This teacher has a flawless cheating strategy...

This is genius. I only WISH I had known about this when I was in school.

Except that I followed that strategy. Now I'm rotting in grad school while the cheaters are spending my parents' pension funds on their private cayman islands.

Ah - see that's what happens when you get caught trying this method.


Years ago wile at Penn State a fellow Engineering freshman got caught cheating. They kicked his ass out that very day.

I never saw the point in cheating. You just cheating your self.

Stealing from the company, that's a different story. That's a wealth enhancement system that I can get behind.


You actually don't have to study, I found just reading the textbook the night before the exam would get me 90s in high school. The worst part about this method of studying is that the literature is literally mind numbingly boring, and if you fall asleep you're fucked.


That's great, definitely confirms Penn's great reputation in engineering. What I have seen in a big state school and an Ivy League is that most cheaters get away with it, even if caught.>> ^bobknight33:

Years ago wile at Penn State a fellow Engineering freshman got caught cheating. They kicked his ass out that very day.
I never saw the point in cheating. You just cheating your self.
Stealing from the company, that's a different story. That's a wealth enhancement system that I can get behind.


Not every engineer works on bridges, LOL.

I think the engineering students that cheat do so in 1st year weed-out courses. The folks that do will never make it to graduation, becasue at a certain point, it becomes practically impossible to cheat in an advanced engineering curriculum. There's no back-of-the-book answer to designing an engine, or configuring a sensor system, etc.>> ^WaterDweller:

If you cheat in engineering classes, you WILL Kill people later. For your own sake and everyone else, quit or learn the material.
That goes for medical students as well.


Because if the only reason you're there is to walk out with a piece of paper that will get you a job, then how you get that piece of paper is immaterial. But there's no avoiding paying the tuition and waiting 4 years. You usually have to attend some classes and submit some stuff too.>> ^Sylvester_Ink:

If you're paying large amounts of money to attend some university, why in the world would you squander that investment by cheating?


I've cheated plenty of times in school and it did me no harm - what's the point in rote learning some history dates you'll never use again for the rest of your life, or some diagram of a cell. In my job i use google throughout the day to get things done quicker, to reuse where possible. Rote learning is outdated and achieves nothing, except to encourage cheating.


I cheated once that i know about.. Chemistry... wrote the number of atoms in a mole inside a calculator cover. What POSSIBLE use is there in life of memorizing that number? Never used it before then, never used it afterwards, case closed.


What's the point, you may ask. I suggest you think deeply upon the following:

"Muad'Dib learned rapidly because his first training was in how to learn. And the first lesson of all was the basic trust that he could learn. It's shocking to find how many people do not believe they can learn, and how many more believe learning to be difficult. Muad'Dib knew that every experience carries its lesson."
- Princess Irulan


>> ^Ralgha:

What's the point, you may ask. I suggest you think deeply upon the following:
"Muad'Dib learned rapidly because his first training was in how to learn. And the first lesson of all was the basic trust that he could learn. It's shocking to find how many people do not believe they can learn, and how many more believe learning to be difficult. Muad'Dib knew that every experience carries its lesson."
- Princess Irulan

I didn't get it but I agree that memorizing numbers of things is generally not how you tell between smart and dumb people. Smart people think critically and creatively, whereas dumb people memorize stuff and skate through college and get there diploma forgetting pretty much every damn thing they learned.


Just clicked this link to comment about this same thing. I had a put a sticky note on the right side of my screen just so this man's turtlish features don't ruin any cute cat video I might want to watch.>> ^jonny:

For the love of God, would you people vote up another video to the top spot and get this guy's nightmarish face out of the top sift panel!


I had a teacher in high school that allowed us to cheat.
She let us design our own little cheat sheets and we´d spend a lot of time on scribbling the most useful info onto tiny bits of paper.

Only thing was: In the end she didn´t allow us to use them during the test.
But: By then we had spent so much time thinking about what info to put where that we actually remembered everything anyway. So she really tricked us into learning... Genius!

Taught me a lot about condensing information down to its essence.

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