Fastest Wire Bending in the World


I really like this machine.

I don't know why, but it's easy to personify it - and it's easy to imagine it liking its job. I suppose its a mix of the simplicity and performance or something, but it seems like a happy machine.

I'm probably crazy.


>> ^mizila:

Am I the only one creeped out that it's whispering "faster. faster. faster. faster. faster." in GLaDOS's voice at 0:27-0:30 and 0:58-1:02?

Hah!!! That is awesome !!! I missed it 1st time.


>> ^Raveni:

I must admit that this video was FAR more exciting that the description led me to believe...

Agreed. How is it that a video with this title attracted enough people to get this in the top 15? Don't get me wrong, now that it's here I can see it deserves it, but who rushed to watch this when it was at 3 votes?

EDIT: I guess it was promoted at the beginning. Star powers change everything!

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