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ldeadeyesl says...

Wow looks like being mocked by FDR really pisses people off. I mean he did a pretty good impression of modern day republicans so I can see why it might hurt your feelings, nobody wants to think their party hasn't progressed at all in over 70 years.

I did laugh when someone called Dag a dickhead, and then claimed he is working on self-important bullshit while commenting on his website. Even if it was sarcasm that's pretty good irony. By the way I like the sarcasm button haha.

Louis Theroux - America's Most Hated Family in Crisis

ldeadeyesl says...

It is refreshing to see religious people take their religion literally. This is the pure form of Christianity, let that be a warning to all of those who claim to be religious. Just because you watered down the bible, this is the belief that your religion was based on. If these people seem crazy it is because your religion is crazy. Act accordingly.

Irish Anti bullying PSA

It Gets Better: Children's Choir and Gay Men's Choir Sing

ldeadeyesl says...

According to 53% of American's this is a great performance.

However 47% of American's are convinced they will burn in Hell for their gay SIN!

On the same note that 47% of America are going to be claiming they are compassionate people who love everyone.

Be a human, believe in your own experiences. Don't let others tell you what the truth is.

Imagine If All Atheists Left America

ldeadeyesl says...

Haha it was ok until the end, acting like those other countries are fucked because they don't have enough Atheists is dumb. Atheists are not agents for good, nor a natural resource. Also saying look these people share our views is probably not going to change anyone mind if they already dismissed you because of your views. That ignorance is deep seeded and will not be changed for an online video.

Sad World: An Entire Generation of Video Game Deaths

Anthony Weiner Mocks GOP for NPR Defund Bill

ldeadeyesl says...

Yeah Propaganda Radio.... Way to figure out what they have really been up to over there at NPR. Which right wing nut told you that, it's hard to keep track of who is spewing what now. Which one still has credibility to the stupid American masses. Are Glen and Rush still doing well after laughing at the 20,000 Japanese dead, then again I bet their listeners where hooting when they did that. I have to ask you quantum because your the only moron I'm in touch with on a daily basis.

I bet this is a play to slowly dissolve any real news coverage/reporting. At least there is the BBC and Al-Jazeera. American news is already the biggest joke in the world, and this is just making it worse.

Horrific "Music"-Video Cautionary Tale Against Capitalism

ldeadeyesl says...

Haha Gwiz Nicely Played.

On a serious note, this is a kid's version of all the shit that is popular. I really think it more the fault of the average idiot music consumer. I think the cycle starts at the top, they are just copying it and making it for kids.

Ira Glass: This American Life--Still Life

Sarah Palin: Energy Expert or Billy Madison?

How to eat popcorn without getting shot (Blog Entry by Sarzy)

ldeadeyesl says...

Your still an ass if you text more than 2-3 times during a movie, well only if you are in front of me.
Or if the movie turns out to be garbage, then all rules are off.

Oscars 2011: Melissa Leo's X-rated Speech

Acrobatic bewbs

Ke$ha - Blow

Teenager Shocks Audience at Romania's Got Talent

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