Alien_concept hits 100. The Force is strong with this one.

My favorite British chick at the Sift just earned her Gold 100 star today. If it seems like she just got her Gold star recently, you'd be correct. I told you the Force was strong with this one.
AC has shared many great music and movie clips with us, and has also given us many insightful and/or funny comments too. Any woman who freely admits to bashing one out to someone's avatar AND almost proposes marriage to a gay man in the same comment thread is alright by me.
Do yourself a favor and check out out her queued, personal queued, and sifted videos, and then do her a favor by congratulating alien_concept on her success. She's earned it.
*sticky the cool chick
Stickying this post at the top of Sift Talk - sticky requested by kronosposeidon.
Congrats A_C! Major A$$ GR@V33!!! If you will follow Gorgonheap, he will show you to the executive washroom where you can piss on the floor with the rest of us.
Congrats AC!
We have so much in common, aside from me not being a woman, or british, or alien, or scissorhands (which really should have made the act below quite painful, or as brits would put it, quite fun!)
"Any woman who freely admits to bashing one out to someone's avatar"
You're a concept I don't quite understand... yet.
Congrats. Being happy for you really is a alien concept HAHAHA! (que, really long shepherds crook to take me off stage.) I think we need to make a montage of all the Star Wars sift characters that Kronos and Schmawy have photo shopped over the past few months.
yay a 100 Congrats Lady
keep Posting Great Videos...:) and yay for British 
Excellent. Some of the best taste in movie clips here. Use the shwartz.
Hooray for another promotion enabling promotion, your sifting and commenting has greatly enhanced our community lately:)
Congrats Alien_Concept so now you are in the 100 club
jolly good! pip pip! (and other british silliness)
W00p! good job! GO GO GO!
(queue Brad Pitt's maniacal laughter) Yes! Good! (flicking the air) Everyone must advance! If not, that's where they keep you. You've got to get out! Yes! Yes! (jumping on beds) Gold stars for everybody!!!!

Congrats Alien!
It's nice to see a friendly face rewarded for her efforts. 
Congrats, AlienC! Get out some party hats for the kids and start the celebration. You could make (or have your kids make) a nice cake resembling Tim Burton, with 87 candles on top
Keep up the good work!
Cheers guys, all comments very much appreciated. Fisky! You got there about 3 hours before me, so double congrats to you man, I was gonna do a cool thread for ya mate, but I have no clue how to do all those special links and lovely photoshop things! Mr Fisk has most of my favourite sifts on here, so everything the lovely (future Mr Concept) Kronos said on this thread goes for him too, or would have done if I wasn't such an e-tard. Thank you again everyone!
congrats, however: I reject your reality and substitute my own.
I make it a point now to find the word for "congratulations" in the language of the inductee, so...

Is that right? Did I do that right?
...heading on over to your PQ, now...
It`s hot in here! Someone turn up the A_C! Congrats, well done!
Tally ho!
And if any of you are having a difficult time bashing one out to a picture of a hot Jedi with a Scissorhands face, here is the unaltered original I worked with.
No offense, AC. You know how it is. Though a Scissorhands face still works for me.
Very nice, congrats! =)
Congrats, anarcho-primitivism! Er, I mean, alien_concept!
Congrizzlegrazzle, AC, you're the man! No wait.
there's an "up"side and a "down"side to every schwartz, apparently...

which side did you get?
oh, by the way, you ROCK!
Yaaay! WHOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO! Yippeeeeeeeee for alien concept!
Yay for the *quality congrats post as well!
Awarding kronosposeidon with one star point for this contribution to Sift Talk - declared quality by Issykitty.
>> ^kronosposeidon:
And if any of you are having a difficult time bashing one out to a picture of a hot Jedi with a Scissorhands face...
hmm. what can we do with fringed white spandex and a cape, instead?
grats, alien, and keep kicking ass!
Alright alien_concept!

Alright alien_concept!
You've doubled your gold!
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
Congratulations AC - thanks for all your contributions to the Sift.
That is awesome, congrats! Also, love the intro KP.
*unsticky. Time to go on our honeymoon, sweety.
Unstickying this post from the top of Sift Talk - unsticky requested by kronosposeidon.
Women are still an alien concept to me.
Good on ya, alien
Awesome, AC. That WAS quick!
I didn't comment yet?
Well, I love Edward Scissor Hands and I love British people so...
Thanks for all your contributions!
^ ooo, even more men to propose to! sweeeet
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