Why the White Man Gotta Be King of the Jungle?


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Swim. He said swim. I've heard the stereotype joke before, but not sure where it comes from... and I'm way too tired to google it out... Okay, no I'm not.
https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/2bwn7x/whats_with_the_black_people_cant_swim_joke/ lots of the other google responses were a bit too offensive and this gave some possible reasons to the question.


I take it black men don't swing?

I apologize if I'm not up on my racist stereotypes.


You didn't jokingly say this so I'll assume you're serious. The racial stereotype is that black men don't swim.

And FYI Wayne Brady, Elmo Lincoln was the first movie Tarzan in 1918.


I take it black men don't swing?

I apologize if I'm not up on my racist stereotypes.


Ok, I thought he said swim, but it didn't make sense to me in the Tarzan context.

Like I said, I don't find racist "humour" funny, so I really don't keep up on the stereotypes.


I do keep up on the stereotypes, but for 2 seconds I actually thought to myself - "yeah, that makes sense, Johnny Weissmuller was an olympic swim.... oh."


Ok, I thought he said swim, but it didn't make sense to me in the Tarzan context.

Like I said, I don't find racist "humour" funny, so I really don't keep up on the stereotypes.


I believe it's a 'monkey' joke.

Because some primate species (barring exceptional individuals) won't go into the water.



Swim. He said swim. I've heard the stereotype joke before, but not sure where it comes from... and I'm way too tired to google it out... Okay, no I'm not.
https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/2bwn7x/whats_with_the_black_people_cant_swim_joke/ lots of the other google responses were a bit too offensive and this gave some possible reasons to the question.


Not a monkey joke, that wouldn't get a laugh from anyone. there is a racial stereotype that black people don't swim. Perpetuated even by black comedians. It's not considered the most offensive stereotype. More playful than serious, like, "white people put mayonnaise on everything."

And if you watched the old black and white Tarzan films, he had only two modes of locomotion, 'swing on vine' and 'swim'.


I believe it's a 'monkey' joke.

Because some primate species (barring exceptional individuals) won't go into the water.


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