japan builds its first real mech - kuratas

The first eventual steps to getting a Gundam!

No-one else sees this for the joke that it is?

No one?

No one notices that it's CG when driving through the streets or find the smile shot to be odd... and the crash position part of the video?


We're just going to think it's real then.

Ok, fine, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you, looks like a giant coat hanger.



You were saying.. Mr. Buzz Killington?

>> ^spoco2:

No-one else sees this for the joke that it is?
No one?
No one notices that it's CG when driving through the streets or find the smile shot to be odd... and the crash position part of the video?
We're just going to think it's real then.
Ok, fine, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you, looks like a giant coat hanger.


>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

You were saying.. Mr. Buzz Killington?
>> ^spoco2:
No-one else sees this for the joke that it is?
No one?
No one notices that it's CG when driving through the streets or find the smile shot to be odd... and the crash position part of the video?
We're just going to think it's real then.
Ok, fine, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you, looks like a giant coat hanger.

Yeah? What? I get that they've made a full size 'thing' that moves and such, but there's no way this is a real product with a real 'Robot OS' and a real 'Smile Shot' shooting system. And those videos of it driving in the streets were CGI.

It's just a big 'art' project or something, not a real, for sale useful robot.


>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

You never got hugged as a child. Did you?

Why do you have a problem with me pointing out that this is 99% sure to be a 'hoax'? It's being reported everywhere as real (although a number are saying the video has the whiff of fake about it), and it irks me how readily people fall for things online.

If this were being shown as 'Hey, look at this cool art project' or 'Look at this thing that a guy built in his shed, isn't it awesome? Doesn't really 'do' much, but it's cool' then it'd be a cool video.

But it's being reported everywhere as a REAL robot suit you can really order for 1.3 Million and it'll really do what the video promises.



Ya I can't tell if it's an elaborate fake, or if the video is just set in that strange Japanese humor I don't always get. Some of it looks very real and some of it is just too campy to be true. If it is real it seems like a very early prototype. @spoco2 is right about a few things though the OS shown in the video is a fake it was CGI for sure. And some of it just seemed very unfinished and very rough around the edges to be a complete product. Not to mention the weapons sanctions for selling something like that overseas.

Trust me I want this to be real soooo bad and I think if anyone will pull it off first it will be the Japanese. They have a morbid obsession with Gundam's but this just reeks of a fake to me.


Ok found it @spoco2 is 100% right on, sorry guys in the opening of THIS video it states that this is an "art piece" only, it does work and is functional to a point but it is mainly a big toy.


@Auger8 Spot on... and the artist's name is Kogoro Kurata (hence the name of the robot), he's made other large mech statues and animated installations in the past.

Also, this thing was unveiled at Wonder Festival, which is an event to show garage kits and models etc. Hardly a place for a 'real' robot to be launched.

Plus it seems kind of odd that in all the still shots of it it has a massive metal beam up its butt to hold it up... seems like it has issues standing on its own.

Very cool piece of art/toy, but not a real, functioning robot as 'sold' in the video.


>> ^sickio:

Smile activated machine gun, well thanks Einstein for telling us it was fake.

Why don't you have a quick search for this on the web and find out just how many people DO think it's real before you are Mr snide arse.


I don't see why they couldn't build a construction loader like the one Ripley used in Aliens.

I thought this "mech" is a nice accomplishment, and the video is very tongue-in-cheek - and real depends on your perspective. If some rich mecha fan wants to buy it, that's great - I'm sure it would get ticketed an impounded if he drove on the streets. I certainly hope any military weapons procurement expert would simply laugh at this video... or at least smile.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'japan, mech, Suidobashi Heavy Industry, hi powered bb gun, mobility' to 'japan, mech, Suidobashi Heavy Industry, hi powered bb gun, mobility, kuratas' - edited by lucky760

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