
Double-Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Sunday, February 17th, 2013 8:41am PST - doublepromote requested by UsesProzac.


So, I may be in the minority here, but I don't really think it's all that funny. They're just mimicking scenes from Tarantino movies almost verbatim and that's not funny. One thing Tarantino is great at is making a vibe and not repeating himself, this is just copy/paste+jesus and I think it's just meh.

That said, Cristoph Waltz is always brilliant in anything.


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Leave Comcast alone!!! What did they ever do to you? Give you slow ass internet?!

Holy shit you're so right.

*downvotes all copyrighted material currently owned by internet moguls... this is going to take a while...*


Fuck NBC for not allowing Canadians to view their content. Down vote.


Comcast? Slow ass internet?
Not sure where that came from or how it applies. We don't even have Comcast in Canada. *shrug*

Anyway my point is that I'm tired of these content producers that won't allow people outside the U.S. from viewing their stuff. We can watch SNL on TV. We could pirate it. We could use proxy servers to get around the ban. It's completely asinine and ignorant. They will gladly sell Canadians shows by the season on DVDs, but they get the complete shaft otherwise. Wish they would respect their foreign customers a bit more is all.


Leave Comcast alone!!! What did they ever do to you? Give you slow ass internet?!

Holy shit you're so right.

*downvotes all copyrighted material currently owned by internet moguls... this is going to take a while...*


Agreed. It was amusing at first, but quickly went downhill


So, I may be in the minority here, but I don't really think it's all that funny. They're just mimicking scenes from Tarantino movies almost verbatim and that's not funny. One thing Tarantino is great at is making a vibe and not repeating himself, this is just copy/paste+jesus and I think it's just meh

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