Republican propaganda minister, Frank Luntz, leads a focus group of geniuses in Iowa.

Self promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Wednesday, February 9th, 2011 12:19am PST - promote requested by original submitter dystopianfuturetoday.


Up until the "Muslim" part I was sort of with them. I don't think Obama is being honest and forthright about what he wants...which of course isn't democracy. They see him hesitating and being vague and that's not hard to pick up on and these thoroughly indoctrinated people see it as him being weak. What Obama is doing is trying not to say too much in case he has to back on everything he says and send in the troops to do damage control.

Liberalism the most intolerant religion of all? Maybe we need to check the dictionary on that because I don't think that's what Liberalism means. And yes that definition matters, if you don't like what he believes call it something else rather than what it isn't.

Also it's going to be interesting seeing how the Egypt revolution pans out...if it ends up in a representative democracy I wonder how it's going to change the Israel/Palestine situation.


Too funny that amidst everyone saying that he's a Muslim, one guy says that Obama's liberalism is the least-tolerant "religion" of all.

Seriously, they should start holding these focus groups all over America and just gas them. It's cruel, but you have to keep in mind the greater good. Think of George's act of compassion towards Lennie in "Of Mice and Men."

That said, Obama's a lame-duck lackey.


I think he's the devil in human form come to rape our women, murder our elderly, and fight for socialized medicine for all... presumably too keep us alive longer as we toil in liberal-run slave camps.

... that and he is an idiot ruining the country because he never knows what to do!




Besides the 'muslim' points, I actually understand where they're coming from. Fundamentally, we have to admit Obama is a weak person. I could get into it ranging from his poker buddies who say he can't show strength (folding most of the time) to his weakness during the healthcare debate (about the public option).

Americans at a core like strong presidents, even if they disagree with them, they'll shut up and let the 'commander in chief' do his thing. Bush was a great example, he was strong and people followed him. I think these caucus voters hit the nail on the head when they say there's no policy or direction (no one seems to be in charge, there's no clear vision about supporting the democratic aspirations of egyptians vs mubarak, they disowned the special envoy's comments). And that's because fundamentally there is no policy (there are empty words, however) and the actual policy is to try to please the (washington) establishment. Even though the comments about Chamberlain are obviously being said for other reasons (OMG, he's hitler, etc.), they are in a sense correct about his unwillingness to have a conflict, even if it just a verbal conflict, in order to stand up for progressive values.


Wow. As our favourite troll points out, there are morons on the left too, but what is impressive here is that that kind of worldview and intellect is deemed relevant enough to be broadcasted by Fox News themselves. Just wow.

Somehow you as a nation gave up on education one generation ago, and today you're paying the price for it.


Wow. As our favourite troll points out,

It's spelled "favorite". When are you British/Others going to learn proper English?

Somehow you as a nation gave up on education one generation ago, and today you're paying the price for it.

We sure are. Carter, Clinton and a Teleprompter all got elected, didn't they? Highly unlikely events in a country that remembers its history, teaches about limited government and has a media composed of real journalists monitoring and questioning power.

Unionized government workers who are mostly left-wing run U.S. government indoctrination camps schools. Lots of self-esteem training and politically-correct preaching. Educating? Not so much.

Whether or not His Earness is an actual Muslim is irrelevant. He's an appeaser for the worst elements of that bizarre, blood-soaked "religion". Islam is just one more thing Ears doesn't understand. He apologized to Muslims for the USA's existence and extended his hand in friendship to the barbarians and received predictable responses. He has no idea how to handle Egypt or the economy.



I see your well versed in your Fox News Propaganda today. My favorite part was when you did this. indoctrination camps (Schools). Did they send you the memo to say indoctrination camps? It makes sense that anyone with an ignorant point of view would fear education in general. After all they might realize that the people in this video are idiots, something that maybe escaped you?

Don't get me wrong I don't mind if your a republican, they are not all morons. However you defending republicans no matter what, even the idiots in the video you just watched makes your comments both unoriginal and boring. Oh and by the way those people in that video were way worse than those on Jerry Springer. At least they don't pretend to be smart or well informed on Springer.

Oh and correcting misspelled words is annoying in general. It makes you look like your trying to hard to come off as intelligent. Also insulting other people's culture and language also make you look pretty dumb. That can be a lesson you can learn later. I don't want to overwhelm you.


@quantumushroom Those of us from the British Isles tend to spell words correctly because we've been using this language a hell of a lot longer than residents of other countries around the world. Coincidentally did you know that the English language originated in England? Yes I know, how bizarre!


I wasn't there and can only guess what these folks meant. But this ANALsys will be way smarter than lefty insults.

Guy #1 "Obama has no idea how serious this is." ----Agree. This a power-vacuum that will likely be filled by radical muslim vermin.

Guy #2 "Obama has no idea what a Republic is." ----possibly referring to Obama's "unawareness" that there is no stable government to replace the dictator

Guy #3 "No coherent message from the White House/No one seems to know what's going on --self-evident

Woman "Obama's religious beliefs govern his foreign policy" ---disagree. Obama has no foreign policy, except to apologize for the US and turn a cold shoulder to our allies

Same woman/half of crowd - "He's a Muslim". ---Obama claims he's a Christian. If you take him at his word, he's the most Muslim-sympathetic Christian President besides Carter (BTW, the majority here at atheisift likely sees Obama's Christianity as a sham or character defect, so what's the big deal either way)?

Guy # 4 -- "His religious belief is liberalism" ---- Obama has faith in liberalism above all religions. Sure seems like it.

Guy #5 --"He's NOT a practicing Muslim. He is a Muslim sympathizer." And a Muslim apologist.

Blue Shirt Guy -- "His religion is liberalism, the most intolerant religion of all." If you're on the left this won't make any sense. Yet it's correct. Ever see how the left treats 'heretical' conservative minorities?

Plaid woman - "It's possible he's Muslim though he claims to be a Christian." ---less important than the observation that he's "waffling on both sides"----certainly not the first politician to do so.

Stache' --"He's an appeaser." Absolutely. No historical reference to Chamberlain necessary.

Glasses Chick -- "He gives textbook answers." ---She done goofed. 'Textbook answers' means "the most examined and correct answers possible" She probably meant Teleprompted answers, aka canned responses.

Next Guy -- "The crisis snuck up on (Obama) and he was unprepared." ---Agree

Glasses Chick -- "He doesn't know what to do....he 'never' knows what to do." ----Obama only knows what HE will do, whether or not it causes harm. If he 'never' knew what to do he'd be slightly less of a threat.

No Tie Guy -- "I think he believes America's at fault for the world's problems. I think he doesn't see the good America does in the world." This man is guilty of plagiarising Rule #1 from the Liberal Handbook.

Of course you're free to judge these folks as you see fit, just as I don't have to wait for Egypt to fall under the shadows of minarets on His Earness's watch to judge him.

@quantumushroom Those of us from the British Isles tend to spell words correctly because we've been using this language a hell of a lot longer than residents of other countries around the world. Coincidentally did you know that the English language originated in England? Yes I know, how bizarre!

I meant no offense and was joking.

Besides, everyone knows the favorite spelling of favourite is favouЯite.


..just wanted to point out, I upvoted QM's last comment because he actually took the time to go through and respond to the video point by point.
Ok, so I generally disagree with him, but that's not trolling; that's an argument.


I'm from Iowa, and it's particularly painful for me to see this kind of thing associated with my state. These folks are very likely from the northwest corner of the state, represented by Steve King, who has made some headlines of his own for loudmouthed ignorance.

I much prefer it when we're represented by folks like Zach Wahls, found elsewhere on the 'sift.


It's cheating to run with the name Steve King, I many people voted for him because they thought he wrote the book based off the movie they watched? That's like Fort Wayne letting people vote for the name of their Government Center honoring important people from that area, and the people chose "Harry Baals" as the name they should honor. A mayor who was voted in many times in the 40s and 50s. It'd make a great tshirt, I went to Fort Wayne and all I saw was the Harry Baals Center.

>> ^40_Minus_1:

I'm from Iowa, and it's particularly painful for me to see this kind of thing associated with my state. These folks are very likely from the northwest corner of the state, represented by Steve King, who has made some headlines of his own for loudmouthed ignorance.
I much prefer it when we're represented by folks like Zach Wahls, found elsewhere on the 'sift.


Agreeing with stuff other people say is not arguing. Well, technically it is as long as you have an actual premise. It's a pretty standard technique of people who lack critical thinking skills to just use whatever premises they want and argue past everyone else in the room by making statements that seem obviously true to their own ears regardless of the truth.

I'd be interested to see any of these people defend their statements while alone and speaking with someone who has the ability to challenge them based on facts. Calling someone on beliefs vs. facts is always hilarious. I bet most of them would get angry with extreme speed because the cognitive dissonance being exposed would boil their brains.

My favorite would be telling them about the Constitution and the requirements for running for president. Some people I've run into are truly shocked that Muslims can be president. Watching someone argue that the Constitution is an amazingly perfect document (but let's amend it so we can have only Christians in the White House) is a pretty spectacular sight.

Anyone else find it ironic when they read the 3/5ths rule parts of the Constitution in congress?



I do enjoy that you took the time to step through each argument made in the video.
Some of your interpretations seemed mildly redeeming to the statements that made
the people look so foolish. I think they probably fall in the middle of our perspectives.
I think they are morons, you think they are making well argued points.

Showing such obvious fear of Obama being Muslims is pretty silly. Then to say his religion is liberalism, the most intolerant religion of all. Well that is now clearly conflicting. (I agree here I think he does care about equality more than religion. Making him one of the few people who actually represent what this religion thing is supposed to be about). These
people are so obviously looking for things to blame Obama for its sad. I respect your position a
lot more now that you tried to reason it out. Sadly the source material your working with is
such a handicap even envoking good arguments leaves you with little traction. They will hate Obama
no matter what. No matter what he did they would claim hes a Muslim, which I guess is
a bad thing In America?

I wont step through each argument because this comment is long enough. I think most people see the failed logic without me pointing it out. Kudo's on making these people's IQ seem a few points higher than I suspect they actually are.


That's right my puppets...fall into the Republican/Democrat dichotomization. Argue about who is right and who is wrong instead of realizing it should be the people holding the government's feet to the fire.



I do enjoy that you took the time to step through each argument made in the video.

>>> Thanks to all who wrote similar sentiments.

Some of your interpretations seemed mildly redeeming to the statements that made
the people look so foolish. I think they probably fall in the middle of our perspectives.
I think they are morons, you think they are making well argued points.

>>>> I didn't say their points were well-argued. They were brief responses and gut reactions. You'd get the same brief 'talking points' if you asked a roomful of leftists about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (It's about oil, lies, war crimes, etc.)

Showing such obvious fear of Obama being Muslims is pretty silly. Then to say his religion is liberalism, the most intolerant religion of all. Well that is now clearly conflicting. (I agree here I think he does care about equality more than religion. Making him one of the few people who actually represent what this religion thing is supposed to be about).

>>>> There is a rational argument why Obama being an actual Muslim (unlikely) or Muslim sympathizer (a case can be made this is so) is dangerous. That argument is Muslim Sharia law and Western-style Republics are incompatible. It makes little sense to me that a liberal would adopt a "live and let live" attitude towards Islam, when Islam--per the Quran--demands conversion, enslavement or death to infidels. In "functional" countries under Sharia law such as Saudi Arabia, women are 2nd-class citizens, about as far from the left's much-vaunted equality as you can go.

people are so obviously looking for things to blame Obama for its sad. I respect your position a
lot more now that you tried to reason it out. Sadly the source material your working with is
such a handicap even envoking good arguments leaves you with little traction. They will hate Obama
no matter what.

>>>> Well, didn't the left hate Bush no matter what? Yet during his reign, Bush promoted and rubber-stamped all of the government programs the left loves, plus crap like Medicare 'D'.

I'm looking at the whole picture when it comes to Obama. I don't see a leader, only a collection of gaffes. Despite his own book sales, I don't see a capitalist or supporter of free markets, I see a guy who feels he has a right to manipulate others' wealth to promote his own brand of 'social justice'. Ignoring Constitutional questions about power and giving him the benefit of a doubt about his intent in establishing more FDR-like socialism, when the numbers are crunched on Obamacare, they don't add up. It is of great concern then, why he earns blind support from the left, regardless of negative results.

As much as the left dislikes FOX news, you would think it would ask itself 'Why is FOX alone in questioning Obama's authority?' Well?


@ At quantum I totally agree with your statements about Obama. I just come to a different conclusion. I approve of his "social justice." The wealth distribution has gotten so out of proportion it makes sense to me. We are returning to a Rockefeller area. The average American's life should be a measure of the society's utility. At the very least the super wealthy could pay their taxes, if not a decent wage to their workers.

*Obama did not break any constitution laws in passing his version of "social justice" that I am aware of either. I am sure the people in this video would be making much better points about why Obama is a bad president if he had.


How can you say that Obama doesn't understand the significance of the situation? We all have been worried about the possibility of violence with Israel and no one wants Sharia law enacted.

I am highly dubious that he is unaware of the implications of a Muslim theocracy.

Secondly, it does not look like that is going to happen necessarily. The people want a democracy with elected leaders.

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