Star Trek Beyond - Trailer 1

From YT:
From director Justin Lin comes STAR TREK BEYOND starring Idris Elba, Chris Pine, Simon Pegg, Zach Quinto, Zoe Saldana, John Cho, Anton Yelchin and Karl Urban. In theaters July 22nd.

My mind cannot process a simultaneous excitement for Star Wars and Star Trek. I will get back to Star Trek after Dec. 18th, thank you.


Have fun! I will pass on the new SW movie. There is actually no effin 2D cinema left in my region and my brain and/or glasses/weak eyes are incompatible with this horrible 3D bullshit.


My mind cannot process a simultaneous excitement for Star Wars and Star Trek. I will get back to Star Trek after Dec. 18th, thank you.


Wow! Really?!? No 2 D theaters at all?!? That's nuts. Where are you located, if I may ask?
I also have trouble with the new 3D, but I intend to give SW a chance. I hope I don't have to see it a second time in 2D to actually see it. I live in N Cal., and we barely have 3D theaters here, but plenty of smaller 2D screens.
If only they would make a good quality, 4K, 3D projector at a reasonable price, I would just stay home. People in theaters suck. It's like their parents never taught them that a theater is not their living room. That's why I only see an average of 1 movie a year in theaters. I would see far more if it weren't for the other movie goers.


Have fun! I will pass on the new SW movie. There is actually no effin 2D cinema left in my region and my brain and/or glasses/weak eyes are incompatible with this horrible 3D bullshit.


Southern germany. Hightech cinemas all around

There is an "old" cinema about 50 km away, but ... it's only a movie, not some life-saving hospital. I wait for the bluray.


Wow! Really?!? No 2 D theaters at all?!? That's nuts. Where are you located, if I may ask?
I also have trouble with the new 3D, but I intend to give SW a chance. I hope I don't have to see it a second time in 2D to actually see it. I live in N Cal., and we barely have 3D theaters here, but plenty of smaller 2D screens.
If only they would make a good quality, 4K, 3D projector at a reasonable price, I would just stay home. People in theaters suck. It's like their parents never taught them that a theater is not their living room. That's why I only see an average of 1 movie a year in theaters. I would see far more if it weren't for the other movie goers.


Jesus fucking christ, how did this abortion ever get green lit?

Way to completely and utterly miss the point of a franchise.

What's next? The next Raid to be a slow-paced, dialogue heavy introspection into the nuances of Indonesian geopolitics?
Does the drummer in Whiplash 2 join a metal band?

Every single thing about this is just stupid, from the soundtrack* to the lame attempt to give Chris Pine Kirks haircut. Fuck, I haven't even mentioned anything about the direction or the story yet.

@CrushBug, don't take this personally, but if there was a way to unpromote or anti-quality I would use every single point I earned on this abomination.

Look, if you want to make an awesome action movie in space with a kick arse soundtrack, great! Sign me the fuck up for that one. In fact, I watched it last year, it was called Guardians of the Galaxy and I loved it.

But that's not what Star Trek is about. Why would you even bother spending money on the licence? It's not that you can't even make a great Trek movie with decent action beats (First Contact nailed both), but Star Trek is supposed to be a tiny bit more thoughtful.

Fuck everything about this.

* I love the Beastie Boys and Sabotage is a great song, but it fits Star Trek about as well as smooth jazz would fit the next Avengers.


No worries at all @ChaosEngine =). I know that this movie is very controversial for a lot of people and I have not made up my mind yet as to my feelings. There was a lot I liked and disliked about both previous movies.

Although, I would like to see your idea for the next Raid movie get made. That would be something!


Uh, isn't the song an homage to the first film when Kirk steals the car and drives it off a cliff (pretty sure this was the song playing in the background)?

Look, this is the 3rd movie in the rebooted franchise. Do people really not get the idea of a "reboot"? They're not re-making Star Trek, they're taking it in an entirely different direction. The first one clearly showed they wanted to go in the blockbuster action film direction and the second one re-affirmed that. So, it completely baffles me as to why anyone at this point would still think the rebooted franchise is going to be anything like the original Star Trek movies (let alone the TV series, which had far more time to build the characters and establish the universe than the movies do).

Now, as to the particulars of this trailer... they're going to blow up the Enterprise, again?!? We haven't "been there, done that" enough yet? And so much for their 5-year mission--looks like that is going to get cut a little short.

Still the idea of the main cast members getting stranded on a hostile planet is pretty good for allowing some cool between-character interaction and does in fact harken back to all of the TV series versions (where it seemed to happen on a fairly regular basis).

Will wait and see. Probably will be a good action popcorn flick (which is clearly what they want the series to be).


My solution for the people problem is I only go to movies showing on Thursday night at 10:30PM and after the movie has been out for a couple of weeks. My local theatre is called Colossus and has 22 screens including Ultra AVX, Dbox, Imax, and regular, all at different prices.


Wow! Really?!? No 2 D theaters at all?!? That's nuts. Where are you located, if I may ask?
I also have trouble with the new 3D, but I intend to give SW a chance. I hope I don't have to see it a second time in 2D to actually see it. I live in N Cal., and we barely have 3D theaters here, but plenty of smaller 2D screens.
If only they would make a good quality, 4K, 3D projector at a reasonable price, I would just stay home. People in theaters suck. It's like their parents never taught them that a theater is not their living room. That's why I only see an average of 1 movie a year in theaters. I would see far more if it weren't for the other movie goers.


Yes, it is and that was stupid too.

Just because they've rebooted it doesn't mean they get to do what they want with it. They could reboot Batman to be about a middle aged man having an identity crisis, and yeah, there's some aspect of that to Batman, but that's not really why anyone wants to see Batman.

I never thought it would be anything like the original movies or the tv series, I thought it SHOULD be like those. Just because I know how they're fucking it up doesn't mean I won't criticise it.


Uh, isn't the song an homage to the first film when Kirk steals the car and drives it off a cliff (pretty sure this was the song playing in the background)?

Look, this is the 3rd movie in the rebooted franchise. Do people really not get the idea of a "reboot"? They're not re-making Star Trek, they're taking it in an entirely different direction. The first one clearly showed they wanted to go in the blockbuster action film direction and the second one re-affirmed that. So, it completely baffles me as to why anyone at this point would still think the rebooted franchise is going to be anything like the original Star Trek movies (let alone the TV series, which had far more time to build the characters and establish the universe than the movies do).


Presumably you reboot something because you want you capitalise on some combination of the styles, plots, essence and fans of the thing you're rebooting. So if it becomes unrecognisably Star Trek then fans won't be impressed.

But this looks to be going in a different direction than not just Star Trek but the first two films of the reboot as well. To me it could have been any sci-fi action adventure film because nothing stood out that distinguished it as Star Trek (the old or new definition).

Also, who the hell buys Pegg as Scotty really? I love Pegg, but everything about his character is jarring - he's Simon Pegg doing a funny accent and laying the slapstick on far too thick for comic relief only to pop up in an action scene 2 minutes later.

Edit: Maybe because it's a different director? Edit2: Who apparently directed some Fast & Furious films - that makes a lot of sense.


I wouldn't mind it so much if not for two things:

1) I thought they specifically said that this movie was supposed to be more "old school star trek" and more cerebral

2) all the action seemed like a total repeat of the last two movies.

I used to not mind the reboot. I hated the whole alternate timeline thing and the Borg involvement, but I thought the movies themselves were still fun and decent. I'm just so sick of it now. I'm done.


I could forgive some stylistic changes, but this is just too much. It's so tropey it looks like they put no effort into it. I can just hear the Fast and Furious idiot: "Yeah it needs ninjas, lasers, motorcycles, a guy hanging on a cliff, and lots and lots of space ships yeah!"


Hmmm. The next stage in the Trek vs. Wars saga:

You stole our director, and thereby ruined the movies!

(I never would have guessed that would be the development, unless George Lucas was selected to direct the new Trek films, in which case it would have made perfect sense in reverse)


If you're referring to my comment. The prequel comics which are supposedly part of the canon is that the Narada is a borg-ified romulan vessel.

They use that as part of the reason why JJverse Enterprise is different from TOS Enterprise. The explanation goes that the Kelvin scanned the Narada and magically gleamed all the borg tech from those scans which led to a massive explosion of new technology. so JJverse tech is supposedly roughly on par with TNG-era tech if not better because of the borg tech boost from the Narada....all that from just scans of the ship.

Don't blame me, that's just what I read

EDIT: just looked it up. Yep, that's what the writers wrote about it.


What the Hell? That doesn't even look a little bit like the Borg.


This is like half way down the road from regular Star Trek towards Team America. Very strange.

Looking forward to SW in glorious 2D!


I feel like I saw the entire movie in the trailer. Not that I saw the good parts, no, rather I get the feeling I saw it entirely. Glad it was free.

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