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Radical Muslim Runs Over Daughter

ldeadeyesl says...

Quantum, your the kind of person who would watch the holocaust happen in front of you and shrug. Eh just Adolph's personal values. His values are equal to mine.

I will openly condemn the 9-11 hijackers, and I don't think that takes much audacity.

I think you don't care about this incident because he attack his daughter. *Non-American

I think anyone on this site who knows your general viewpoint toward radical Muslims, will have
a hard time believing you've suddenly become the most open minded person in the world. To the point
where people running their daughters over is fine. That statement you made is for..., I don't even know?
(Please Explain I'm so Confused)

Madison WI Labor Protests

Martin Solveig & Dragonette - Hello

Obama in 2009: "Everyone must sacrifice"

ldeadeyesl says...

Sigh Looks like Quantum is believing what his news shows are telling him again. Clearly you haven't been well informed on the matter. So as a protester in Madison let me educate you to what we are asking for. Unions have offered to meet all of the financial demands. They offered to sacrifice everything except their future right to collectively bargain. Why is the government demanding to break up the workers right to organize? This whole issue comes to head at a simple difference in belief. The government should hold all the power over workers. Or workers should have some rights. Don't perpetuate all the lies out there. These unions have offered to meet the increases in payment for their benefits. This is about workers rights. Sadly the anti-union interest groups are making it about greed, when that has nothing to do with the issue. People like Quantum don't do the research and spread the lies.

Beck Calls Out Google -- new kind of crazy

ldeadeyesl says...

I just Googled Glen Beck is an idiot. I hope they took note of that search in the profile they are keeping for me. It even informed me I don't know how to spell his name correctly. Haha

Racist, potentially-violent protestors, aka "Progressives"

ldeadeyesl says...

Wow they are an embarrassment to the Democratic party. It's a shame how many out of touch people you will find in a group of over 100,000,000 people. Anyone who uses this as a representation of the people as a whole is trying to push their own agenda or ignorance. You can't defend these peoples ignorant viewpoint, but you also can't generalize it to a majority (unless it is a majority). I will even upvote it to even out all of the right wing nut videos that make it through the sift.

*No I don't feel that I need to start a political debate or even defend these people, as I see they are not to be taken seriously in the first place.


ldeadeyesl says...

@ At quantum I totally agree with your statements about Obama. I just come to a different conclusion. I approve of his "social justice." The wealth distribution has gotten so out of proportion it makes sense to me. We are returning to a Rockefeller area. The average American's life should be a measure of the society's utility. At the very least the super wealthy could pay their taxes, if not a decent wage to their workers.

*Obama did not break any constitution laws in passing his version of "social justice" that I am aware of either. I am sure the people in this video would be making much better points about why Obama is a bad president if he had.

Prince Kicks Kim Kardashian Off His Stage

ldeadeyesl says...

I don't know why but this kind of makes me like her for some reason. Maybe because she
showed some restraint. Unfortunately you should never do that on the stage of a
Prince concert.


ldeadeyesl says...


I do enjoy that you took the time to step through each argument made in the video.
Some of your interpretations seemed mildly redeeming to the statements that made
the people look so foolish. I think they probably fall in the middle of our perspectives.
I think they are morons, you think they are making well argued points.

Showing such obvious fear of Obama being Muslims is pretty silly. Then to say his religion is liberalism, the most intolerant religion of all. Well that is now clearly conflicting. (I agree here I think he does care about equality more than religion. Making him one of the few people who actually represent what this religion thing is supposed to be about). These
people are so obviously looking for things to blame Obama for its sad. I respect your position a
lot more now that you tried to reason it out. Sadly the source material your working with is
such a handicap even envoking good arguments leaves you with little traction. They will hate Obama
no matter what. No matter what he did they would claim hes a Muslim, which I guess is
a bad thing In America?

I wont step through each argument because this comment is long enough. I think most people see the failed logic without me pointing it out. Kudo's on making these people's IQ seem a few points higher than I suspect they actually are.

Sweet Animal Crossing Story

ldeadeyesl says...

I don't know it seems viable to me. Then again I watched a guy drive his motorcycle like a madman today, and somehow not die. So I would believe just about anything.

Bankster Vs. Deadbeat-Who Are The Real Foreclosure Crooks?


ldeadeyesl says...


I see your well versed in your Fox News Propaganda today. My favorite part was when you did this. indoctrination camps (Schools). Did they send you the memo to say indoctrination camps? It makes sense that anyone with an ignorant point of view would fear education in general. After all they might realize that the people in this video are idiots, something that maybe escaped you?

Don't get me wrong I don't mind if your a republican, they are not all morons. However you defending republicans no matter what, even the idiots in the video you just watched makes your comments both unoriginal and boring. Oh and by the way those people in that video were way worse than those on Jerry Springer. At least they don't pretend to be smart or well informed on Springer.

Oh and correcting misspelled words is annoying in general. It makes you look like your trying to hard to come off as intelligent. Also insulting other people's culture and language also make you look pretty dumb. That can be a lesson you can learn later. I don't want to overwhelm you.

chicchorea (Member Profile)

Out of A Forest

"We Need a Christian Dictator" - since the ungodly can vote

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