Leftists Will Carry Out Targeted Killings Of Republicans

Key right-wing figures and organizations by showing their views in their own words. In this clip, End Times broadcaster Rick Wiles warns that leftists "will carry out targeted killings of Republicans" before the midterms in preparation for civil war.

I'll bet $100 that the first political murder we see this cycle will be a Trump nut killing someone they decide is a dangerous lefty....and another $100 the right will shrink from it by saying he's a lone wolf crazy person and not a real Republican following the talking points to their logical conclusions.....oh wait, that already happened in Charlottesville, where's my $200?

I guess they learned nothing from pizza gate, and why would they, it didn't hurt them a bit when one of their own attacked a pizza parlor full of kids with his rifle looking for Clinton to kill because they told him she was there selling child sex slaves.
Jubus Fucking Christ. They're actually trying to start a civil war spouting this bullshit to impressionable morons with guns and hatred, and they know it. If you're politically left of Reagan, buy some guns, you just might need them soon.
*promote exposing the thinly veiled call for civil war if Republicans lose control.


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I know those who listen to people like this have lost all sense of logic and capacity for independent thought, but if you listen closely he TELLS you he's bullshitting.

"They WILL carry out targeted killings of Republicans. IF that happens....."

On the one hand, he's saying he knows for absolute certain something WILL happen, but in the next breath he says "IF" not "When".

ChaosEnginejokingly says...

Let me get this straight. He thinks the American left... a group so disorganised it can't even win the presidency with a majority of votes (see also: "piss up in a brewery", or "get laid in a whore house").... he thinks THOSE GUYS are going to carry out assassinations?


I WISH they had their shit together that much.


Sadlly I think you are correct, they have zero capacity to filter bullshit from their talking heads, and zero capacity to refrain from calling anything contradicting their most outrageous fever dreams "bullshit", facts be damned, logic be damned, history be damned, and you better believe Latinos be damned.
Like their chosen president, comprehension is not their strong suit...knowing stuff and actual facts are for liberals, and there's no such thing as an independent. That's where we are.


I know those who listen to people like this have lost all sense of logic and capacity for independent thought, but if you listen closely he TELLS you he's bullshitting.

"They WILL carry out targeted killings of Republicans. IF that happens....."

On the one hand, he's saying he knows for absolute certain something WILL happen, but in the next breath he says "IF" not "When".


I wish there was a space for me to add this to the *terrible channel [go ahead and ignore ME sifty]. That's an automatic upvote [may be my favorite channel]. SAD. But wait, lies works for me here so ... vote number eleven coming right up!


Maybe not, but there are plenty of angry, moronic, gullible 30 year olds in militias who hear this as a "self defense" defense to attempted murder. They really don't need much encouragement....just ask the Bundies supporters or Charlottesville skinheads.


Are there really enough 80 year olds who remember violent communist revolutionaries for this to be effective fear mongering?


What's tearing this country apart isn't an impending impeachment, it's the crowdsourcing of sensationalism coupled with rampant confirmation bias. We're all intently focused on whatever supports our currently held beliefs and hits us in the feelers with a nice dose of rage/fear. In a country of 300+ million and a world where EVERYTHING is recorded, there are plenty of three sigma outliers and circus barkers for us to entertain ourselves with. The downside is that, like walking to your car after a horror movie, we are influenced by the entertainment, made worse for those of us who buy the line that this is the TRUTH of the world.

Talk to your neighbor. Question a persons method, but never question their motivation.


each side is looking for a fight right now. No matter what the topic is, they are fighting in a no-compromise fashion. The news is spreading this fear mongering and they won't be happy till there are people dead.



The Burnie loving nut Shooting the Congressional ball field last year.



I'll bet $100 that the first political murder we see this cycle will be a Trump nut killing someone they decide is a dangerous lefty....and another $100 the right will shrink from it by saying he's a lone wolf crazy person and not a real Republican following the talking points to their logical conclusions.....oh wait, that already happened in Charlottesville, where's my $200?

I guess they learned nothing from pizza gate, and why would they, it didn't hurt them a bit when one of their own attacked a pizza parlor full of kids with his rifle looking for Clinton to kill because they told him she was there selling child sex slaves.
Jubus Fucking Christ. They're actually trying to start a civil war spouting this bullshit to impressionable morons with guns and hatred, and they know it. If you're politically left of Reagan, buy some guns, you just might need them soon.
*promote exposing the thinly veiled call for civil war if Republicans lose control.

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