achievement for anyone who actually enjoys The Venture brothers!!! Keep it up and stick around!! You're one of my favorite people here so I wanted to show off some of my own shitty photoshop skillz.

For the rest of you sifters; do yourself a favor and take a look at what he's sifted so far (there aint much left in that PQ)
blankfist says...

Congrats on the (way long overdue) promotion! You know, diamonds are a girl's best friend, and we know how you love the ladies... and drinking... and the ladies... and more drinking... and the ladies... but seriously the drinking... and the ladies... and the boobies...

Anyhow, *quality. Glad you could finally make it.

gwiz665 says...

Thank you guys. I feel so pretty with my new diamond. This goes to show you that with tenacity, you too can get a diamond in 2 years and 8 months, only at the cost of life, love and liberty. And who needs that anyway...

I do my best to be a good guy around the sift, I've only ever been friendly to the vast majority of people here and I wish people would do the same all around. I've taken some flak for having black humor, but to that I say fuck that, humor is humor - if one person gets my joke, it's a success. This community has been a boon to me, I enjoy being here and I hope this ride never stops.

I don't make a huge distinction between "real life" and this community, which is why I've got many of you of facebook and like to consider most of you as friends - I'm pleased that some of you do the same back. This means that the way I act here is not far from how I actually am, many people take on a persona, and sure, to a degree I do that too, but I stand by everything I've ever said on this site and I think that's the only right way to do it.

It can be hard to get a reading of people based on comments, because we only get slivers of personality shown through that - this is partly why I spend a lot of time in the sift lounge. In there you get a much fuller picture of people, which I think is invaluable in a good community. So come on in and have a chat.. must I really put a red light on the door, before you lurkers will tip-toe in?

Throbbin, thanks! I agree in your assessment.

blankfist, I'm a heavy drinker, but when I do drink, it's usually heavy. And who don't like the boobies!

dystopianfuturetoday, I'm only a maniac by night. I blame my bat-suit and cloak.

kronosposeidon, swedes have nothing on danish vikings. We used to own them. Still, death by Samson is something I try to avoid.. but the diamond was so shiny and nice, I had to do it!

EndAll, aw shucks, you're not so bad yourself, mate.

campionidelmundo, but.. it's SO shiny! *gaze* Thanks for making the sift all pomp and pretty so I can stand being here for so long at a time.

dotdude, thanks for many good talks in the lounge. I think the two of us are the most avid users of that thing.. we need to find some sort of sifter-bait, so we can get more people in there.

UsesProzac: Well, why don't your reach on in there and figure out...

berticus, if I ever get over 9000 star points the sift will explode all over the place in peoples hair and stuff.. Thanks man, I hope to see you in the lounge more often, even though you've gotten so busy with school.

MikesHL13, indeed, see you in the lounge. Thank you for always being in there and being such a great friendly presence on the sift.

Ornthoron, I think I will. Delicious Belgian beer is delicious.

Sagemind, that clip made me laugh hard, so I couldn't help but sift it:

drax, are you coming on to me?

Wall-of-Text crits you for over 9000. OVER 9000!!

gwiz665 says...

Hahaha, thanks! I don't even remember the context of that, but it sounds like something like I would say. In all honesty though, I think you're a great guy, and I wouldn't want the sift without ya. (Can you link to the post? I wanna see why I said that. )

>> ^Ryjkyj:
I'll never forget your first words to me: "Are you pointing at me Ryjkyj, you cock?" They're as true today as they were then. And the answer is yes, yes I am.
Congrats dude.

Kevlar, MrFisk, brycewi19, calvados: Thanks guys, you make it worth being here. Even if we disagree on stuff, I'm glad that you're here to disagree or agree with me. The more the merrier.

drax: TOUCH IT! Come on, just touch it. Hehe. I'm just jacking you, man, lighten up...

issykittehhhh: You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happyyyyy, when I am blue. Thanks sweetheart. Your positive presence on the sift is un-matchable and I'm glad you are in my life (the amount that you are).

eric3579: Well, you rock. We have similar minds on many things and I am grateful for that and the internet-friendship we have.

I would hug you all and possibly grab your boob if given a chance - and I mean that in the most loving way I can.

gwiz665 says...

Oh, durrr, I left out lann, who has been a pillar of support since.. the unpleasantness, and I am truly grateful for that. You're an awesome person, lann, and I hope to see more of you in the sift. (Underline: more of you the perv is talking about boobs!)

Ahh, and of course, I can't feel good about myself until I mention a few words about JiggaJonson. JJ is a good friend, he's always friendly to me no matter how many racist, pedophile, sick jokes I manage to pull off and I am eternally grateful for it. He's a guy who sometimes is overly sensitive to some issues - as we've seen in talks about burdturgler's subdomain name, but don't hold that against him - bringing forth an argument should be encouraged even if it's not popular. JJ, you really are a good friend and I'm glad that we're talking together. I hope to see you in the lounge again.

Lann says...

>> ^gwiz665:
Oh, durrr, I left out lann, who has been a pillar of support since.. the unpleasantness, and I am truly grateful for that. You're an awesome person, lann, and I hope to see more of you in the sift. (Underline: more of you the perv is talking about boobs!)

Like I said before what's the point? got more boobies than I do.

da da tish!

Drax says...

I thought by being as non-verbose as possible it would come across as humorously as I intended
(When am I EVER serious around this playground..?!)

*grabs long, hard can of cheez wiz*

gwiz665 says...

Thanks to all you latecomers too. The more the merrier.

BTE, I'll admit that I nearly did a few times, but all in all I like it here and I doubt I'll leave in the foreseeable future. I think I'm gonna slow down a bit on the actual sifting now though, but ya never know - sometimes you stumble on good stuff and then you gotta sift-sift-sift.

videosiftbannedme says...

(runs in from other room) Ah excuse me, my apologies for being late! (approaches mic stand, furiously searching for speech, prepares)

It is in the course of our daily Sifting, that we are treated to some great videos by the person we are honoring here today. JiggaJonson, you've given us some of the best... (looks out and notices giant birthday cake hiding girl inside, "Hooray for gwiz665!!" emblazoned in icing along its base)

"Ah damn it!" (runs, doubles back) "Congrats gwiz!!!" (makes mad dash for the side doors)

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