Drag Queen Gives Impassioned Speech About Homophobia

Panti Bliss tells how it feels to be subject to prejudice because of one’s sexuality on a daily basis.

What had preceded the speech...

On Jan. 11, O’Neill went on a late-night Saturday talk show on Ireland’s state-owned RTE network, and stumbled into a freedom-of-speech furore.

When asked for his assessment of anti-gay attitudes in Ireland, O’Neill said a few Irish newspaper columnists were “horrible and mean about gays.” The host asked him to name names. He identified Irish Times columnists John Waters and Breda O’Brien and a small Catholic lobbying group called the Iona Institute.

O’Neill says he thought he was stating the obvious, since all are leading voices against gay marriage. But Waters, O’Brien and four Iona officials threatened to sue RTE for defamation, arguing they had been unfairly branded as haters of homosexuals.

RTE quickly issued an apology and paid 85,000 euros in damages, mostly to Waters, a board member of the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland overseeing RTE. It said fighting the lawsuit would have cost far more. - Shawn Pogatchnik, Associated Press

A respectable person used to have to put themselves in a fucked up situation to be exposed to a vile opinion like yours, so yes, Times are a changing... Unlike you ( zing )


You used to have to pay two bits to see a freak. Not anymore.


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

Everybody chill out. First off - please avoid name calling even if the comment is hateful. That means you @ChaosEngine.

I'm not banning anybody at this point but I'm warning that hateful speech is against the guidelines of VideoSift. Please observe the Golden Rule.


some of these people have already been warned multiple times...how many more free passes are they going to get?


Quote hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

Everybody chill out. First off - please avoid name calling even if the comment is hateful. That means you @ChaosEngine.

I'm not banning anybody at this point but I'm warning that hateful speech is against the guidelines of VideoSift. Please observe the Golden Rule.


two years, 10 months, 1 week ago, Bobknight's profile:

"I've rescinded your banishment to a warning. In the future please avoid hate speech and/or racist comments. This constitutes a single and final warning. Thanks."


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

Look, while I strongly disagree with the sentiment of the comment - if we banned everyone who called someone in a video a "freak" we'd be in a very lonely place.

If thine eye offends thee pluck it out.


some of these people have already been warned multiple times...how many more free passes are they going to get?


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

That is actually a very good point. Thanks for refreshing my memory. Hmmm.


two years, 10 months, 1 week ago, Bobknight's profile:

"I've rescinded your banishment to a warning. In the future please avoid hate speech and/or racist comments. This constitutes a single and final warning. Thanks."


goddamnit, I'm going to hate myself for doing this...but hell, it's just a matter of time before @lantern53 says something hateful so I doubt it will matter.

But @dag, I was quoting bobknight's profile, not lantern's


Consider me suitably chastised. I shouldn't have called him what I did

However, if we are to accept that the likes of lantern and bob provide a differing viewpoint and don't deserve banning (which I support), then they have to accept that their comments, especially when frequently racist and/or homophobic, are going to provoke a negative reaction.

My reaction was perhaps a tad over the top, but it was just such a pointless comment. It added nothing to the discussion. He wasn't even arguing against the video, just looking for a reaction, which I stupidly provided him with. That, to me, is being a troll.


Quote hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

Everybody chill out. First off - please avoid name calling even if the comment is hateful. That means you @ChaosEngine.

I'm not banning anybody at this point but I'm warning that hateful speech is against the guidelines of VideoSift. Please observe the Golden Rule.


WTH? he directly says lantern is right, he is directly endorsing the hate speech


Quote hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

So, unfortunately as bobknight is craftily just quoting - I don't think I can justify a banination. And, let's face it you are all degenerates.


These people call themselves 'queer', do they not? How is a man dressed as a woman with fake boobs, makeup etc, not a freak? If you said, hey baby, let's get freaky, would it be okay if they cross-dressed? What if you saw this dude at the next urinal, you wouldn't think it a bit strange?

What constitutes unacceptable behavior to you people? So far, it's just me calling him a 'freak'.


Also, not everything is 'prejudice'. If someone looks askance at this person, it's 'prejudice'. I once saw a 4 yr old girl look oddly at a goth chick and the goth started bitching at the little girl because the little girl thought she was seeing something rather strange.

If you saw a male cop with lipstick and high heels, would you respect that person?


I would respect him because regardless he deserves respect. Especially to fucking wear heels those things hurt like hell. I wouldn't respect his ability to run though and if I was his captain I would suggest more sensible footwear.

OH and can everybody just calm right the fuck down. I'm sick of nobody threatening me with banation, I'm a Bastard!


Also, not everything is 'prejudice'. If someone looks askance at this person, it's 'prejudice'. I once saw a 4 yr old girl look oddly at a goth chick and the goth started bitching at the little girl because the little girl thought she was seeing something rather strange.

If you saw a male cop with lipstick and high heels, would you respect that person?


As a society we define things that are acceptable and that which are not. Hate speech is something that has a definition, we can refer to it and act accordingly.

I'm assuming that action will be forthcoming.


To you hate speech is anything you don't agree with.
What a pussy.
Grow up. People are allow to have different points of view.
Who died and made you GOD?

bobknight33jokingly says...

Wow 2 years and 10 months , 1 week ago.. You must have been lying in wait for this moment. Do you feel proud?
How long did it take yo to find your "dirt " on me? Or were you saving it just for this occasion?

Come on, kiss me, lets make up.

I better click the sarcasm button so you can't be mad at me.



two years, 10 months, 1 week ago, Bobknight's profile:

"I've rescinded your banishment to a warning. In the future please avoid hate speech and/or racist comments. This constitutes a single and final warning. Thanks."


You are a troll, or traul or troller or sometong with a stupid poopy pants opinion.

That is my opinion to have. Anyone on this site other than you can have whatever opinion of you as they seem fit, you can have an opinion but that would be a biased one to express.

I think you are just having a problem with it because of that status, but let it be known, he is a user, he has an opinion. Nothing wrong with having an opinion as long as you do it in a fairly respectable manner, pretty sure that has been explained here.

The fact you are making an issue out of it solidifies your panties are in a wad and are just picking at something inert and trying to make it flammable.

" You calling me a troll is wrong " is an opinion, what you express their is exactly what you are saying Dag should not have.

Although I do not give much hope to those that worship idols to understand circular logic and logic in itself.

LETS BE FRIENDS BOB! do you like to barbeque ?


you calling me a troll is wrong. It shows your bias.

Life is a lonely place without decent.


I'm not mad or pissed off at you comment , just thoughtfully responding to it.

whose society? You and I both live in the same society but have different points of view what is acceptable. So what gives anyone the right to make "their" point of view "more acceptable" than another? Why should the other point of view be drummed out of existence?

Just because I hold a different point of view on this site, it is viewed with more scrutiny and hence more likely to draw the wrong intentions of my thoughts then what my intentions were.

What I said above is not hate speech.


As a society we define things that are acceptable and that which are not. Hate speech is something that has a definition, we can refer to it and act accordingly.

I'm assuming that action will be forthcoming.


Well let me put it like I saw it.

You were "endorsing" a statement made by Lantern that was attacking someone on the basis of their sexual orientation or physical attributes. I think his statement was hateful, it wasn't the more horrible thing to say, but it was derisive and repugnant.

So no while you didn't say anything directly hateful, you defended something hateful.


I'm not mad or pissed off at you comment , just thoughtfully responding to it.

whose society? You and I both live in the same society but have different points of view what is acceptable. So what gives anyone the right to make "their" point of view "more acceptable" than another? Why should the other point of view be drummed out of existence?

Just because I hold a different point of view on this site, it is viewed with more scrutiny and hence more likely to draw the wrong intentions of my thoughts then what my intentions were.

What I said above is not hate speech.


Thanks you gave me the warm fuzzes.

You don't have to bans us. You all eventually will were us down to a nub with your crazy thoughts that we will just stop showing up like Quantum mushroom.

1 down 2 to go.

Once we leave you can have milk and cookies and celebrate. But do me a favor give @VoodooV the biggest cookie.


Yep. Damn proud of it too.

And for the record, I would prefer that @lantern53 and @bobknight33 not get banned. It's good to have their idiocy exposed to the masses.


christ, the amount of work I'd get done if I was banned from the sift.

Doesn't bear* thinking about....

bear! geddit, yogi??? ha! I'm fucking hilarious


Yeah I'd much more prefer that @ChaosEngine gets banned. Nothing he says isn't something I've already thought of so the constant redundancies are cunting annoying.


Oh jesus you're not QM? I totally forgot you were two different people!


Thanks you gave me the warm fuzzes.

You don't have to bans us. You all eventually will were us down to a nub with your crazy thoughts that we will just stop showing up like Quantum mushroom.

1 down 2 to go.

Once we leave you can have milk and cookies and celebrate. But do me a favor give @VoodooV the biggest cookie.


If your find the word Freak hateful that's being thin skinned.

If I just up-voted his comments then should we not be able to see who up or down votes so we can trash those who we disagree with?


Well let me put it like I saw it.

You were "endorsing" a statement made by Lantern that was attacking someone on the basis of their sexual orientation or physical attributes. I think his statement was hateful, it wasn't the more horrible thing to say, but it was derisive and repugnant.

So no while you didn't say anything directly hateful, you defended something hateful.


It's not the word itself but how it's used (like most words). The fact that you even say this makes me believe you are a troll... that or are just trying to justify someones hate.


If your find the word Freak hateful that's being thin skinned.

If I just up-voted his comments then should we not be able to see who up or down votes so we can trash those who we disagree with?


No, you didn't just call him a freak, you insinuated that he belonged in a freak show. Don't pretend you didn't mean what you said or don't understand the difference.

Aside from that its a pretty dehumanising. Runs off me like water off a duck's back, but then I'm straight, white and male. I've never been treated like a freak, I've never been made to feel like I was less than human. Try practicing a little empathy, I believe your Jesus was pretty hot on it.


These people call themselves 'queer', do they not? How is a man dressed as a woman with fake boobs, makeup etc, not a freak? If you said, hey baby, let's get freaky, would it be okay if they cross-dressed? What if you saw this dude at the next urinal, you wouldn't think it a bit strange?

What constitutes unacceptable behavior to you people? So far, it's just me calling him a 'freak'.


He's already in a freak show! lol

I think Jesus would have told him to do something else with his life. Otherwise, I would treat him just as I treat all human beings, with kindness. But don't ask me to embrace his lifestyle because when I'm squeezing a boob, it had better be a real one.


Nobody is asking you to fondle their breasts, real or not. When I last checked it was not a prerequisite to treating somebody with basic respect.


He's already in a freak show! lol

I think Jesus would have told him to do something else with his life. Otherwise, I would treat him just as I treat all human beings, with kindness. But don't ask me to embrace his lifestyle because when I'm squeezing a boob, it had better be a real one.


This is the problem with gay people. They can't just be gay. They have to dress up in a red codpiece and parade down 6th avenue, or dress up like a woman, or wear a studded collar, etc etc etc.
If they would just be gay, go to work, live their lives, then people would respect them.


But that would require him to take personal responsibility for his own actions...you know, what wingnuts "claim" to be all about.

He's just your run-of-the-mill hypocritical troll. Neither of these two add anything of value to the sift, as far as I can see.


No, you didn't just call him a freak, you insinuated that he belonged in a freak show. Don't pretend you didn't mean what you said or don't understand the difference.


likewise. be straight and STFU with your "agenda". freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences.

you're a textbook example of a bigot who is so self absorbed, they don't even realize that they fail their own "advice" The bigot can "speak out" but the homosexuals have to shut up and "suck it up"

take your own advice, suck it up. Your "opinion" continues to lose ground every day until it will be a footnote in history. right along with birthers and flat earthers.

they aren't looking for respect, especially yours, they're looking for equality

you were this close to getting banned, so learn or GTFO


This is the problem with gay people. They can't just be gay. They have to dress up in a red codpiece and parade down 6th avenue, or dress up like a woman, or wear a studded collar, etc etc etc.
If they would just be gay, go to work, live their lives, then people would respect them.

Yogijokingly says...

Why can't black people just go and be black? I mean why do the have to be out there sitting at the front of the bus, being drenched by fire hoses, and bothering the police and their dogs! Just go to work, stay in your own separate but equal bathrooms and drinking fountains and live your life, then maybe we'd respect them enough to give them equal rights!


This is the problem with gay people. They can't just be gay. They have to dress up in a red codpiece and parade down 6th avenue, or dress up like a woman, or wear a studded collar, etc etc etc.
If they would just be gay, go to work, live their lives, then people would respect them.


Oh, I didn't realize they were not looking for respect. Then why should I respect them? You have values, don't you? Do you respect everyone, regardless of their behavior?

Sorry, I can't respect people who act like circus clowns.


likewise. be straight and STFU with your "agenda". freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences.

you're a textbook example of a bigot who is so self absorbed, they don't even realize that they fail their own "advice" The bigot can "speak out" but the homosexuals have to shut up and "suck it up"

take your own advice, suck it up. Your "opinion" continues to lose ground every day until it will be a footnote in history. right along with birthers and flat earthers.

they aren't looking for respect, especially yours, they're looking for equality

you were this close to getting banned, so learn or GTFO


so don't get shocked and cry about oppression when people don't respect you.

it swings both ways. your selfish preferences do not trump others

again, you seem to be obsessed and pay attention to people you claim to not like. If only there was some way for you to....ignore them. It's almost as if you.....like it


Oh, I didn't realize they were not looking for respect. Then why should I respect them? You have values, don't you? Do you respect everyone, regardless of their behavior?

Sorry, I can't respect people who act like circus clowns.



jesus hung out with the prostitutes,the beggars,the sick and the broken.

basically the freaks.

you would not find him in your station house,nor having cocktails in the posh businessmans house but rather you would find him in the crack houses,the whore house and maybe sleeping on a park bench with the homeless.

you know...the people you arrest on a daily basis.

there is actually a reason why many gay folk are flambouyant,gregarious and do not fit into a societal norm that you may find comfortable.

the process in coming to terms with ones sexuality can be arduous and takes immense courage.it is an experience a heterosexual human never encounters...ever.

so while you may find their decisions and behavior abnormal,and it may even make you uncomfortable if too much in your face.you should respect the fact that they lives their lives with a freedom you could never match.

societal norms have you firmly shackled to the wall.
they are free.
and you ridicule something you have little understanding of,but at its heart...you envy.
and what you envy.....you ridicule.

these folks are not moved nor influenced by your (or others) opinion of how they live.
can you say the same?


Where did you get your degree in pseudopsychology?

But you seem to know a great deal about Jesus. You must be one of those Jesus freaks...not popular around here, so you might want to cool it.

The really cool ones are the atheists. Right next to them are the anarchists who love the gov't.

It's a mess!


you just went right over his head @enoch

all I know is that @lantern53 just can't stop talking or thinking about homosexuals. He can't seem control himself as he is apparently forced to comment on virtually every sift involving alternative sexuality.

such obsession....such devoted passion! Pulsing and throbbing with energy!

Something tells me the psychologists would have a field day with fabulous ole lantern here.


I love how the worst thing you can call me is the thing you are trying to defend.

Now where did that racism video go...I had a great point to make there...oh wait, I guess that means I want to secretly be a minority.



hahahhahah! that's hilarious that you think I'm attacking you by saying that you're in the closet.

I'm trying to help you. Nothing worse than denying who you are friend.

To give you an example. I don't like sifts of cute pets as I think they just cater to the "aww" factor. So guess what? I don't comment on those sifts...I don't vote on those sifts...I avoid those kinds of sifts. If I don't like something...I avoid it.

You on the other hand, seem to make a point of visiting virtually every sift involving things you hate. Blacks, Atheists, and especially homosexuals. You're on record as saying:

"I'm not afraid of homosexuals unless I'm in a prison where I can't defend myself from being raped by one."

which is really fucking oddball considering 1) how many people think about being in prison unless they've got a guilty conscience and 2) how many "supposedly straight" people think about being raped by homosexuals unless they're completely insecure.

you make a point of following a topic you claim to dislike, so I'm only observing your behavior and saying hrm...that's strange for someone who is always proclaiming how "normal" and how "not-minority" he is..

you doth protest too much sir. It's textbook projection

if you really dislike them so much....go away. It's a win win for all of us

or stay, and eventually be banned because it's only a matter of time before we catch you saying something racist or hateful again.

Seriously...think about your own actions for once instead of obsessing over what strangers do.


I love how the worst thing you can call me is the thing you are trying to defend.

Now where did that racism video go...I had a great point to make there...oh wait, I guess that means I want to secretly be a minority.



Also...red codpieces? again, you seem to be thinking about this stuff so much...such an imagination, not just any codpiece...a red one eh? so specific. Just what are you watching/doing in your spare time hrm?

keep on digging yourself deeper You keep revealing such juicy details every time you talk about something you supposedly hate.


This is the problem with gay people. They can't just be gay. They have to dress up in a red codpiece and parade down 6th avenue, or dress up like a woman, or wear a studded collar, etc etc etc.
If they would just be gay, go to work, live their lives, then people would respect them.


so, Socrates and Nietzsche walk into this tranny bar..


Also...red codpieces? again, you seem to be thinking about this stuff so much...such an imagination, not just any codpiece...a red one eh? so specific. Just what are you watching/doing in your spare time hrm?

keep on digging yourself deeper You keep revealing such juicy details every time you talk about something you supposedly hate.

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