I dare you not to find this mind-blowing!

bellaluz gutierrez danza
newtboyjokingly says...

Was there a message intended?....because what I got was 'A woman can do amazing things if she has a strong man to support and guide her, but without him she'll just stumble along until gravity overtakes her and brings her down.' ....I have a history of misunderstanding, though, so perhaps I'm taking it wrong.


I didn't read any gender message into it. Most dancing pairs are male/female, so I just see it as de-facto normal. I would be more likely to look for a message if they were the same sex or the woman was doing all the lifting moves. I really liked the limp body incorporated into it, very original.


I understood the message to be that women are nothing but a burden to men, and if only we could get them off our backs we could frolick and dance and really make a success of our one man shows.


Was there a message intended?....because what I got was 'A woman can do amazing things if she has a strong man to support and guide her, but without him she'll just stumble along until gravity overtakes her and brings her down.' ....I have a history of misunderstanding, though, so perhaps I'm taking it wrong.


Admittedly, i don't watch this type of video often, but it the twist of the ragdoll is interesting and it must take a great deal of skill, concentration, and body control. Kudos.

To be honest, this video made my heart unexpectedly ache so intensely that I had to take a walk after watching it and then sit in a quiet corner for some self reflection time. After an uncertain amount of time and 2 cups of tea, I realized what memory string this was plucking. Suddenly the magnitude of this emotional disturbance made sense. This wasn't a single thread, but something that spanned across years of my life. This girl reminds me of an exgirlfriend from long ago. She loved theater and did events part time. We were deeply in love and I thought we would be married, but life often doesn't fit in with unsought expectations. Often we are told to chase our dreams; however, this, for me, was only told to me in relation to what job or career I went into. I guess that I'm slow or just never thought about applying this advice to life as a whole. Well, regrets are a waste of time, but it nice to revisit the memories. Thank you for the sift. If I might beg your indulgence, I did do have one picture that was snapped of us in an unrelated news story. Unfortunately, it's the only photo left as I lost all of mine. Here is Bella and I getting a drink at the local bar.


I'm also begging for replacing this video. I found it about one week ago, but it just dissapeared and I'm searching in the whole internet to find it... It was literally amazing - first dance video which affected me that much.


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I find all the sexist comments unbelievable. I guess some folks have issues with their self-identity even into adulthood.

These are two beautiful dancers with great strength, agility and creativity. I have two daughters who were in classical ballet for 9 years and we all enjoy this amazing dance. Between my oohs and aahs of the many startling movements, I laughed and laughed.

This video is about a dance, not you.--Gloria


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