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More depravity from UsesProzac

Do NOT share personal information with UsesProzac!

670 views according to this page, and only 57 views on the YouTube page itself. I wonder if the YouTube counter is just off, takes a long time to update, or if embedded videos don't count properly... normally it doesn't freeze the count until around 300/307ish...


This is definitely starting to get silly.

The other videos, I didn't vote for because I really didn't care for them.. but at least there was something to them.

There was the one where she was actually playing piano, quite well, I might add. That was a decent sift. There were the two "Gag" videos about her boobs.

But.. I mean, seriously, are we just upvoting this because it's one of our users?

Sorry, this isn't an attack at UP, but this is just plain stupid. This adds nothing, it's really not even funny. It's 25 seconds of stepping on a dumb toy.

Take a step back and think - If it wasn't a sifter doing this, would anybody even have voted?


>> ^Shepppard:

This is definitely starting to get silly.
The other videos, I didn't vote for because I really didn't care for them.. but at least there was something to them.
There was the one where she was actually playing piano, quite well, I might add. That was a decent sift. There were the two "Gag" videos about her boobs.
But.. I mean, seriously, are we just upvoting this because it's one of our users?
Sorry, this isn't an attack at UP, but this is just plain stupid. This adds nothing, it's really not even funny. It's 25 seconds of stepping on a dumb toy.
Take a step back and think - If it wasn't a sifter doing this, would anybody even have voted?

It was a video I made for Eric to get him to laugh. @Fletch follows my youtube channel and posted it. It was obviously a smart move, cos he got a star point and a top 15 video out of it.

If I had known someone would want to sift it, I would have made a less shaky video with better sound!

Not that I'm against people sifting my You Tube videos, go ahead.

It is stupid and silly, and that's my favorite sort of thing.

I find it amusing that others have a strong reaction to it being posted.

I respect your opinion @Shepppard because it isn't a personal attack on me, like others.. choose to do. Bullies. Yeah, I'm looking at you @BoneRemake. You're a bully.


At least you people make me laugh.

Stop flattering yourself with the thought of it being personal @UsesProzac, I think the video has no point and is no better than a cat licking itself and sifting. Fletch should be tared and feathered for posting shit. When I do I am.

You chase that dream and express yourself on the yout00bs.

UsesProzacjokingly says...

>> ^BoneRemake:

At least you people make me laugh.
Stop flattering yourself with the thought of it being personal @UsesProzac, I think the video has no point and is no better than a cat licking itself and sifting. Fletch should be tared and feathered for posting shit. When I do I am.

You chase that dream and express yourself on the yout00bs.

You make me despair for the human race. On a general, wholly unpersonal level.


>> ^UsesProzac:

>> ^BoneRemake:
At least you people make me laugh.
Stop flattering yourself with the thought of it being personal @UsesProzac, I think the video has no point and is no better than a cat licking itself and sifting. Fletch should be tared and feathered for posting shit. When I do I am.

You chase that dream and express yourself on the yout00bs.

You make me despair for the human race. On a general, wholly unpersonal level.

You just in general make me happy because I know there is someone else more fucked up than I am.


Ah, I understand now. You like to condescend to me to feel better about yourself.

>> ^BoneRemake:

>> ^UsesProzac:
>> ^BoneRemake:
At least you people make me laugh.
Stop flattering yourself with the thought of it being personal @UsesProzac, I think the video has no point and is no better than a cat licking itself and sifting. Fletch should be tared and feathered for posting shit. When I do I am.

You chase that dream and express yourself on the yout00bs.

You make me despair for the human race. On a general, wholly unpersonal level.

You just in general make me happy because I know there is someone else more fucked up than I am.



There were TWO boob videos? Shit, I missed one of them.

Tell you what, when the endless cat videos, the assinine Zero Punctuation reviews (that only one person seems to post; I haven't figured THAT one out yet), the David Mitchell rants (which aren't the least bit funny or interesting), and the daily Daily Show, Colbert Report, QI, TYT, and Graham Norton videos go away, we can talk about the FOUR (five?) UP videos.

The problem is, no matter what I think about the videos I mentioned (and I do enjoy and upvote some of them), they get lots of votes. So... boohoo for me. That's how it works. Video gets submitted, people vote on it. If you don't like this video, downvote it. You aren't going to hurt my feelings. But if you are going to cry about this harmless 25 second video that I had a little fun with and others found worthy enough for an upvote, and give a pass to other, much more profuse videos that I feel "add nothing", then I'm not interested in your fucking opinion.



Congratulations, you successfully pulled me out of bed to come write this.

First off, I stated my opinion, simple as that. I didn't attack your choice for posting it, I didn't attack UP for doing it. I basically pointed out the fact that the only reason this is getting any votes whatsoever is because it has a sifter in it. If this was daisy-mae from dallas, would anybody have voted? Likely not.

Now, lets turn to your argument, shall we?

We have Zero Punctuation reviews. I typically don't vote for them, but they actually add something. Agree with it or not, they talk about a recent video game title and an Australian man gives his opinion on it.

The daily show topics are generally comedic, and involve some news coverage in at least one form of another (Same goes for Colbert.)

QI? if you're really comparing this to QI then that's probably one of the silliest things you could have done. If you're saying that QI has absolutely nothing of value to it then you're fairly dense. I can't find ONE QI video where I can watch it and not learn something.

TyT, Once again, news. Granted, in a fairly bias form, but it's still news.

Now, lets go ahead and talk about the 25 seconds of someone stepping on a toy, shall we? What does this bring to the table? Did we learn anything? Not really. Is this anything to do with current or past events? Nope. Is it artistic in any way? Nope. If I'm having a rough day, and need something to just make me smile, is this gonna do it? Definitely not.

So, apart from the fact that it's got a sifter in it, what's its merit? Did others actually find it worthy enough to upvote it? Or are they only doing so out of obligation because voting it down would potentially hurt UsesProzacs feelings? I can honestly tell you right now the only reason I DIDN'T vote it down was for that very reason. I have no grudge towards her whatsoever, I do have a problem with a video being added to this site for the sole reason of "hey look, it's part of a videosift member".

The site has already been criticized as one giant "In community", do we really need to ostracize people who aren't familiar with the community by spamming them with videos of sifters feet?


If it's not personal then why not downvote and move on? It's silly, some people don't like it and some people do. Just hang it up man.>> ^BoneRemake:

At least you people make me laugh.
Stop flattering yourself with the thought of it being personal @UsesProzac, I think the video has no point and is no better than a cat licking itself and sifting. Fletch should be tared and feathered for posting shit. When I do I am.

You chase that dream and express yourself on the yout00bs.


Personal attacks have no place on the sift. Grow up.

@Shepppard There are tons of videos on the sift that don't fit your criteria. I believe that's why videos don't get sifted until they have 10 votes.

The criteria for giving a vote varies from person to person, and I definitely upvoted this because the parody (porn feet stomping fetish) and wtf factor (which was through the roof). So, no I didn't learn anything, but I did find this amusing, and the fact that it was @UsesProzac in the video just added to that amusement!


Extending @Shepppard's point, there's a flaw in the Sift: only very active community members can down-vote. This means that inside jokes like this make sense only to the people who can penalise it for not making sense.

Heck, I've been here for 6 years, have posted several videos and made hundreds of comments and I can't down-vote. I don't even know why. I'm sure it's not very complicated but I've never cared quite enough to actually look into it. Something about bronzing my member, I don't know.

FWIW, this did bring a tiny smile to my face and I didn't realise it was about a member. Some men would pay good money for this.


@Quboid makes a good point here. A video like this one is inherently an "in-joke" which means most people that's been around for a while will get it, while new uses will think we're all crazy. That means the people who would want to downvote can't, while the people who either like or tolerate the videos, don't downvote

btw, you need a bronze star to downvote (15 videos sifted).


>> ^gwiz665:

@Quboid makes a good point here. A video like this one is inherently an "in-joke" which means most people that's been around for a while will get it, while new uses will think we're all crazy. That means the people who would want to downvote can't, while the people who either like or tolerate the videos, don't downvote
btw, you need a bronze star to downvote (15 videos sifted).

I need 15 star points. Are these the same as power points? Apparently I have 7.


I think quality sift talk post count toward star points.>> ^messenger:

Something else counts too towards Star Points because @Norsuelefantti (congrats!!) just went Ruby (250 Star points) with only 236 sifted videos. I had something like 98 sifted videos when I went Gold (100 Star points).>> ^Quboid:
Ok. Seems I need 25 sifted videos, so I'm nearly there.


>> ^mxxcon:

Is this supposed to be a parody on that video of a Chinese girl in high heels stepping on a kitten to death and then pokes his eyes out?

Uh, I don't watch specific videos, but it's a porn genre that's existed for a while.

Do you want to me to poke the Sing a Ma Jig's eyes out? That will be a bit extra.


lol.. Thanks but no thanks. I've seen my fair share of fetish videos of that nature and I don't need to go there, again.

>> ^mxxcon:

>> ^UsesProzac:
>> ^mxxcon:
Is this supposed to be a parody on that video of a Chinese girl in high heels stepping on a kitten to death and then pokes his eyes out?

Uh, I don't watch specific videos, but it's a porn genre that's existed for a while.
Do you want to me to poke the Sing a Ma Jig's eyes out? That will be a bit extra.


Wow! Lookie all the comments! I worked a double shift yesterday, and haven't had a chance to read through them yet. I didn't think such an inane video would be enjoyed so much that it generated... WOW, 46 comments so far! Damn, UP, yer a bonafide STAR! After I read through all these comments, I'll post some more UP videos for all of you (if you don't beat me to it first! HAHA).


Just to be on the record, I upvoted because I found the toy's reaction funny. I wasn't aware of any inside joke. Still, rather odd having to explain one's upvote. My upvote is my upvote, don't bother me.


>> ^legacy0100:

Just to be on the record, I upvoted because I found the toy's reaction funny. I wasn't aware of any inside joke. Still, rather odd having to explain one's upvote. My upvote is my upvote, don't bother me.

Thanks for explaining your upvote. Glad I came back to see that. I'm glad you were able to upvote without questioning yourself repeatedly every step along the way.

You also get a "Satisfactory" for the day's work.

I upvoted your comment because it was a comment. Comment.

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