The Disco Just Got 100 Times Eviler Man!


So that moment has finally arrived, although it was looking unlikely for a while there. evil_disco_man has achieved his Gold 100, woo...

Anyone who has been here a while will know of this elusive sifter. He doesn't say much, he doen't sift much, but on the rare occasion he finds something he deems worthy enough to contribute, you can be damn sure it will be relevant if not slightly obscure. Keeping it real is the name of the game for this cute lil fella, you won't see him selling himself out for star points (well one of us has to refrain from being a whore).

edm is never going to reach 250 before he kicks the proverbial bucket, so lets celebrate as if it's the last! He's gonna be handing out promotes like they're going out of fashion, so leave some good comments here and hope you one day get a valuable seal of approval. Personally i'm not holding my breath...

Go check his shit out here ladies and gents
rottenseed says...

>> ^blankfist:
Awesome sauce! A$$ GR@V33! Congrats on your big 100. You're now the rank of Siftbot, which is a cool thing. quality!

I like discoman a lot better than siftbot though...I wish somebody would recycle that hunk of metal...maybe he would be reincarnated as something useful like a beer can.


MrFisk says...

This suave motherfuckers got some great taste! Better than me, you wonder? Perhaps. One things certain, he don't need your stinking upvotes, he'll just keep rocking the fuck out. Seriously, he made 100 with music vids! And not top 100 bullshit but great music. Do you realize how daunting that accomplishment is? Gratz amigo. Don't believe the hype. Great work alien.

evil_disco_man says...

Never thought I'd get this far - I was really scratching and clawing for the last 80 or so. Music isn't the easiest thing to sift, but it just goes to show how open-minded people here are, giving my random choices a chance even if they'd never heard it before.

So thanks to you guys and gals whose promotes and consistent upvotes I desperately needed - you know who you are. Also thanks to the Beggar's Canyon and whomever voted against increasing to 15 the # of votes needed to be sifted (or my pqueue would be bigger than KP's Encyclopedia of Smartass Remarks).

I shall now slink back into the shadows to lurk around, looking for things to promote - one hand on hip, the other pointed firmly up in the air, alternating, shaking my booty I go. Muwahaha.

Crosswords says...

Disco isn't dead it's just twisted, bitter and a tad psychotic, idling his time away in his lair, plotting, and piecing together his 200 megaton atomic disco ball...

What were we doing here again? Oh yeah congrats on 100 stars!!

rottenseed says...

>> ^siftbot:
rottenseed is confused about rottenseed's sexuality - ignoring angry homosexual sadomasochism requested by rottenseed.

personal attacks are against our rules, sifty. Maybe you need to freshen up on the FAQ

Shepppard says...

So, I generally keep my keyboard on my lap. I reached down to type, and realised that I still have a Baking Sheet on it from dinner (Yes, I eat at my computer, i'm just that awesome)

I started typing, and finally realised that my keyboard was two feet infront of me on my desk, so this took a lot of effort to say on my part.

Happy Birthday or whatever it is you people are gathering for.

but seriously, congratulations EDM

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