Tucker Carlson mad about being less sexually attracted MnMs

Tucker Carlson is very concerned about how sexy a chocolate cartoon character is, probably because it's the brown one.


oh and i made a custom thumbnail if anyone has any ideas how to swap these - keep getting invalid file name or type or blah blah i dont care enough anymore here's the link. (tried gif bmp and jpg all with different file names, dunno)


newtboyjokingly says...

I knew you would be triggered by the loss of an animated candy object of your lust.
Maybe go watch Who Framed Roger Rabbit if you need a sexy cartoon to drool over.


When candy goes woke, Woke has gone too far.


Food is sensuous.
People are sensual.

It's too do with having a consciousness or not. Food-Fucker-Carlson is talking to himself, not a hunk of chocolate that he has simulated sexual intercourse with.


When candy goes woke, Woke has gone too far.

luxintenebrisjokingly says...


how is 'woke' any different than advertisements reflexing their times? ever seen the ads from the 19th century? or even through the 1900s? like 1950(?) ads promoting cigarettes as safer because x number of doctors smoke 'luckys' (think of the poor unlucky bastards who fell for that).

mercy. they've found ads scrawled on old roman city walls...even recessed footprints on pathways that lead to working girls' abodes. targeted ads for services and goods.

companies knowing their buyers.

come to think of it...what generation made the greens sexy? didn't they go away once? why was that? then they made fun of the myth and brought them back. right? so now, that's viewed as ancient thinking. so maybe mars isn't just for men anymore?

get w/the times old man.


When candy goes woke, Woke has gone too far.

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