NYC sanitation workers destroy a Ford Explorer

NYC snow workers doing what they do best? (NSFW for language, I guess?)

From the poster to YT: City workers destroy a Ford Explorer trying to free a snowbound front-loader in Brooklyn Heights, New York after the storm of 2010. The crazy thing here....the vehicle WAS....wait for it....A NYC Dept of Buildings city owned vehicle. I went down, I know the owner, they are aware of the video and no police ever came. Hope that answers a lot of questions. Obviously some comments here in response are from the driver

I think everyone is WAY OVERREACTING. Yea, there some damage, and I'm sure the state will cover it. But they're all freaking out like its the end of the world. Obviously the bulldozer was stuck, and they were trying to get it out. Which would he more likely lose his job over, leaving it stuck and being out one badly needed bulldozer, or smash-up the back of some NY prick's SUV?


Apparently, everyone posting is a dick (not all of you, but you know who you are)? I've lived in snow my whole life and if state workers need to get their vehicle unstuck by destroying/damaging a vehicle because they can't plow--they shouldn't be plowing (no it's not the end of the world, if the frame of the SUV--which bends just as easy as the car in front of it--bends out of alignment your insurance will come back to you with the assessment of: totaled...).

Like the guy in the video was saying. If he's planning to do city work and it doesn't have snow-tires/chains they are stupid. Second, what exactly is the plan for everyone saying the damage is fine? They should rampage the city? That way the tax payers can pay themselves to fix their own car. Great idea.

Or is it just that it's a "SUV", meaning: go ahead and tear it to pieces, I feel entitled, because I drive a gas/electric.

The stupidity displayed in that video was enough to me, to get them both fired. Or at the least a nice non-payed vacation or "suspension".


You'd think they'd have a shovel somewhere on that tow truck, or could borrow one from somebody...

I've dug out my share of tires (and made tire paths) before... not fun, but better than filling out paperwork.


Until i see the drivers of "more environmentally safe" cars signing up to a petition/demonstration/march about bringing more environmentally safe cars into the price range of the average people who can barely scrape together 400 quid to buy a car, they have absolutely no moral high ground.


What I really find telling is, the driver of the loader has NO IDEA how to drive it. One of the FIRST things you learn is how to crab-walk it sideways.

Bucket down, front wheels up
twist, move rear wheels forward
bucket up, front wheels down
twist the other way, wheels back


Exactly what I was thinking. You can also back it up with the bucket. Bucket in, bucket down, bucket out, bucket up... repeat.

>> ^Payback:

What I really find telling is, the driver of the loader has NO IDEA how to drive it. One of the FIRST things you learn is how to crab-walk it sideways.
Bucket down, front wheels up
twist, move rear wheels forward
bucket up, front wheels down
twist the other way, wheels back


It's the administrator's fault for not making sure the workers were properly trained and have the support they needed (e.g. tire chains, shovels, someone to call if they don't know what to do).


> I think everyone is WAY OVERREACTING

Hah! yeah because every time you pull a stuck vehicle out of the snow it should run into the $5000 range. I can think of two people in this video who should be fired immediately.


Well my first thought being that driver wouldn't be to call a tow truck to unstick something like that. You usually use something like that to unstick a truck. I can't fathom that they wouldn't contact another clearing vehicle they have probably a couple blocks away to clear a path to the guy if he couldn't wiggle himself out in the meantime. It's not like they wasting much effort if they are clearing roads that need cleared in the process to dig out a stuck machine.

Plus, and maybe Im missing something, but it seems like you'd want to clear a good starting point and work your way from there instead of just blindly driving through the snow in an effort to clear faster.....while not really clearing it at all if you can't drive big ass machinery through it without getting stuck.


Since you chose to include the NY before the word prick I have to assume that it was your intention to imply that all New Yorkers are pricks. By that logic you must be a New Yorker.>> ^Unaccommodated:

some NY prick's SUV?


>> ^Unaccommodated:

I think everyone is WAY OVERREACTING. Yea, there some damage, and I'm sure the state will cover it. But they're all freaking out like its the end of the world. Obviously the bulldozer was stuck, and they were trying to get it out. Which would he more likely lose his job over, leaving it stuck and being out one badly needed bulldozer, or smash-up the back of some NY prick's SUV?

uhhhh because there is a right way to do things and a stupid lazy fuckin' idiot way to do things, seems you are in favour of the second...


>> ^chilaxe:

It's the administrator's fault for not making sure the workers were properly trained and have the support they needed (e.g. tire chains, shovels, someone to call if they don't know what to do).

Oohh bullshit, Stupid doesnt always get blamed on the guy above. you cannot call such a call without knowing actual details. So BULLSHIT on the statement you made.

Bullshit I say.


The tow truck would of/should of had Tire chalks, he could of put those in place and used his winch to pull the front end loader. And yes they have chalks for mud and snow, they grip into the snow/ice/mud like fish hook barbs, and resist the truck from being pulled backwards via the winch.


>> ^BoneRemake:

The tow truck would ofhave/should ofhave had Tire chalks, he could ofhave put those in place and used his winch to pull the front end loader. And yes they have chalks for mud and snow, they grip into the snow/ice/mud like fish hook barbs, and resist the truck from being pulled backwards via the winch.


Peoples are taking this video a little too seriously. A clueless tow truck driver and snow plow operator tear a car apart while a pantsless man provides classic New Yorker commentary. It's comedy gold. HaHaHahaHaHahaHahaHaHaha...........


>> ^Yogi:

Wow...calling for firing people when people are struggling to find jobs and afford homes. Stay Classy Videosift.

Perhaps if the guy with no idea how to do his job without destroying property was to be let go, then maybe one of those struggling people with a home to afford could take his place.


>> ^Yogi:

Wow...calling for firing people when people are struggling to find jobs and afford homes. Stay Classy Videosift.

uh...what? what on earth does the economy have to do with two morons who can't operate their vehicles properly, to the tune of multiple thousands of dollars of damage to an innocent bystander's property?

please rationalize those two people not being disciplined or fired over this.


What an annoying turd. He is yelling at himself.. no one outside can hear him, and he really has no clue whats going on. It is pretty clear that they were going to accept some damage (some being the key word, nothing destroyed of any kind) to get the tractor clear.


>> ^Payback:

What I really find telling is, the driver of the loader has NO IDEA how to drive it. One of the FIRST things you learn is how to crab-walk it sideways.
Bucket down, front wheels up
twist, move rear wheels forward
bucket up, front wheels down
twist the other way, wheels back

Thank you... Same with the mention of chalks. Same with the mention of using the bucket. Same with the comment that lets people know that THESE are usually the things you call in to pull/winch someone stuck. Same with the realization that everything happening in the video = tax payer money being used (paying both state workers-maybe three-to screw this up; although, that may be a utilities truck "trying to pull him out").

It completely confuses me how they haven't taught basic maneuvering on how to get these things unstuck or get things unstuck--I can almost guarantee that most farmers (whether they've been in the snow or not; at that weight mud might be worse than snow) that use one regularly know what to do.

I also must give @jmd an honorable mention for saying what I was thinking the whole time. If you see something like that get on the phone to the local PD and get out there and get the information (trust me; that driver may be hard up for cash, but that is no excuse to "possibly" cause mayhem with their work/payments for months). Also, the lady across the street is yelling just fine what the hell is his problem? He's basically muttering the whole time until his last sentence (then decides to either go out there and get dressed or goes back to sleep). Maybe that street has great acoustics.

As for the firing bit. Look at the complete negligence shown in this video. To me it shows: no common sense, can't ask for help (as said way up top--I'm sure they'll handle him gingerly for most likely totaling a vehicle--or he could have asked for help), gets a second car involved, HUGE waste of tax-payers money from this one stupid event (I'll wager that this little event will cost anywhere from 10k low -if the SUV frame is pulled to far out of alignment- and 30k high--most likely this is about 16k'ish, overall) and one more if he didn't call the cops himself. If you need the job, do IT RIGHT. You can't EVER use that as an excuse to not do the job given to you; especially so when it concerns near pre-meditated negligence all caught on camera. The fact that they did do the initial, possibly no damage, bumper hit should have been the stopping point. When they decided to keep going and said "fuck it", that is a fire-able offense. On the spot .

Last part that I find funny. That thing is heavy as hell. I'm not too sure what those guys thought they'd accomplish by trying to "pull" it out. Winching it out is at the least what you would do. Instead, what really frees the heavy-machinery is it using that SUV as friction for the tires. All they did was pull it sideways into it.

This made me think TSA employees are acting well-reasoned in bad-conditions...

(Longer than I wanted what I wanted it to be, oh well. BTW, this did go national atleast on CNN and the Weather Channel. ....So many things you can do to get yourself in that situation: salt/sand/gravel mixtures in front & back, shovel, metal/rubber tire wedges, @Payback's comment, @ridesallyridenc comment, @BoneRemake's comment, @Porksandwich's comment, it goes, on, and on, and on, and on.... )


>> ^NetRunner:

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.... AND NOW, Here's something completely different!!!

You know, that little *feature* Google slid into their videos is starting to bug the shit out of me.


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>> ^Yogi:

Wow...calling for firing people when people are struggling to find jobs and afford homes. Stay Classy Videosift.

Meanwhile, someone who could do this job without causing property damage is out of work because this dumb asshole has the job.


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