A VideoSift 5.0 Update

It's been a while since we first talked about updating VideoSift and took your suggestions. This is just an update to let you know that it is still happening.

It's challenging thinking about an update to a community that has been around this long. We've got layers of features six years thick. Some of them we may have to ditch because they don't work with the new site.

For a web community there are two halves that make it successful - the first half is a vibrant group of members who inject humanity, culture and cameraderie. It's that patina that builds over time.

The other half is creating the technical environment, tools and community rules that set the boundaries of what can and cannot be done. We're working on that part. We know it's time to move forward.

The most important part of VideoSift's health for me - is that VideoSift should never be a lonely place. I love it when I see newcomers get singled out and welcomed in their profile - or when a mysterious band of furry strangers decide to pitch their tents.

Sometimes web communities die. I'm aware of that. Like a lot of you, I've been on the web since the beginning and I've been sad to say goodbye to some of my favourite online places. Why the hell did Suck go away? They seemed to have the world on a string. Did they really think that the next thing they did would be better? Well, OK some of them went on to do great stuff - but I still regret they couldn't make it work. I'm also sad about the demise of my favourite Podcast over the last week.

Anyway, my point is - that VideoSift 5.0 is still coming, and I really appreciate the commitment of all the members to this place. We're going to do something crazy for our 10 year Siftiversary - but the next version of VideoSift will come long before that. ;-)
alien_concept says...

Oh can you stop the PP from recharging over a granted PP? I know it's to stop stockpiling, but it always happens where I've gone to bed one evening and my video gets into the top 15, then my PP recharges and I lose it. It's hardly the end of the world, but it is my one and only gripe so I might as well get it out there!

lucky760 says...

Just FYI, the biggest hang-up with the birth of VS5 is yours truly. I originally wanted to rebuild VS from scratch using my much better PHP framework that I've developed over the past 2+ years, however parenthood, my full-time job, and my part-time job have been a black hole of time, so it would probably take me more than a year to follow through with that plan, so VS5 will just evolve from this old relic.

VS5 will be my focus once I'm through with the current massive project that I've been working on for over a year now. (But then when baby #2 arrives in October, I'm sure my development time will vanish again.)

So, in short, everyone hang in there and bear with us and VS4. I am but one man and as I always do, I'll work my buns off for the betterment of we, our community, as fast as I possibly can.

Thanks for your patience!

rottenseed says...

See that ladies and gentlemen: DON'T HAVE CHILDREN! They'll not only slow your own dreams, but the dreams of hundreds of other people.>> ^lucky760:

Just FYI, the biggest hang-up with the birth of VS5 is yours truly. I originally wanted to rebuild VS from scratch using my much better PHP framework that I've developed over the past 2+ years, however parenthood, my full-time job, and my part-time job have been a black hole of time, so it would probably take me more than a year to follow through with that plan, so VS5 will just evolve from this old relic.
VS5 will be my focus once I'm through with the current massive project that I've been working on for over a year now. (But then when baby #2 arrives in October, I'm sure my development time will vanish again.)
So, in short, everyone hang in there and bear with us and VS4. I am but one man and as I always do, I'll work my buns off for the betterment of we, our community, as fast as I possibly can.
Thanks for your patience!

direpickle says...

There's a thing I've been wanting: If a comment from a user is exclusively *commands, can it be not counted in the number of comments thing? It's always kind of annoying when there are five comments listed, but it's all *channel/no-channel warring.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Lucky is just being modest. I also blame myself for the lack of focus. I've got two kids and for once ... A day job that I feel pretty good about. Part of this post is a confession that I fee guilty about cheating on VideoSift. Did I mention that I bought a 1080p projector?

probie says...

Would it be possible for probationary members to promote videos? Admittedly, I don't think of things from the admin side of the Sift, so I'm mot sure what harm it could potentially cause, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

This is kind of against the idea of a meritrocratic site like us.>> ^probie:

Would it be possible for probationary members to promote videos? Admittedly, I don't think of things from the admin side of the Sift, so I'm mot sure what harm it could potentially cause, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask.

probie says...

>> ^dag:

This is kind of against the idea of a meritrocratic site like us.>> ^probie:
Would it be possible for probationary members to promote videos? Admittedly, I don't think of things from the admin side of the Sift, so I'm mot sure what harm it could potentially cause, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask.

Yeah, I kind of figured the idea was to entice people into being part of the community. I suppose one day I'll hang up my big red P....not yet though. Thanks for the quick reply.

oritteropo says...

I've had an idea. You just need to sift 2000 vids to get Galaxy, then your custom icon can be the probie's red P.

>> ^probie:

>> ^dag:
This is kind of against the idea of a meritrocratic site like us.>> ^probie:
Would it be possible for probationary members to promote videos? Admittedly, I don't think of things from the admin side of the Sift, so I'm mot sure what harm it could potentially cause, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask.

Yeah, I kind of figured the idea was to entice people into being part of the community. I suppose one day I'll hang up my big red P....not yet though. Thanks for the quick reply.

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